The Perfect Health Frequency Generator

A Miracle-Based Source Solution
Source-Directed Activists



Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. - Founder of The Miracle School

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School


This is the place where you can come to learn about The Perfect Health Frequency Generator and The Perfect Health Frequency Generator  Campaign.  For further information you can reference The Resource Directory below.




The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Directory


About Miracle-Based Source Solutions

The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be. 


These Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.  


Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build an abundant, Love-Based World in which all beings can have The Heaven Experience, the experience of quintessential happiness and fulfillment. 


For a full understanding of The Work of the Source to lay the foundation for The Heaven Experience, you can sign up for Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source and with the Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials and emailed Source News Updates that enable you to get started seeing the Vision and working alongside the Source to make it a reality.

The Perfect Health Frequency Generator in Focus 


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The Perfect Health Frequency Generator

The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Overview

How to Request The Perfect Health Frequency Generator 

The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Campaign  


Additional Resources

The Source Solution Hub – The Directory for All Source Solution Miracles

The Build Heaven Project

The Gifted Introductory Total Abundance Training




Keep Abreast of the News on Source Solution Miracles and Source-Directed Activism Projects

Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.




 The Perfect Health Frequency Generator

The Perfect Health Frequency Generator is an Inner Plane Miracle Tool that works to produce the Perfect Health Frequencies that manifest the Perfect Health of The Global Community. The Perfect Health of the Community manifests when a Love-Based Community works together to manifest Total Abundance for every member of the Community. This Total Abundance includes Perfect Health for everyone on mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and environmental levels.


It differs from The Perfect Health Frequency Complex that is given to the Suit.  The Generator sends out Perfect Health Frequencies that are meant to build the context for Perfect Health in The Global Community, not within an individual Suit.


The Generator produces two kinds of Perfect Health Frequencies:

  1. Defense and Protection Perfect Health Frequencies destroy Negative Frequencies working to manifest ill health in The Global Community.
  2. Building Block Perfect Health Frequencies build the Heaven of different aspects of Perfect Health for The Global Community. 


The Perfect Health Frequency Activator

The Activator Disc is a Miracle Linked purple metal disc that sends a signal to The Perfect Health Frequency Generator when it is held between the thumb and other fingers of the right hand. When the Generator receives the signal it starts generating the Perfect Health Frequencies that both counteract any Negative Frequencies in a physical area and establish the conditions for Perfect Health in the area. 


Working with the Generator to Counter Covid 

The Perfect Health Generator is a very powerful Miracle Tool when used to counteract Covid.  Covid Frequencies exist wherever the Covid virus exists. A Heaven Agent can hold the Activator Disc and ask to destroy The Covid Frequency in a certain area and replace it with Perfect Health Frequencies.  In this way they clean up their home, office, neighborhood, and any physical area.  It has a range of a 100 miles.  It will not clean the entire 100 mile area, but will clean whatever area is in focus or in need of being cleaned within a 100 mile radius.


While this doesn’t stop Covid from entering the bodies of people in the area on a physical level, it will terminate the power of The Covid Frequency on surfaces outside of the bodies of people. The Generator is not designed to take the place of disinfecting surfaces but it is an energy cleansing that helps to reduce the vitality of The Covid Frequency wherever the virus may be existing outside of a human host.


Through bringing in the Frequencies that promote Perfect Health it creates the conditions in which people will find it easier to be careful with their lives and take precautions and where the energies of life that promote vitality and regeneration will abound rather than the energies of Death and Destruction that damage the Suit’s ability to ward off or recover from an attack.


To terminate a Covid Frequency entirely requires a Blue White Light Intervention which is best used on Covid Frequencies once they have infiltrated the body. The Perfect Health Frequency Generator promotes a context outside of the body that is conducive to Perfect Health for everyone in an area.  


Working with the Generator to Build a Disease Free World

The Activator can be used to send out a wide array of Perfect Health Frequencies, some of which are designed to eliminate the Negative Frequencies that breed the diseases of the mind and spirit which result in violence, greed, hatred, exploitation, war, crime, abuse, and the like.

Using the Activator and asking it to send whatever Perfect Health Frequency is most needed into a region will send forth a variety of different Frequencies that are needed to build a Love-Based Community that works together to build Total Abundance for all of its members.  Perfect Health is only possible in such a community.

The Perfect Health Frequency Generator is an important Miracle Tool for the Tool Kit of every Source-Directed Activist.


To request The Perfect Health Frequency Generator, you can go to the Request section below.




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The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Overview

The Perfect Health Frequency Generator was created to:

  • eliminate Negative Frequencies in a geographical ares of a 100 mile radius. These Negative Frequencies promote diseases and social interaction patterns that serve up damaged Suits to the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.  
  • generate Perfect Health Frequencies to replace the Negative Frequencies.These Perfect Health Frequencies promote the conditions for Perfect Health in the area. The Frequencies help to establish the Total Abundance that is the basis for the Perfect Health of the community.
Source-Directed Activists using their Activation Discs send signals to The Perfect Health Frequency Generator which then does its work to promote the conditions for Perfect Health in the area.
This work breaks down The Covid Frequency existing in the environment, weakening its ability to attack the Frequency Complex of the body if it gains entry. This is an important preventative measure for reducing the first line attack of Covid which is a Frequency Attack on the Energy Field of those residing in an area.


