March 19th, 2013

The Intuitive Link

Filed in Source Reflections

Four out of every five children being born today have a very strong Intuitive Link to the Source that enables them to be conscious of the presence of the Source in their lives from day one.  These Intuitive Links can’t be broken by any negative life experiences or socialization practices.


Ten years ago only one in every five children was born with this kind of Intuitive Link.  It was so fragile that most of the Links were destroyed by the Negativity working through the socialization process by age 10.  


Twenty years ago, hardly anyone on the planet was born with this kind of Intuitive Link to the Source.  One in 200,000 people had a partial Link.  This was generally broken by age 9.


The new kind of Intuitive Link is an off shoot of Miracle Link Technology.  It is giving humans the capacity to retain their awareness of the Spiritual Level of Reality, of the Source, and through their communications with the Source, to retain an understanding of their own Spiritual Identity that transcends their social identity in this life.  


Rather than relying on socialization to help a child born into the world to remember the Source and remember their true Spiritual Identity as the Soul, this Intuitive Link is sustaining this connection.  A child will then not be shaped only by society but will live in the Light of the Source and will be raised by the Source to remember the Love that is at the heart of life and the purpose for which they came into their life.



The Next Step

Children who have Intuitive Links should be supported by the Community to develop their Source-Given Understandings of life since these will be persistent and important to them throughout their lives.


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