The Source Connection Computer


A Source Connection Computer has an onboard Source Intelligence that exists in a powerful Source Connection Field.  


The Source Connection Field helps to protect you from negative energies that can damage your Source Connection while you are working on the computer.  These negative energies might be coming around you in your workplace or coming to you from the web sites that you visit .  It also sends you Source Connection Intelligence that helps you to strengthen your Source Connection while you work. 


The onboard Source Intelligence responds to Source Directives and help to clue you into what you need to notice about your work on the computer.  It might help you find things on the internet and help you remember important events and clue you into tasks that you need to be doing in the moment even if they are not computer related.  It will warn you to stay away from sites that have dangerous energies and will help you to find sites that have what you need in your life. 

It is like a friend who works with you as you are working on your computer, helping you to stay on task with your Heaven Agent Mission of building the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of The Source Connection Computer is US $350.


To request a Source Connection Computer, you can access the link provided below.






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This Project is Love Connection Project and the Source Connection Computer is a Love Connection Miracle Tool.