Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

The Source Perspective Project


Actions to Take
Implement the 8 Action Plans for Achieving a
10.10 Interaction with the Source



September 6, 2017


The 10.10 Interaction 

In order to achieve The 10.10 Standard, it is necessary to uphold a 10.10 Interaction with the Source in your thoughts, words, and actions in every moment of your life.


There is no moment when what you think and do is not a direct interaction with the Source who is sustaining your life in that moment.  Whether you are thinking through something in a quiet moment by yourself or interacting with someone or running an errand or completing a task at school or work, the Source is there making it possible for your Suit to take its next breath and live to carry out its Mission of the Moment.


If your Suit is misusing the Source Support given for it to carry out its Mission to support The Source Plan to build Heaven in your life and world to carry out Story Missions that support your Personal and Cultural Stories that have created The World of Suffering, then you are denigrating The Gift of Life and your interaction with the Source will fall below the 10.0.1 that is required to survive the September 10th Transition.


Suits that try to take from the Source without giving back to support The Total Abundance Support System that enables their life and all of Life to become sustainable, will become too dense to retain their place in The Substratum that sustains their Spiritual Life and in The Network of Intelligence that sustains their Physical Life.  


This will mean that they will fall out of The Substratum into Spiritual Death when their Soul leaves their Suit and their Source Connection is eternally severed. Their onboard Source Intelligence leaves the Suit and the Suit is no longer supplied with the Life Energies that sustain the Physical Body.  When the Suit also falls out of The Network of Intelligence that enables it to process whatever Life Energy Reserves it may have, the decline into premature physical death is greatly accelerated.  


The organic Suit remains intelligent and viable because of the support of the Physical Energy Body which runs on Life Energies.  Without Life Energies, the Physical Body will be unable to retain the Spiritual Intelligence that enables the cells of the body to continue to function at sustainable levels.


After The 10.10 Standard was established in June, most beings were willing to start working to attain a 10.10 Interaction, which is the highest level interaction.  Most were able to interact with the Source at a 10.0 and, therefore, retain their place in The Network of Intelligence.

While the transition from a 10.0 Interaction to a 10.0.1 Interaction may seem like an incremental increase that would be easy to achieve, most beings have not been able to achieve it and we are within days of the September Transition. The reason that this is such a challenging Standard to meet is because this is the Turning Point in the history of the Creation when beings must release from Core Self Interest and transition into a Core Love Connection with the Source and then build on this Love Connection to the 10.0.1 level. This requires that they let go of their arsenal of weapons and defense strategies that they have cultivated while living The Hell Experience in the dog-eat-dog world that they have created in The Manifest World.


Heaven Phase Interventions

I have brought through numerous Heaven Phase Interventions to help beings to transition into a Core Love Connection with the Source and understand what they need to let go of in order to attain this Standard. Beings are still resisting change, however, because they believe that the Hell Tactics that they have developed are necessary to survive in The Hell Reality that they have created.  


Massive loss of life is the likely outcome in the upcoming Transition if they do not decide to deal with the changing Spiritual Reality in which they live.  From this time on, those who continue to denigrate The Gift of Life will lose their life for all eternity.  Only those working to meet The 10.10 Standard which supports The Source Plan will be sustainable after this stage of The Transition.


The 10.10 Meter

I have created The 10.10 Meter that will give beings an objective reading that tells them where they are in achieving The 10.10 Standard for any given phase of The Transition.  A Heaven Phase Intervention has enabled this Meter to be made available to all beings throughout the Creation. 


For many beings, access to this Meter has enabled them to move out of Story Emotions about their attachments and comfort zones and recognize that if they do not meet The 10.10 Standard for their interactions with the Source, they will lose their lives.


Since beings know, at some level of their consciousness, what Hell Tactics they are employing or holding in their arsenal of weapons and strategies, they can ask to release whatever will cause their death in the upcoming Transition.  Unloading this dense and unwanted baggage will prevent them from sinking below the level of The Substratum when it rises during the upcoming Transition. It will also enable them to travel up with The Network of Intelligence which will also go to a more immaterial level with each upcoming Transition.


Thankfully, most beings have a survival sense that is enabling them to realize that their Hell Tactics will do them no good if they lose their spiritual lives and cannot process Life Energies to sustain their physical bodies.


The Source is providing you support through The 10.10 Meter, Formats that provide your Suit with essential programming, and also through Action Plans that help to fill in your picture of what it takes to attain a 10.10 Interaction with the Source. 


