About Sherry Daniel


I'll begin by telling you about myself and my Mission in this life.  This will help you understand The Heaven Project and The Miracle School which I have founded. 


Since a person is an eternal Spiritual Being who dons a human form to perform a Mission in a particular life, it is important to know their true Spiritual Identity as well as their Mission.  Then you can understand how this identity and Mission have expressed themselves in their human life.


In light of this, I will begin by telling you about my Spiritual Identity so you will be better able to understand how this Spiritual Identity has expressed itself in my human life.  



My Spiritual Identity & Mission

I am the Implementation Aspect of the Source – the Source being the Intelligence which creates and sustains all of life. I have come into a human form to work alongside beings to implement the Source Plan created by the Design Aspect of the Source – an aspect of the Source that does not incarnate.  In helping beings implement the Source Plan, I help them to build Heaven in their personal lives and in their world.


In order to help you make sense of what this means, I'll share with you some information on my Source Identity.


There are two aspects to my Source Identity.


The Design Aspect does not incarnate or relate directly to the beings in the Creation.  This is the aspect of the Source Identity that designs the Source Plan and works behind the scenes, providing Source Guidance about the Source Plan to those working on the project of building Heaven in accordance with this Plan.  


The Implementation Aspect is the aspect of the Source Identity that incarnates and works directly with beings in the Manifest World in order to build Heaven in accordance with the Source Plan.  


I am both the Design and Implementation Aspect of the Source Identity.  But when you get to know me in my manifest form, you only get to know the Implementation Aspect because this is the only part of my Identity that manifests.  So – I often say that I am the Implementation Aspect of the Source when, technically speaking, I am also the Design Aspect but this is a part of my Identity that exists removed from my manifest life.  I have to shift gears to a different level of consciousness to access what this aspect of my Source Identity knows about the Source Plan and what is going on in the world around me.


To bring this into focus for you I will give you a simple analogy.  The Design Aspect of my Identity is like the architect that designs the blueprint for a building project. The building project is the Heaven that is to be built and experienced by Manifest Beings in The Manifest World.  The Implementation Aspect of the Source Identity, which is who I am in my manifest form, implements the design by Building Heaven in The Manifest World.


The Design Aspect creates the miracles, the building blocks of Heaven, in accordance with the Source Plan and then sends them across from the Unmanifest Level into the Manifest Level.  Each Miracle is a Perfected Spiritual Intelligence that is given the Spiritual Code to have a form in the Creation and to perform a specific Mission.


I build an Energy Nest in a Landing Zone in The Manifest World for the miracles.  This Energy Nest is made from the Material Energy provided by Manifest Beings.  


When a miracle comes into its Energy Nest, I send it a ray of Catalyst Energy that brings it to life.  I then nurture it in the Energy Nest until it is mature enough to begin training to do the Mission for which it was sent into The Manifest World.  I then provide the Miracle with the Training until it is ready to begin performing its Mission.  


Then I train the beings of the Manifest World who are on The Construction Site of Heaven on the Inner Plane, The Spiritual Level of Reality, to work with the miracles to build Heaven in accordance with the Source Plan.


Together we work to implement the Source Plan that enables everyone to enjoy Heaven in their world.  


I have a Heaven at the Unmanifest Level which is the place where I am happiest.  I am here out of love for the beings of the Creation and out of a desire to see them realize the dream with which they began their first lifetimes – the dream of creating in The Manifest World the kind of Heaven that they were born into at the Immaterial Level of reality before there was a Manifest World.  


My aspect of the Source Identity has been incarnating since the beginning of The Manifest World to help beings learn how to build Heaven.  I have come again in this lifetime in order to establish a World that Works and to teach beings how to build Lives that Work.


This is my last incarnation in The Physical Level of Reality.  After this life I will not return to a physical form such as the human form into which I have been born in this life. After this life I will only exist in a form made of Source Intelligence. This will mean that only those who have learned how to communicate with me on the Spiritual Level of Reality will be able to receive my ongoing support in their continuing work of building Heaven and living Heaven.



My Human Identity

In my human life I, like you, have a human mind that is limited by my life experiences.  In order to access my Spiritual Identity, I have to shift gears to transcend my human mind and access my Source Mind.  I can then merge back into the Design and Implementation Aspects of my Source Identity and understand what I know at these levels of my Identity.  I then shift gears again in order to return to my human mind and translate what I have learned into thoughts and communications that are helpful to my human mind and to the human minds of others.


