The Live Heaven Intensive


It is now possible to transition into a Heaven Reality that has already been created for you and to live there in a perfected Spiritual Space where you can learn how to Live Heaven.  This Heaven Reality is a training ground for how to live in a perfectly balanced Life System that supports your Suit in learning how to live the Integrated Life that is the foundation for the Heaven of true happiness.  


The Spiritual Technology that makes transitioning into this Heaven Reality possible is The Heaven Launch Packet.  This is a Total Abundance Packet that contains a myriad of different forms of Source Support that enable the Suit to make the transition and to learn how to Live Heaven when it arrives in the Heaven Reality. 


Because the Suit has been accustomed to living in a Hell Reality – Hell being a state of suffering – where the dog-eat-dog mentality has engendered a world of scarcity, struggle, and suffering, it takes a complete system of re-training to learn how to live in a perfected Heaven Reality where Life as Heaven is possible – Heaven being the highest level of happiness.


Since the decisions of the Suit are made at subconscious levels, it is not possible to provide a training course for the Suit that is effective that only trains the conscious level of the Suit.  What will happen with such a course is that the Suit will continue to live a Fragmented Way of Life in the Subconscious Range while endorsing an ideology of living an Integrated Life in the Conscious Range.  This kind of schism doesn’t lead to Heaven.  It leads to a war between the aspects of the Suit that choose the Hell of a Fragmented Way of Life and the aspects of the Suit that choose the Heaven of an Integrated Way of Life.


The only effective training that can deal with this is Inner Plane Training Downloads that re-structure the Subconscious Range of the Suit and then provide the Conscious Range with the Skill Sets that enable it to Live Heaven. These Training Downloads are administered by a Perfected Intelligence that works with the Training Downloads and the Source to effect the changes needed for the Suit to learn how to Live Heaven.


Without Training Downloads the Suit can’t prepare on a subconscious level to make the transition out of the Hell Reality into the Heaven Reality.  It would be mired in old patterns of thought and action and would not make the transition. When the Perfected Intelligence working through the Training Downloads gets involved, a new Platform of Intelligence is created and the Suit is then capable of leaving behind the mutated Intelligence that led it to engage in self-destructive behaviors in the Hell Reality and to choose to live in the Heaven Reality.


Once in the Heaven Reality the Suit is given the support not only of the Perfected Intelligence with the Training Downloads but of the Source working on:

  • the Inner Plane through Inner Plane Sessions and 
  • the Outer Plane through Consultations, Station Work, and Live Heaven Webinars.  These Outer Plane forms of Source Support help the Suit on all levels to rapidly leave behind the Fragmented Way of Life and learn how to live the Heaven of an Integrated Way of Life.
For more indepth understanding of Total Abundance Packets you can read the article entitled: The Miracle of Total Abundance Packets.  For a closer look at Training Download Technology you can read the article: Total Abundance Training.



Why It Is Important to Enter into The Heaven Reality

What I have found over the years, is that when a Suit exists in a Hell Reality which is a Spiritual Intelligence System generated from the collective thoughts and actions of beings who are living a Fragmented Way of Life that engenders suffering, this Intelligence System links to their Personal Intelligence System and consistently erases structures and content that enable the Personal Intelligence System to advance in its work of Living Heaven.  


Heaven Agents struggling to live an Integrated Life often find themselves learning new Heaven Agent ways of living on the surface of their life but continuing on with Fragmented Ways of Living in their Subconscious Range without even realizing that they are doing this.  This is because the Subconscious Range is hardwired to the Hell Intelligence System that is continuously reinforcing the Fragmented Way of Life. 


Until the advent of the new Heaven Reality and The Heaven Launch Packet that enables a Suit to transition into this reality, deep-seated Fragmented Ways of Life continued to operate in the Subconscious Range, defeating the attempts of the Heaven Agent to transition into an Integrated Way of Life on every level.


Those who have Prototyped the shift into the Heaven Reality, using The Heaven Launch Packet, have been able to finally release from the Subconscious Range of patterns that have bound them to replicating a Fragmented Way of Life.  This is a major breakthrough.  It is a Turning Point in the work of helping Suits in all states of Fragmentation to make a complete recovery.


I have Prototyped the Heaven Launch with Suits with Souls and also with Suits that have lost their Souls in the recent Vibrational Shifts.  Both have been able to make the transition and start living a Heaven Way of Life with the help of all of the forms of Source Support in The Live Heaven Intensive.


With this Prototyping Work complete, I am glad to be able to offer this powerful and long awaited Source Solution to the need to transition ultimately out of the Fragmented Way of Life, ending the scourge of the Disease of Fragmentation.