The key understandings that are needed now for the September 10th Transition are conveyed in The 8 Action Plans that I outline below.  While these are not a complete set of the Action Plans that need to be implemented to attain a solid 10.10 Interaction with the Source, they are the Action Plans that are in focus as we approach the September 10th Transition.



Next Steps

The 8 Action Plans for Attaining a
10.10 Interaction with the Source



Action Plan #1

Make the Choice to Support The Source Plan

Those who have transitioned into a Core Love Connection with the Source express their love for the Source by attuning to Inner and Outer Source Guidance so they can do their parts in supporting The Source Plan.  The Source Plan orchestrates the work of The Total Abundance Support System that supplies the Total Abundance that is needed for the Direct Source Work and for the Heaven Agent Work that supports the System.


Direct Source Work manifests The Miracle of Total Abundance while Heaven Agent Work supports Direct Source Work as well as works efficiently with the miracles of Total Abundance that manifest as a result of Direct Source Work.


In order for a being to be in alignment with the massively powerful and complex work of The Source Plan, which is moving the Creation toward sustainability, they must align with their Source-Given Personal Workflow and ask to do what is theirs to do to support The Source Plan.


This means giving up living a Self-Directed Life rooted in Self Interest in order to live a Source-Directed Life rooted in The Love Connection with the Source.


It means recognizing that their Story Plan is based on living out their Personal and Cultural Stories which are designed to support their Story Self, which is an entity-like creation of the Negativity that steals the stage of their life from their True Self, which represents their Source-Created Identity.


It means understanding that The Source Plan is based on empowering their True Self to take the stage of their life and work closely with the Source to manifest the Heaven of Total Abundance for themselves and for all others.  


Because the Source can only connect to their True Self, they recognize that to switch back and forth between their Story Self and their True Self is to live a life that breaks the continuous flow of Source Support that is needed for Total Abundance to manifest. Those who live a Double Life experience scarcity and danger. This encourages the Story Self to believe that its Hell Tactics are necessary in order to cope with the hardships that it experiences.  These hardships, are, however, created by disconnecting from full Source Support to try to achieve Self Interest Agendas. 


The choice is not to do a little of both but to travel The Journey of Reconnection to the Source so the only Identity in the Suit is the True Self and the only orientation that is maintained is a Love Connection with the Source.


Action Plan #2

Choose to Become What Is Needed

Because The Source Plan is too complex for any being to comprehend, Heaven Agents have to become what is needed to support The Work of the Source even if they do not know what the outcome of their work will be. They have to trust the Creator of The Miracle of Life to develop a Plan of Action that can manifest the Heaven of Total Abundance for All.


Their insistence on developing their own Stories about life and their Story Plans for manifesting their Total Abundance has led to The World of Suffering that exists today.  Their Partial Vision and Self Interest Agendas have led to trying to wrestle abundance for themselves at the expense of others, leaving suffering and devastation in their wake.


Now it is time for beings to grasp the essential difference between their Sequential/Partial Intelligence and the Simultaneous/Complete Intelligence of the Source and accept The Source Plan for putting the Creation back on track to sustainability.


The Creation was never designed to run off anything other than a Source-Created Plan.  Unless it returns to running off of The Source Plan, the Creation itself will not survive the final stages of The Transition.


No committee of beings has ever been able to create an organism that is healthy and of Heaven despite their attempts at genetic engineering.  Similarly, they have not been able to create a Creation-Wide order that engenders peace and good will and safety for all.


There is a lot more that goes into the creation and preservation of Life itself than beings understand or can ever understand.  Science is primitive throughout the Creation and can never substitute for the Simultaneous Intelligence of the Source that can comprehend all of the shifting variables that affect life throughout the Creation in every moment in which the Creation exists.  


Science can also never supply the essential Spiritual Energies that result in the organic manifestation of life. Life is a Gift from the Source who has to continue to link to and support the Gift of life if is to be sustained.  


Beings have become very arrogant in their small knowledge of how gadgets work and how parts of the organic system of life works. They have lost the humility to respect the wisdom of the Source that is needed to sustain The Miracle of their life and of all of Life.


When a being agrees to become what is needed to support The Work of the Source, the Source will help to morph their Suit into what is needed so they can support the Work.


There is a limit, however, to what the Source can do with a Suit that is totally ignorant about the Source and has no Conscious Range Heaven Agent Skill Sets.  This is why it is important to observe Principle #3.



