Personal Live Heaven Intensives


When it comes to the deeper levels of what it means to Live Heaven, there is a need for one-on-one coaching that gets to the bottom of your particular life challenges and your particular life purpose.  This kind of indepth, individualized work is best done through a Personal Live Heaven Intensive. 


Personal Intensives can draw on the full range of At-a-Distance Work through Source Interventions, Miracle Tools, Online Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center Stations and Stations in The Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center.  They also include In-Person Work through Consultations by email, phone, Skype, or in the Center in Seattle.  They often combine the two modalities, especially when Heaven Agents come to Seattle to work with me in person in the Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center.  


Heaven Agents will often come to the Center in Seattle for periods varying from a few days to a week or more to work intensively with the Miracle Tools and Stations of the Center, consulting with me as they move from one phase of the Adventure to another.  Often the Adventures take them outside of the Center to experience following the clues of the Adventure in a social space that is not maintaining the high levels of the Miracle-Friendly Environment that are maintained in the Center.  In this way they learn to carry what they learn in the Heaven Environment of the Center into the world so they can apply their Skill Sets to work on Living Heaven in their everyday lives.


Some Heaven Agents request a particular focus for a Personal Intensive such as a life transition, a relationship, or a career issue.  Others prefer to see what is next in their evolution and allow the Adventure to unfold to address whatever issues are important for them on their journey to mastering the art and science of Living Heaven.


For each Personal Intensive I structure the Adventure that is to unfold around the needs of the Heaven Agent.  The Correct Exchange for the Intensive is determined by the scope of the issues to be addressed, the forms of Source Support that will be needed, and the length of time of the Intensive.



How to Request a Personal Live Heaven Intensive

To request an Assessment for a Personal Intensive, you can access the link provided below. In the Comments section of the Assessment Request Form, include information about any special focus you might have and whether you would like to work with me In-Person in the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center.  I will respond by email and we can structure an Intensive that will work best for you.