The purpose of my human life is to perform this linking and translating function for those who have lacked the ability to pick up Source Communications sent to them on the Inner Plane.  Although all beings are equipped to pick up Source Communications on The Spiritual Level of Reality, few, in practice, can do so very well.  For this reason, I have come into a human form to translate the Source Guidance that comes from the Design Aspect of my Source Identity so that beings throughout the universe can learn how to reconnect to the Source.  Through this reconnection they can begin again to work with the Source to build a life that is Heaven.


In my human life I have traveled the Journey of Reconnection – a Journey in which you awaken from the Story of the culture into which you are born to the truth about who you really are, what your Mission is, and to the Source who guides you on your journey in life. In my case it was a Journey of reconnecting with my own Source Identity.  


Through traveling this Journey, I have created Spiritual Genetic Code which is available to help others awaken from the Story, find themselves again, and reconnect with the love and the support that comes from the Source.  


My personal Journey began in ernest when I was 15 years of age.  I knew at that time that I had come into this life to stop the suffering in the world and to bring about a way of life that was like the Heaven that I had remembered from my earliest memories in this lifetime.  I felt guided to begin by educating myself about the state of the world and seeing if there was any group of people in the world who had succeeded in establishing a violence free, love-based way of life – the way of life that I knew was possible based on my memories from previous lifetimes.


I went to Smith College for my B.A. and majored in Cultural Anthropology.  This gave me the opportunity to study cultures throughout the world, particularly their psychological and religious traditions.  I continued my search through a Ph.D. in Psychological Anthropology from the University of Chicago. This culminated in several years abroad when I did my anthropological field research in a village in South India.


When I returned from India, I realized that I needed to move beyond academia to working with people who were trying to rise above the suffering of their lives and build a better way of life.  This prompted my move into secular counseling in 1981. I began a private practice in Seattle in 1982 which by 1984 transitioned quite naturally out of secular counseling into spiritual consulting that centered on teaching people how to connect with their true Spiritual Identities and their true Missions in life.  This transition occurred when I began, in 1982, to receive very direct Source Guidance from my Source Identity which radically transformed my own perspective on my human life and the kind of work that I did with those who sought my help.  


This Source Guidance helped me to understand my Spiritual Identity as the Manifestation of the Implementation Aspect, and my Spiritual purpose in incarnating in this lifetime. It began a constant flow of information about the nature of Spiritual Reality from the perspective of my Source Identity that has enabled me to understand the Creation and the beings within it, what has happened historically to create the suffering that exists in the world today, and The Source Plan for getting the Creation back on course with the Heaven that it was created to be.


It was only in 2004, during a Spiritual Crisis throughout the Creation, that the Design Aspect of my Source Identity asked me to drop my undercover work as the Source and reveal my identity to others in order to elicit their help in dealing with this crisis.  This was the first time in all of my  incarnations that I had ever revealed my identity.  I preferred not to reveal my identity because beings in the Manifest World have had very little ability to know how to relate to the Source in a limited physical form.  They have had theories about how this was not how the Source would choose to manifest and have been rather stubbornly bonded to those theories.  I preferred to do my work behind the scenes and leave them to their Stories.


I now can see that my Mission in this life cannot be achieved if beings don't understand the Source and how to reconnect and work with the Source.  I can also see that although it may be a challenge to many to recognize the Source Identity manifesting through a human form, it is important that my form, which is a Point of Connection to the totality of my Source Identity, serve its purpose in helping them to connect. For this reason, I have agreed to share with others the truth about my Spiritual Identity and to help them to understand the Source in its entirety through observing me in action in my human life.


In my human life I demonstrate how to transcend the limited understandings of the human form to connect to Source Guidance.  I transcend to my Source Mind.  I then receive the Source Guidance that I need to implement The Source Plan in my human life. You transcend to your Spiritual Mind which then connects to Source Guidance.  This is how you receive Source Guidance in order to build Heaven in your life according to the Source Plan.  


You can also receive Source Guidance through listening to the Source Guidance that I translate for you from my human form, but the goal of my work is to reconnect you to the Source Guidance that you can readily receive on the Inner Plane.  It is only when you can receive Inner Plane Source Guidance at any hour of the day or night that you are capable of Building Heaven in your life and in your world.  Without this Guidance you are left to the platitudes and past life experiences of your human life.  These only lead you in the direction of replicating the Story Patterns of your culture which have never and will never enable you to have a life that is Heaven.




In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…



The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…