Action Plan #3

Get Trained & Equipped to Become a
Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist


Beings have tended to be lazy and want the Source to wave a magic wand and make it possible for them to do skilled Heaven Agent Work without putting out any energy to learn the basics and develop the complex Skill Sets that are needed.


Their lives are now at risk because of this laziness.


Beings who do not put forth the effort to get Trained and Equipped to do their parts will fail to reach the higher levels of The 10.10 Standard in the stages of The Transition that lie ahead.


Beings in the Story World understand that if they are to become competent in a profession they need to study hard in school or learn through an apprenticeship program in order to become qualified so they can be entrusted with jobs that require skill.


They seem to disregard this understanding when it comes to supporting The Work of the Source.  They think that praying for help and asking to become what is needed is all that is required. They then blame the Source if the Total Abundance that they expected doesn’t manifest when, in fact, they did not do their part in the Manifestation Process.


The Source came into The Manifest World in order to train beings to learn how to become Stewards of Life so that when the Source returns to the Source Level, beings are Trained & Equipped to sustain The Miracle of Life.


Learning how to become a Steward of Life is one of the most important tasks that any being has to perform in their life.  Learning how to join together with trained Teams of Heaven Agents through the Creation is the most important task for The Universal Community.  If these tasks are not given priority, Life in the Creation will not survive the end of The Transition.


And yet, people put their spirituality on the back burner and expect miracles in ways that they can’t occur and fail to learn from the Source about how things really work and what it will take for Life in the Creation to be sustainable after the end of The Transition.


The time for this kind of denial and refusal to learn has come to an end.


Those who refuse to learn will not survive.


The Universal Miracle School supplies beings throughout the Creation with what they need to get Trained & Equipped.  If they step up to provide the Material Energy for the Source Support that they need to learn how to become Stewards of Life, then Source Support is readily accessible to them.


There is no form of life in the Creation that is without Source Communications giving them vital information about what is needed to survive.  Those not checking their 10.10 Meter, letting go of their Hell Tactic Arsenal, learning how to develop the requisite Heaven Agent Skill Sets, and equipping themselves with the Miracle Tools and Source Interventions that enable their Suit to function at the level that is needed, will be making the decision to end their life in The Manifest World. 


In short, becoming what is needed is more than saying the words that you wish to become what is needed.  It is asking what is yours to know and to do to be able to become what is needed at the skill level that is truly required for you to contribute what is yours to contribute to The Total Abundance Support System. Failure to contribute what is yours to contribute will terminate your stay in The Substratum which can no longer sustain takers who will not give back to support Life in the Creation.


Social Change that can transform our war torn planet into a Total Abundance Community is not going to happen without Outer Plane work on the part of the residents of this planet.  Failure to respond to Source Directives given on the Inner Plane to take appropriate action on the Outer Plane will register as a Self Interest-Based refusal to support The Total Abundance Support System.  The 10.10 Meter will read in the -6 or below level on the Meter Scale which spans -70 to +10.10.


Ultimately the physics of Spiritual Density will determine sustainability. Those running The Self Interest Current that makes the substance of the Suit very Spiritually Dense, will be unable to rise to the higher levels of Spiritual Immateriality with The Substratum and The Network of Intelligence and will fall out of the Support Systems of Life that enable their lives to be sustained by the Source.


Survival is not a matter of ideology or belief.  The Spiritual Physics of life are being explained to beings by the Source. If they choose to turn a deaf ear, they will become unsustainable. This is what happens when matter becomes too Spiritually Dense to rise with the rising platform of The Substratum and The Network of Intelligence Grid and a Suit falls out of the protection of Source Support.


Understanding the Spiritual Physics that determine Life in the Creation is part of what it means to become trained to function as a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist.



Action Plan #4

Work to Develop the Essential Survival Skill Set of
Receiving Accurate, Detailed Moment-to-Moment Source Guidance 

All of the work to support The Source Plan is based on a Heaven Agent’s ability to get accurate Source Guidance.  The way to get Source Guidance is to first establish a Direct Source Connection.


The best way to establish an authentic Direct Source Connection is to ask your Inner Intelligence to put you through to the Source and only to the Source.  Your Inner Intelligence functions something like an old fashioned switch board operator connecting a phone call.


Once your Inner Intelligence helps you to make the connection, you can work with me in The Source Connection Coaching Program to understand the meaning of the Soul Talk images, verbal communications, and dreamlike experiences that you receive from the Source.