With the help of Training Downloads, it is also possible for the Suit to not only transition out of a Fragmented Way of Life but to become perfected, achieving the necessary levels of Perfection needed both for the upcoming Vibrational Shifts and for the Source Perfected Universe.


A Suit living in a Heaven Reality in a Life System that totally supports Perfect Functioning is able to achieve perfection in a way that a Suit living in a Hell Reality that is breaking it down and trying to gear it to break down others, is not able to achieve. The Spiritual Space of a Heaven Reality that helps the Suit to feel when it is out of alignment with the perfection of the Life System of the Heaven Reality, is a major part of the training methodology.  


As the Suit comes into harmony with the Life System of Heaven, it begins to heal on deeper levels and becomes capable of not only perfecting itself and Living Heaven but of qualifying to enter into the Source Perfected World which is an ultimate Heaven Reality into which it can transition once it has mastered living in peace in the Heaven Reality of the Original Creation which is what it transitions into in The Live Heaven Intensive.


The Structure of The Live Heaven Intensive 

The Intensive provides:

  • Inner Plane Training Downloads to make the transition into the Heaven Reality and to Live Heaven
  • A Perfected Intelligence who mans the Training Downloads and oversees the work, radioing back to the Source for help as needed 
  • Inner Plane Total Abundance Training Sessions give by my Extended Range, coaching the Suit on all the levels of consciousness so it works through its issues – objections, fears, resistances, negative attachments, etc.
  • Source Support to help with any issues that arises in the training that may go beyond the range of the Training Downloads and the Perfected Intelligence
  • Source Power to enable the Suit to transition and Live Heaven
  • Private Consultations in person in the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing or by phone
  • Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center Stations either online or in Seattle where the Heaven Agent can learn how to Live Heaven while working in a perfected Spiritual Space with a manifestation of the Source who comes to work with them individually while they are in the Station.  Station Work is one of the most powerful transformational experiences that enable the Suit to experience Perfection and to become Perfected.
  • Live Heaven Webinars where Heaven Agents learn how to live in harmony with the Life System of Heaven that provides the essential structure in the Heaven Reality.  In these Webinars every aspect of life from relationships, to abundance, to life purpose, and health are addressed. This work is integrated by a focus on developing The Love Connection with the Source that enables them to enter into an ongoing Heaven Experience that gives them the ultimate happiness and strength from which they can build Heaven in every aspect of their lives.
  • Core System Training Downloads that provide the Suit with all of the essential understandings for how to Live Heaven.  This is a mix of generic Training Downloads that everyone needs in order to Live Heaven and Prescription Downloads that are unique to the particular Heaven Agent.  With this additional support, the Suit is able to receive precisely what it needs in order to achieve Perfect Functioning in the five basic aspects of life which are:
    • Total Abundance
    • Love-Based Relationships 
    • Life Purpose Fulfillment 
    • Perfect Health 
    • The Love Connection 


The Live Heaven Intensive is an Intensive that supports the continuing work of a Heaven Agent to learn how to Live Heaven. Through Inner Plane Work and Outer Plane individualized work as well as group work, the Heaven Agent is able to bring into the Conscious Range the learnings that the Suit is achieving in the Subconscious Range. In this way the end result of the work is:

  • a fully integrated understanding of how to Live Heaven
  • Perfect Suit Functioning that equips the Suit to participate in the Materialization Process that manifests a Heaven Way of Life
  • the materialization of the Total Abundance that is needed to provide the substructure for a Life that is Heaven


Because of the nature of the work, it is ongoing.  It is a process that is supported for as long as it takes for the Heaven Agent to master the art and science of Living Heaven in their personal life.



Correct Exchange 

When a Heaven Agent requests The Live Heaven Intensive, I check with their individual Plan for Ultimate Spiritual Healing to see how much Material Energy it will take to get them into the Heaven Reality and how much follow up Source Support is needed initially.  Because the work is ongoing as they progress through different levels of Skill Set building to Live Heaven, an initial start up of the work can be determined and a general Plan of Action developed for how to proceed in the work overtime. I maintain continuing contact through Source Guidance Emails so that Source Support is given throughout the work. 

Based on what is needed initially, I set up an individualized Intensive for the Heaven Agent which reflects not only what is needed but what is in their Individual Plan for balancing the exchange financially so they can proceed forward with the work. 


To find out what a Live Heaven Intensive would look like for you, you can request an Assessment through filling out the form that you can access through the link provided below.