This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a Perfect Health Miracle Tool.


It provides you with an opportunity to Become Love in Action supporting Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism.

How to Request The Perfect Health Frequency Generator

What Is a Correct Exchange

For those who are new to working with the Source, the key concept in connecting to a Source-Created Miracle is providing the Material Energy that is required to bring the miracle to the level of Spiritual Materiality where it is needed.  


No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle which is freely given by the Source.  The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one.


The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded.  The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being for whom it is intended.


Beings were created to generate the Material Energy that is needed to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source.  Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy and have sustained Suit Damage that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange.  The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.


A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided here for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.




Giving the gift of a Perfect Health Frequency Generator to yourself and others is how you help to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance on the Earth. 




How to Make the Request


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of The Perfect Health Frequency Generator is US $1200.  This includes the Miracle Link for The Perfect Health Activator Disc.  


It does not include the disc.  To order a disc you can go to and enter: Aluminum Tags - Circle Anodized 1-1/2 inch - Pk/10 (Purple)


If you can't find these on your version of, you can look for an aluminum tag about 1.5 inches in diameter in preferably a blue or purple color.  You can also google - anodized aluminum discs 1 1/2 inch.


These particular discs come in a packet of 10.  I could not find them sold individually.  You only need one.  I would put the others in a safe place because I may use these kind of discs for other kinds of Miracle Tools in the future.  I can only put the Miracle Link for The Perfect Health Activator on one of the discs.


When you have provided the Material Energy for this Miracle Tool and procured a disc, you can put the disc on a table and ask me on the Inner Plane to link the Miracle to it that transforms it into an Activator Disc for The Perfect Health Generator.  I will hear you on the Inner Plane and send through the Miracle Link.


Once the disc has been transformed into The Perfect Health Activator Disc, it can be put on a necklace or keychain.  The point is to make it always accessible to you as you will need to use the disc whenever you feel that you are entering a potentially Covid infected zone or are in an interaction with others who are not wearing masks to protect you from any viruses that they might be carrying.


Remember to also protect yourself with a mask and social distancing as the Generator is combatting the Spiritual Frequency of Covid and is not protecting you directly from its physical ability to invade your body.


You will also want to have the Disc accessible to activate the Generator to send out other kinds of Perfect Health Frequencies that help the community to move toward Perfect Health.


How to Request The Perfect Health Frequency Generator for Yourself 

If you would like The Perfect Health Frequency Generator for yourself, then you can access the link provided below.  I don't recommend this for a gift to others since it requires understanding in the Conscious Range about how to work with this kind of a Miracle Tool.


If you would like The Perfect Health Frequency Generator but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver The Perfect Health Frequency Generator to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time.  (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)





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The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Campaign


Contribute to
The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Campaign


The battle to defeat Covid worldwide needs to be waged on both the Spiritual Level and the Physical Level. There are many Source-Directed Activists who would gladly join in the battle by activating The Perfect Health Frequency Generator but lack the ability to provide the Material Energy needed to ground this Miracle.  


It is up to the Source-Directed Activists who have the means to produce Material Energy to help those who are willing to help but need support in providing the Material Energy that is needed.


While generating Material Energy through an Energy Exchange will help, providing a Financial Exchange will help to get the word out about how to work with this Miracle Tool to build the context for Perfect Health in The Global Community.


To learn more about how to contribute through a Financial Exchange, you can reference the information provided in the section below.




How to Contribute

To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed. 



Contribute to The World that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to The Perfect Health Frequency Generator Campaign for The Total Abundance Movement.


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How to Stay Abreast of the News on
Source Solution Miracles and
Source-Directed Activism Projects

Sign Up to Receive News Updates & Access to
Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials  

Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist. 


Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.


When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:

  • Information on new Source Solution Miracles such as Miracle Tools and Source Interventions that are being created through the work on Source-Directed Activism Projects
  • Information on Source-Directed Activism Projects – through emailed Source News UpdatesThese Projects provide Miracle-Based Source Solutions for the problems that you face individually and the problems that are faced by the Global and Universal Community
  • Audios and Videos from Next Step Communications from the Source that provide you with the Source Perspective on the history of the Creation, on the state of the world, and on the Source Plan for stopping the suffering and manifesting a Life that is Heaven for all beings
  • Heaven Agents in Action Broadcasts that give you an opportunity to observe Heaven Agents working with the Source on Source-Directed Projects
  • Journey of Discovery audios, videos, articles, Miracle Tools, and Miracle Recordings that provide you with an experiential understanding of how the 14 Prototype Communities achieved a Miracle-Based Way of Life that, to this day, provides them with Total Abundance, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and Perfect Health
  • Emailed Source News Updates on The Work of the Source that keep you abreast of the Source-Directed Spiritual Activism that is making it possible for you and all others to have a chance to have a Life that is Heaven - Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible for you

The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training.  It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. 


Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.  

Be on the lookout for this email which should arrive within a few days. 


Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.   


I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.


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