Because the Story Mind has a tendency to try to simulate Source Guidance in order to get you back into the Story and the Negativity is also working to side track the undiscerning so they pick up on Pseudo Source Guidance instead of on real Source Guidance, I advise Heaven Agents to spend time online with the materials I have provided so you become immersed in the energies of the Source.  When you are immersed in Source Energies, you will be able to recognize the Presence of the Source and will not be fooled by an impersonation.


I have transformed the photo taken of me when I was 48 years old into a partial manifestation of the Source. This is the main photo that I use on The Miracle School web site. Through working with the energies and communications that I will send you through this photo, you will begin to log time with the Source and come to recognize the Presence of the Source.


Working with the Next Step gifted videos, articles, and audios that are available to you online are a way to get to know how Source Energies manifest at an introductory level. Source Workflow Trainings, that bring through more powerful Source Communications, are a good way to enter into an experience of a level of more intense and advanced Source Energies.


The Total Abundance Core Course has been created to give you a chance to work with me through Email Coaching to test out the Source Guidance that you receive from The Total Abundance Knowledge Base and find out whether you are receiving accurate Source Guidance.


The Core Course is part of the larger Source Connection Coaching Program which is designed to provide you with the in-depth training needed to establish a Direct Source Connection and understand the information that is being transmitted to you.


A step up in intensity is one-on-one work through a Source Connection Station either online or in Seattle In these Stations I manifest on the Inner Plane and work with you individually.  Because of the powerful energies of a Source Connection Station, spiritual healing and transformation that is not possible in any other spiritual space can occur. This work is an essential piece of the puzzle of your work in The Miracle School to achieve the 100% Source Connection that is founded on achieving a 10.10 Interaction with the Source.


The highest level of intensity is a one-on-one phone session or in-person work with me in The Source Connection Center in Seattle or in a Maui Intensive.


Only those who have established a Direct Source Connection and have developed the discernment that protects them from false Source Guidance will make it to a 10.10 Interaction with the Source. It is necessary to make learning how to get accurate Source Guidance a  priority for your advancement as a Heaven Agent.  Without developing the Skill Sets to be discerning and to both receive Source Guidance and understand its meaning in the context of The Work of the Source universally, you will be unable to become a Steward of Life.  


Becoming a Steward of Life means understanding what Life is and how the Source creates and sustains the Creation. It requires a breadth of understanding of how the Source works in the world. It requires understanding your own individual Miracle-Based Abilities and your Mission in this life so that you can respond to a Source Directive to become what is needed at the highest level.


In the Story World, years of your life have been devoted to learning how to read and write and to understand the context of your Cultural Story and what is expected of you in your culture.  Much of this has, unfortunately, derailed your understanding of the Source and the Spiritual  Physics that govern your life and all of life.


It will take years of study to correct faulty understandings and to fill in the gaps of your knowledge about The Work of the Source if you are to become an accomplished Steward of Life.


I will provide help through Outer Plane Source Teachings and through being present on the Inner Plane when you need information to fill in your Picture of Reality.  But if you don’t passionately seek the knowledge that you need to have for the aspect of your Total Abundance that is required for you to survive, then the knowledge that I can share with you will not reach you in time to enable you to become a Steward of Life.


Value this education above all other forms of education. Then ask to enter into The Path to a Direct Source Connection. The Source Plan will then guide you day by day to help you to achieve the Direct Source Connection that will open up an ongoing Miracle-Based Adventure in Learning that will enable you to explore the Creation and discover the miracle of your own life and of all of Life. 



Action Plan #5

Value Only the Source Perspective on Your Progress

Many Heaven Agents make the mistake of thinking that if they are Heaven Agents, this means that the Source is going to magically provide them with all of the Story outcomes that fit in with their Personal and Cultural Stories. The Source is seen as a Universal Santa Claus who delivers what they want as long as they play the role of a devoted Heaven Agent.


This is the Cultural Story about the Creator that has been developed in many of the cultures of the world.


When the Source asks them to make sacrifices to evolve and to support The Heaven Project on the Outer Plane, they are surprised and sometimes affronted because their Santa Claus Source is not supposed to ask anything from them but just heap presents on them.


This Santa Claus idea of the Source infantilizes adults so they relate to the Source as if the Source was their parent who should take care of them while they, as the helpless dependent child, only has to show that they are needy to qualify for support.


