The Source Perspective on Covid-19
Part Four



The Source Solution to the Covid Attack

The response to a threat of this magnitude needs to be both Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Source-Directed Social Activism.



The Work of the Source 

The Source is working to uncover the strategy of the Negativity and bring in miracles that can stop the atrocities that they are perpetrating and help beings to recover. My Direct Source Work helps to land the miracles that are then deployed to counter the Negativity.


This is work that only the Source can do given the complexity of The Covid Attack and the fact that the Negativity has extensive defenses in place to protect their operation.


My work involves both Spiritual Activism and Social Activism.  


My Spiritual Activism

My Spiritual Activism is generally behinds the scenes. It takes the form of researching the activities of the Negativity and working with my Source Identity to counter them.  Two kinds of miracles are brought in as the result of this work.


Universal Miracles

Universal miracles such as The Frequency Disc and The Perfect Health Frequency Complex are miracles that are gifted to all beings throughout the Creation who wish to become sustainable.  They do not require Material Energy to ground because they are created beyond Time and Space and are made from a kind of Manifestation Energy that doesn't ground but works from another level to help beings in The Manifest World.


Source Support Miracles for Source-Directed Activists

While these Universal Miracles have established the essential foundation for Perfect Health for individuals and communities, in the life and death crisis created by The Covid Attack, it is also necessary for Source-Directed Activists to work with faster activating forms of Source Support such as The Blue White Light Intervention and The Perfect Health Field Intervention and The Emergency Life Support SystemThe Restorer, and other Source Support Miracles. These forms of Source Support accelerate the power coming in to defeat Covid in time to save a life.


The Perfect Health Frequency Complex takes several years to get set up and to block Covid in its entirety. While it will eventually create a Disease Free World, it takes time  to become a powerful deterrent for disease.  It works by triggering  the Spiritual Frequencies that prompt the work of Source-Directed Activists to build the Heaven of Total Abundance that is the foundation for Perfect Health.


It is important to understand that how fast the changes made at the Spiritual Level, through working with different forms of Source Support, translate into healing on the Physical Level depends in part on the strength of your Source Connection.


If you have a very strong Source Connection, all of the physical manifestations of Covid can be dematerialized by a Blue White Light Intervention on both spiritual and physical levels in a matter of milliseconds leaving the body in a radiant, totally healed state. 


If you have an average Source Connection then the Intervention can help your body to accelerate recovery.


If you have a minimal Source Connection, then the battle for life will be difficult and a successful outcome is much harder to achieve.


On a 1 - 10 scale, someone with a Minimal Source Connection is in the 1 - 4 range.  An Average Source Connection is 4 - 6.  A Strong Source Connection is 7 - 10.  Only at a 10 do you get an instantaneous recovery.


Source Support Miracles are designed to provide additional power to compensate for a Source Connection that is less than a 10.  They work best with those who avail themselves of The Right Action Disc which helps the Suit to do its part even in conditions in which the Suit is in a drug induced coma in a ventilator.  The Right Action Disc also teams up with other Discs to ward off attack and help the Suit to survive even in the most adverse circumstances.


No Suit that is totally passive or unreceptive to Source Support can work effectively with Source Support Miracles.  These are designed to equip a Source-Directed Activist with what is needed to fight The Covid Attack and win. 


My Social Activism

My Social Activism involves sending out Source Communications on the Inner and Outer Planes to The Global Community that alert them to the danger posed by the Negativity and to the availability of Source Support to help them cope with the crisis created by the Negativity. I  work with those who come forward to support The Work of the Source on the Inner and Outer Planes to learn how to engage in Source-Directed Activism to counter the Negativity and work with the Source Support Miracles that enable them to heal and build toward a Disease Free Reality. 


I work with people who approach me on the Inner Plane through The Soul Talk Network as well as those who approach me on the Outer Plane through this website or through other points of connection.


I provide a Gifted Countering Covid Assessment to help Source-Directed Activists know what Source Support Miracles are most needed and how to balance the Correct Exchange for the amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the Source Support Miracles. 



The Nature of Source-Directed Spiritual Healing

It is important to note that no Spiritual Healing method created by the Source is designed to substitute for medical care and neither is it designed to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical illness or injury. The diagnosis of the Source is of the Spiritual Level and the spiritual forces that manifest diseases and affect recovery.


While curing the Spiritual Level will affect the Physical Level, both levels need to be given close attention. This is why it is important that the best medical practices available be called upon along with Source-Directed Spiritual Healing since few people have the strong Source Connection that enables Spiritual Healing to effect an instantaneous healing at the Physical Level.



The Work of
Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists 

There is an urgent need for Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists to work with The Action Plan for countering The Covid Attack. This Action Plan enables Source-Directed Activists to contribute their efforts to stopping the damaging Inner and Outer Plane attack and to helping Suits that have been damaged to repair the damage. 


For example, the work of rebuilding a damaged Suit can be accelerated by providing The Blue White Light Intervention.  


The Blue White Light Intervention is just one example of the kind of help that Suits need.  The Action Plan outlines the kinds of Source Support that are now available.  Other forms of Source Support are being added as new miracles come in to address different parts of the prevention and recovery process.



Building a Disease Free World

The most important part of the work on this Project is laying the foundation for a world in which there is no disease and all beings enjoy Perfect Health. This kind of life has been achieved by the 14 Prototype Communities and can be achieved by all beings at this point in The Transition.


The 14 Prototype Communities learned from the Source how to Hold the Line against the Negativity and work with the Source to build the Total Abundance that is the foundation for Perfect Health.


Those working on this Project as well as on the other Build Heaven Projects will be following in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities which the Source founded many thousands of years ago, in different parts of the Creation.  These Prototype Communities are an inspiration for everyone working to counter the devastation created by the Negativity on the Earth. Their example illustrates how effectively identifying the cause of disease and working collectively against its perpetrator, the Negativity, can result in a Disease Free World.  It can also result in a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own rather than in the conflict-based communities that war with one another on the Earth.


For those new to this work, I would suggest signing up for Connecting, to obtain access to the Gifted Spiritual Activism Training Materials that help you to understand The Work of the Source historically and keep you abreast of current developments.  The video trainings give you an in-depth understanding of The Source Perspective and enable you to understand The Work of the Source on the Covid Crisis in the context of the larger actions being taken by the Source universally during this time of The Transition.


To learn about The Action Plan you can go to The Countering Covid Project.


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