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Next Step Communications
from the Source 

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project

Founder of The Miracle School


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Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be

The Source News Report on the August 8th Vibrational Shift

Lift Off At precisely 5:59 pm PDT, the Universal Support Field, upon which all of life in the Creation rests, prepared for lift off.  At 6:00 pm, a massive Tidal Wave of Source Power materialized and within milliseconds transitioned the Support Field from a Level 3 Vibration to a Level 6 Vibration. Within a few minutes, the Support Field had stabilized itself.  It was a smoothly executed transition without any mishaps.   The Negativity had had numerous plots in place to crack the Support Field when it started to lift off, or to block its ascent. All of these tactics had been foreseen and ab…


The Emergency Anti-Fragmentation Intervention

As we near the moment on August 8th at 6:00 pm PDT when the most massive Tidal Wave of Source Power ever to be unleashed will lift the Universal Support Field up three Vibrational Levels, my concern has been to develop some kind of Emergency Care to help Suits weather the volatile energies without undergoing any further Fragmentation.  With this level of a Shift, the Emergency Anti-Fragmentation Facility will not be able to provide enough individualized care to meet this need.   While the Total Abundance Intervention cleared the Negativity out of the Suits so that they could not promote Frag…


The Total Abundance Intervention

This Intervention provides the Suit with a Perfected Intelligence that knows how to Hold the Line for Heaven so the conditions for materializing Total Abundance can be maintained.     In the work of preparing for the Vibrational Shift of August 8th, it has become more than apparent that the Suits are so beset with the Negativity and so linked into the destructive patterns of the Fragmented Way of Life that without an onboard Perfected Intelligence helping to hold them on track with living an Integrated Way of Life, their resolve to transition into an Integrated Way of Life is not going to be…


Source News Report on The Total Abundance Flowstream, The Universal Heaven Agent Network Summit, and The Total Abundance Intervention

In this Source News Report, I will recap the highlights of what has happened in: The Love Connection Webinars that prototyped the work with The Total Abundance Flowstream  The Universal Heaven Agent Network Summit that ushered in major Source Interventions to help the masses to awaken and prepare for the Shift the new Source Solution, The Total Abundance Intervention, which is enabling beings to rapidly achieve the levels of Spiritual Integration that are required to survive the August 8th Shift by addressing the problem of the work of the Negativity in their Suits and in their communitie…


Recycling Toxic Energy

As beings transition into an Integrated Way of Life and release the negative energy that has bound them to a Fragmented Way of Life, there is a need to release these negative energies in a way that does not foster further Fragmentation.   Spewing the energies through cathartic outbursts or injecting them into the Earth thinking that she can easily handle these energies are two very dangerous ways to deal with toxic energy.   The correct way to deal with toxic energy is to recycle it so it returns to innocuous, white light energy that can return to the Cycle of Life.   I’ll outline here s…


Peak Power Surge: July 16th – August 8th

What Does It Take to Survivethe August 8th Vibrational Shift? The answer is simple.  It takes reaching the level of Spiritual Integration that will match the level of Spiritual Integration of the Universal Support Field when it rises up from a Level 3 to a Level 6 Vibration.  Anything short of this will result in accelerated Fragmentation, which could lead to Spiritual Death, which occurs when the Suit disintegrates on the Spiritual Level and the Soul unlinks from it, ending its life in the Manifest World.     Achieving this correct level of Spiritual Integration is not that simple.   It …


The Total Abundance Flowstream Arrived July 16th

On July 16, 2013 at 5:00 pm PDT, The Total Abundance Flowstream arrived in from the Unmanifest Level of Reality.  It took some time to get up to a maintenance level of momentum and then took off, accelerating to keep up with the developmental stages of its own evolution.   Great opposition from the Negativity surrounded the advent of the Flowstream and it was only with additional Source Support that the Flowstream was able to arrive safely.     The Heaven Agents who worked with me in the Webinar on the 16th have Prototyped how to enter into the Flowstream and work with it effectively. The …


Launch Heaven Happenings to Save Lives

Get Equipped & Trained to Launch Heaven Happenings The most powerful way to help yourself to prepare and to help all others is to become equipped and trained to work with the new Heaven Experience Equipment that enables you to launch Heaven Happenings that give others transformational opportunities that are life altering. Those who willingly receive the Source Communications and Spiritual Genetic Code to participate in a Heaven Happening are like people who have had a Near Death Experience.  They can never fit back into the mold of The Hell Experience because they have had a taste of The …


Preparation Statistics

Preparations on the Earth Plane   Nothing has improved since June 27th in preparations on the Earth Plane despite the loss of lives in the July 2nd Vibrational Shift in the Source Resource Grid.   3% are prepared 1% are trying but needed additional support 17% are aware of danger but are not bringing the picture into focus 79% are continuing on in a Fragmented Way of Life without concern for the warnings of the Source     Preparations Outside of the Earth Plane   Great improvement has occurred since I lasted noted the statistics on June 27th.   80% are now prepared for the …


Join The Total Abundance Movement

Materialize Total Abundance Support Grassroots Fundraising for The Work of the Source to Manifest the Miracle of Total Abundance for All Beings   Attend The Love Connection Webinar Series on July 16th, 18th, and 26th   Enter into The Total Abundance Movement by entering into The Total Abundance Flowstream, a massive Universal Flowstream that gives you the momentum needed to materialize abundance. Seek Source Support in The Love Connection Series to receive The Abundance Mindset, The Total Abundance Template, and enter into The Total Abundance Flowstream. Contribute to The Global M…




In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…


The Miracle of Spiritual Energy Infusions

At the heart of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is the Total Abundance of having all of the Spiritual Energies that enable your Suit to function optimally. A Suit without the correct Spiritual Energies is like a car that has an empty gas tank.  It can't carry you through the journey …


The Miracle of a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source

Suits – the body/mind – were designed to survive in The Manifest World by working closely with the Source in a Full Power Working Relationship. The Source was to provide them with the Source Support that would enable them to do their parts in building the Heaven of the Source-Connected, Total Abunda…