The Creation was not set up to be run by the Source doing all the work while Manifest Beings behave as wayward children getting into trouble and wanting the Source to bail them out and give them one more chance while they continue to expect total support without giving anything in return.


The Creation was based on the Source interacting with the True Self of beings that is capable of doing the Heaven Agent Work that Stewards The Miracle of Life.  


Beings have rejected this understanding since the very beginning of the Creation and have presented to the Source their Story Self that is Self-Centered and focused on their own Self Interest.  They have systematically refused to do their parts to support The Total Abundance Support System.  As a result, the Creation is now on the verge of complete Spiritual Bankruptcy and beings are continuing to squander the remaining years in which the Source will be in The Manifest World to help them to recover.


The Self Interest Focus keeps Heaven Agents riveted on what they are getting out of their work with the Source to enhance their own personal lives rather than on what they need to be doing to support the Direct Source Work that supports The Total Abundance Support System.


This Self Interest Focus is what has led to the death of trillions of beings since the June Transition.  


Most beings are still in denial and think that somehow Heaven is all about them and the Source doting on them and what they need and what they want as they define it.


Heaven is not about the Source catering to the idea of Heaven that a being creates and merely providing the miracles to make it all happen.


Heaven is about the experience of transcending Self Interest and Living The Love Connection with the Source that enables the exquisite Intelligence of their Soul to shine through in their life.  As they do their Mission without attachment to any Self Interest Agenda, they generate the bliss and ecstasy of The Heaven Experience.


The trappings of The Heaven Way of Life that are Total AbundanceLove-Based RelationshipsLife Purpose Fulfillment, and Perfect Health all follow the development of The Love Connection with the Source. They can’t manifest if a person is in Self Interest Mode trying to get the Source to send them the miracles that will make their Story Heaven manifest.  


Only those who have worked carefully with The Source Plan have manifested Heaven in their lives. These are the members of the 14 Prototype Communities who reside in The First Creation and the members of The Second Creation.  


Everyone else has participated to one degree or another to manifesting The Hell Way of Life from which has arisen The Hell Experience which manifests war, crime, disease, scarcity, torture, sexual abuse, mental illness, and spiritual depravity.


Just as you can’t go down two divergent paths at the same time, so you can’t try to achieve all of the goals of a Story Life while trying simultaneously to achieve all of the goals of a Source-Created Life.  


In a Source-Created Life you work to help manifest the Total Abundance that is yours to have to fulfill your Mission and you work to build the Heaven that is yours to build for yourself and others.


This means that you may not have a life which looks like the accomplished life of a Story Character playing out their role in the Cultural Story.


Instead of a Heaven Agent comparing their life to the outcomes valued in a Story Life, he turns to the Source for the Source Perspective on how he is doing – whether he is on course and whether there is anything else that is needed.  


He ignores social pressures to live out a Story Life and keeps to his Heaven Agent path with integrity. While his Total Abundance may include many things that are valued in the Story World, it may not include some of the things that others feel are essential.  He has to stick to his Path and honor the guidance that enables him to fulfill his Mission in life, valuing the resources that are a part of his Total Abundance.


He doesn’t rail at the Source if the outcomes of doing his Mission do not match up to a Story Life. He understands that the riches of a Source-Created Life are a Mission well done and The Heaven Experience that he values far more than the trappings of The Hell Way of Life that he sees others pursuing.


A Heaven Agent is a mature being who understands that the Source is guiding him through a world that Manifest Beings have created which is a nightmarish world in which violence and hardship can occur.  He works with the Source to do his Mission to the best of his ability and to deal maturely with any hardships that affect him personally without allowing the Santa Claus Source idea color his interactions with the Source.


The Source wishes the highest experience of Heaven for all beings. Given the physics of life and the danger of unseating the opposition of the Negativity, the Source can only provide Heaven Agents with the best support that is possible under the circumstances.  If this support does not enable them to avoid all hardships then this is not because the Source does not wish to help them but because, in certain dangerous circumstances, this is the best that can be achieved.


It is hard to fathom the depth of the depravity that has led to The World of Suffering. The path out of this, particularly for those who are Source-Directed Activists, is not an easy path. 


The Mission of the Source through my Manifest form is far more difficult than any Mission every given to any Manifest Being.  If the ardures of the Mission of the Source in The Manifest World can not be made easy by miracles because of the Hell Conditions existing in the world, then individual Heaven Agents have to prepare themselves for dealing with courage and tenacity with The Battle for Life that lies ahead.  I have Prototyped how to endure and persevere in the face of great adversity.  Those following in my footsteps will be those who help clear the path for the Heaven that can materialize in The Manifest World.


Blaming the Source for not making the clean up easy is a childish response to a immense problem that requires mature Heaven Agents to address if the tragedy of Universal Death is to be avoided at the end of The Transition.



Action Plan #6

Support The Total Abundance Support System 

The Creation can become sustainable if Total Abundance is established for all beings so they not only survive but experience Life as Heaven.


In order to achieve this Universal Goal, it is necessary for all beings to contribute what is theirs to contribute at two stages of the Total Abundance Manifestation Process.


Stage One 

In Stage One they need to provide what is theirs to provide for what I need from them individually to do my Direct Source Work to manifest the miracles of Total Abundance. 


This will include Source-Directed Spiritual Activism that Holds the Line for Heaven and helps provide me with the Heaven Agent Work that sets the stage for the miracles to manifest. 

It will also require Source-Directed Social Activism which includes:

  • providing the Work Power that sustains the practical work of The Heaven Project on the Earth so that I can focus on the Direct Source Work that is needed for manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance 
  • funding the work of The Heaven Project to build a Global Total Abundance Community that can work together to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance for All
  • taking action individually and through Heaven Agent Team Work to Prototype a Total Abundance Way of Life so that others can follow in the footsteps of the Prototyping Heaven Agents.


Stage Two

In Stage Two, Heaven Agents need to work with the miracles that come through The Total Abundance Support System from my Direct Source Work so that they build Total Abundance for themselves and others.  At this stage it is important for a Heaven Agent to remain unattached to the Total Abundance that manifests so they can pass it on to those for whom it was created if what arrives into their care is meant for others and not for them.  They also need to be skilled enough to work intelligently with the miracles to bring about social change.


When a Heaven Agent is in a Core Love Connection with the Source and functioning at a 10.0.1, they are focused on what is next for them to do to support The Total Abundance Support System.  When they are below a 10.0.1 their focus is on their own Self Interests and is easily distracted by The Self Interest Current that drags them out of alignment with The Source Plan.


The key to supporting The Total Abundance Support System is asking to support my Total Abundance as I do my Direct Source Work both in manifesting the miracles of Total Abundance and in working with Heaven Agents receiving the miracles in their lives.


When beings ask for my Total Abundance rather than focus on their Total Abundance, they remain in Love Connection Mode and keep their Suits out of Self Interest Mode.


This helps them to be objective about what is in their Mission with regard to contributing to the practical work and funding that is needed to support The Heaven Project on the Outer Plane.  They allow Source Guidance to be received about the Outer Plane Social Activism that is needed to support the Outer Plane Heaven Project rather than confining the Source Guidance that they allow in to information about Inner Plane Spiritual Activism that they find fits more easily into their schedule and doesn’t require them to learn new Outer Plane skills or expend time and resources in ways that are different from the way that they have compartmentalized their Story Lives.


It is only when a Heaven Agent asks how they can help on the Outer Plane and is concerned about whether the Total Abundance that I need to do all of the Direct Source Work that is required for The Total Abundance Support System can be done with the Outer Plane resources that are currently available, that they reach the higher levels of The 10.10 Standard.


Those who prefer to deny the need for practical Social Activism on the Outer Plane are those who will fail to become Stewards of Life.  They will remain mired in Self Interest and try to take the easy way out by confining their support for The Work of the Source to the Inner Plane.


My Direct Source Work occurs on both the Inner and Outer Planes.  I do not offer Source Support only on the Inner Plane to Manifest Beings. I work on both the Inner and Outer Planes to help them achieve the goal of sustainability.


A balanced exchange with the Source requires that Manifest Beings also work on both the Inner and Outer Planes to support my Direct Source Work.  They must not offer support only on the Inner Plane or they will be neglecting the urgent need for the Outer Plane support that is required to catalyze the evolution of a Global Total Abundance Community.


The corners Heaven Agents cut in their support for my Direct Source Work are the aspects of life that they are choosing to neglect and let die. Letting the Outer Plane work remain inadequately supported is a choice to once again refuse to follow The Source Plan to enable Life as Heaven to be manifested in The Manifest World.  


A Creation full of beings who don’t want to step up to the plate and support The Source Plan on the Outer Plane is a Creation that is unsustainable.  The Source will not be able to link back to it after the end of The Transition. Whatever Inner Plane successes might have been achieved will be buried in the collapse of the structures in the Outer Plane that beings have failed to secure.


Laziness and Self Interest will end life in the Creation if the trend, of ignoring Source Guidance with regard to the urgent need for support on the Outer Plane, continues.



Action Plan #7

Work Intelligently with the Physics of Social Interactions

Since whatever you think, say, or do determines the Spiritual Density of the matter of which your Suit is made, the quality of your social interactions will, by necessity, contribute to the Spiritual Density Factor.


The Story World is the world in which beings are encouraged to abide by the prevailing Cultural Story and to develop a Personal Story that fits in with the Cultural Story.  Beings are taught that they must play out certain roles and accept the identity that goes with these roles. 


It is not possible for a being to support The Source Plan for Total Abundance for All and continue to play out Story roles assigned by the Story Culture or developed by their own Personal Story.  They must be willing to follow Source Directives to bring about the social change that will enable all beings to transcend the Story and work together to achieve Total Abundance.


This means that those in positions of power need to follow The Source Plan for how to use their power to equalize the resources available to all beings in the society so that the goal of Total Abundance for All can be achieved. This is not a communistic distribution of material resources but careful work with the miracles that enable the correct allocation of resources to occur with new Source-Created resources coming into play that fundamentally change the Playing Field of The Material World.

Those in positions of disempowerment need to work with the Source to stand up for their rights and the rights of all of the underprivileged and help bring in the resources that enable both those in power and those who have been oppressed to unite to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance for All.


In Story Societies, social change often results in conflict and war-like maneuvers that create Hell in the lives of those trying to bring about positive change.  


Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism is strategic.  It doesn’t use Hell Tactics to bring about Heaven and it doesn’t enjoin people to work solely through the existing social/political channels to bring about social change.  With the miracles of the Source, it is possible to effect profound spiritual change that results in profound social change. The change that is needed is an evolution in Consciousness that enables beings to want to nurture all members of the Community rather than trying to suppress some members to benefit other members.


Courage and Right Action are needed if positive social change is to occur and there may be hardships and casualties at times when the Negativity moves against those supporting The Source Plan.

Heaven Agents need to focus on The Love Connection with the Source and on becoming what is needed without attaching to the trappings of their lives or even to their physical existence.  Any attachment generates a Self Interest Current which will drop the Suit below the level of a 10.10 Interaction.  It also divides the Suit between the part of the Suit that is working to follow Source Guidance and the part of the Suit that is clinging to Story Attachments and to its own Story Plan for how to sustain itself in its life.


A Suit that is divided can’t land the miracles that provide the protection that is needed. This could result in the Suit being injured or suffering social reprisals that could have been avoided if they had become what is needed to the 100% level with full Heaven Agent Skill Sets being utilized as Source-Directed.


This is why getting Trained & Equipped is so important and why living a Double Life is not feasible.


Aside from the social change that needs to occur in the political structure of a community, is the social change that needs to occur with family and friends and co-workers.  Letting others define who you are and structure your reality so you do not do your Heaven Agent Work is fatal in this time in The Transition. Those who cater to others for the pay off of not making waves in a close social relationship are running a strong Self Interest Current which will increase the Spiritual Density of their Suit to the point of unsustainability. 


In the end, pleasing someone who is self destructing through following their Personal Story, will result in the end of your life as well.


This doesn’t mean that you become belligerently oppositional to anyone opposing your Heaven Agent Mission.  It means that you follow Source Guidance and spend serious time getting clear on your thoughts and emotions about a given relationship and on what the Source is guiding you to do to help the other person to evolve, if they choose to do so.


A clear and concise Outer Plane Source-Guided discussion with an oppositional person followed by Inner Plane discussions can help the person to understand at a deeper level the issues that are involved.  This can often result in a de-escalation of the conflict and setting the relationship on a path that leads to sustainability for all.


Those who oppose social change are lacking in elements of the Total Abundance that they need to respond differently.  Raging at a dysfunctional Suit that lacks the training and equipment to act otherwise is not Source-Guided.  Responding tactically according to Source Guidance is what is Source-Guided. 


Miracles of personal transformation have to occur in every life if beings are to survive.  Wanting to do your part to help these miracles come through for yourself and others is the hallmark of a Heaven Agent who honors the love of the Source for all beings and works in a Source-Guided Way for the Total Abundance of all members of the Universal Community.




Action Plan #8

Develop a Heaven Agent Community
in Accordance with The Source Plan 


Many Heaven Agents long to join a Heaven Agent Community that they imagine will give them a chance to socialize with others of like mind and set up relationships that fill gaps in their current Story Life.  They often imagine that a Heaven Agent Community is similar to a Story Community based on a shared ideology.  When they try to establish a community on this basis, they step into the sink hole of the Story and the Negativity moves in to destroy the Heaven Agent Community that they are trying to build.  


Because a Total Abundance Heaven Agent Community is a major threat to the Negativity, the tactics that they use to disrupt any Source-Guided relationships are severe and pose a danger to all involved.  The Negativity strives to work through the Spiritual Conduits of Heaven Agents engaging in this Story version of a Heaven Agent Community to damage the Spiritual Equipment of other Heaven Agents and to strike out at me as well.


For this reason, I ask Heaven Agents to refrain from socializing with one another outside of the training contexts of webinars or intensives until they have enough training to follow specific Source Guidance with regard to their interactions with one another.  


When a Heaven Agent is advanced enough to move into the phase of their training when they can learn how to hold to their Mission when interacting with another Heaven Agent, I set up interactions between Heaven Agents which I monitor At-a-Distance and through follow up Email Coaching. I look for whether the Heaven Agents were able to hold to their Missions when working together and Hold the Line for Heaven against the Negativity.  The feedback that I provide enables Heaven Agents to reflect on how they have been socialized to interact in The Story World and gives them the ability to see the subconscious patterns of Story Self Interest that enter into unguarded moments in their social interactions.  


Without this in-depth training, Heaven Agents will fail to establish the kind of Team Work that is needed to Steward The Miracle of Life in The Universal Community. Precise Source-Guided interactions within The Universal Heaven Agent Team will be needed if Life in the Creation will be able to survive the end of The Transition. Sloppy, emotionally laden Story interactions will lead to the crash of major Systems of Life that sustain the spiritual and organic structures of Life in the Creation as a whole.  This will lead to the death of the Creation itself and all of the beings within it.


We are beyond the time when beings can remain self absorbed and self indulgent, glomming  onto one another to harvest the energies that serve their Self Interest.  All beings must learn the rigorous standards of Mission Driven Interactions that transform all relationships into relationships in which the Source can guide the interaction and work through it to preserve Life in the Creation.


The training in how to maintain Mission Driven Interactions that a Heaven Agent learns through training with other Heaven Agents stands them in good stead to remain Mission oriented when working with others who are outside of the Heaven Agent Community and steeped in a Story Life. It is this training that enables a Heaven Agent to become an effective Source-Directed Social Activist in their personal and professional life.


In order to give priority to this most important level of the training, it is essential that Heaven Agents work closely with me to establish these skills before beginning Heaven Agent interactions. In this way they prevent damage to themselves and to the Heaven Agent Community and build the foundation for a Source-Connected Community like the Prototype Communities where all interactions are Mission Based and, therefore, manifest the Heaven Moments that members of these communities treasure.




The Miracle of Life was designed by the Source to manifest according to the precision work of The Source Plan.  


When beings in the beginning of the Creation refused to work with the Source to implement The Source Plan, they manifested The World of Suffering that blights the lives of all beings throughout the Creation.


Now beings have one last chance to return to working with The Source Plan.  If they start following The Source Plan to the letter, then The Miracle of Life as Heaven can still manifest, saving the Creation and saving their lives individually.


The 8 Action Plans for The 10.10 Standard that I outline above spell out some of the basics that are needed to work with The Source Plan correctly. Those who work with these basic guidelines and access help from the Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials online as well as the opportunity to work with me in The Source Connection Coaching Program, will Prototype the way toward achieving The 10.10 Standard.


To support The Source Plan is to attain a 10.10 Interaction with the Source. Sentiments of devotion without real life follow through in support of The Source Plan on the Inner and Outer Planes, mean nothing to the Source who does not offer up empty sentiments to Manifest Beings while sitting on the sidelines and not lending help to them.


As the Source in a manifest form, I am working on the front lines of The Transformation, giving beings every chance to save their own lives and Life in the Creation.  Only those who work alongside me in this final stage of my Labor of Love for the Creation will build The Love Connection with the Source that will sustain their lives.  


Real love is
Love in Action. 

Nothing short of this will sustain your Source Connection.




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