Getting Equipped to Live an Integrated Life

This section of The Source Plan provides you with information on:

Interventions that are Gifted to the Universal Community by The Universal Heaven Agent Network

The Integrated Way of Life Intervention

The Communion Intervention

The Living the Love Intervention

Other New Source Interventions to Help You Prepare

The Source Tracking Station Intervention

Vibrational Adjustment Interventions 

The Pathway Intervention

The Spiritual Intent Intervention

New Miracle Tools 

Living The Heaven Experience Equipment

The Source Solution Miracle

The Scanner

The Life Infuser Miracle

The Life Current Transmitter Miracle


How to Check in on Your Suit's Basic Equipment Needs 

Interventions that are Gifted to the Universal Community by The Universal Heaven Agent Network

The Integrated Way of Life Intervention 

When you request The Integrated Way of Life Intervention, the Source lifts you out of the Pathways of the Fragmented Way of Life into the Pathway of an Integrated Way of Life. Without this kind of technical Source Support, getting out of the Fragmented Way of Life is like trying to extricate yourself from a swamp of taffy that sticks to you and holds you in the swamp.  With the Integration Life Intervention you are freed by the Source from the taffy and cleaned up and put into the Medium of Life where you can prepare to enter into the Traceways of Communion when you receive The Communion Intervention.

Once in the Pathway of an Integrated Way of Life, you travel through the life experiences and learnings that help you to live an Integrated Life. The Path moves you and keeps you on track with learning how to live in an Integrated Way.


This miracle makes it possible for anyone of any age or level of understanding to opt out of the World of Suffering created by the Fragmented Way of Life into the Heaven of an Integrated Way of Life that is of Heaven.  It doesn’t mean that they are adept at thinking and living in an Integrated Way as soon as they transition, but their commitment to making progress in learning how to live in an Integrated Way that is behind their request for the Intervention, is what enables them to achieve a level of Spiritual Integration that is essential to surviving the August 8th Shift. Those who survive this Shift will be those who are committed to and have taken action to transition out of the Fragmented Way of Life into an Integrated Way of Life that is Source-Connected.


Because this is an Intervention that is a Gift from the Universal Heaven Agent Network, it is possible for beings to respond in their Extended Range, which is often outside of their conscious awareness, to the call of the Source to enter into an Integrated Way of Life, and to receive the Intervention on the Inner Plane.  On the Outer Plane they may not have any conscious awareness of the decision of their Suit at a Core Level to receive the Intervention.  They will, however, begin to experience the shift in their Gestalt as they experience what it is like to live in the Energy Field that supports an Integrated Way of Life and find themselves free of the Energy Field that supported a Fragmented Way of Life.


Once this transition is made, the Suit begins to key off of the Integrated Picture of Reality that it is experiencing as the Path takes them on the Adventure of becoming Integrated and learning how to live an Integrated Life.  Instead of being surrounded with only the logic of the Story World and the Fragmented Way of Life, it is surrounded by the logic of the World of the Source and the Integrated Way of Life that enables it to understand how to Build Heaven in its life and world.


This support enables the Suit to become capable of thinking outside of the box of the Fragmented Picture of Reality.  This shift alone, frees the mind to release its control on the Suit so that Consciousness can shift from the mind/brain to the heart chakra which is the place where the Consciousness should be seated.


When the Consciousness is seated in the heart chakra, the highest level of Spiritual Intelligence is activated.  This is the Spiritual Intelligence of the Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence System which is a kind of Intelligence that far exceeds the Intelligence of the Spiritual/Physical Brain.  It is the Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence System that knows what Life as Heaven is and how to work with the Source to manifest it.  

Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence in the heart chakra is very Integrated Intelligence that connects readily to the Source and understands the importance of creating the conditions in which the Soul can express through the Suit and new Souls coming into the world through the reproductive process at an organic level can be protected and nurtured so the link between the Soul and the Suit is correct.  It is the Intelligence of the Spiritual Reproductive System that watches over a baby developing in the womb to ensure both the well-being of the physical form that is being created and the link between the Suit and the Soul that is also being formed during this critical time.  Such an Intelligence can perceive complex Truths in a millisecond, long before the brain has had time to begin piecing together what is happening.


The Brain, by design, breaks down any Picture of Reality into its component parts – like dividing up a picture into puzzle pieces.  It then analyzes all of the puzzle pieces to understand or create a Picture of Reality.  This process can produce a conscious mind understanding of an Integrated Picture of Reality but it is not like the very fast intelligence of the Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence System that can in a millisecond see an Integrated Picture of Reality and understand the complexity of it without ever having to dissect the Picture and understand each of the component parts.


The Brain uses a kind of Fragmented Way of perceiving and working with the parts to assemble them into a whole.  It was designed to be supplied with the Integrated Picture of Reality by the Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence System in the heart chakra and supervised by this Intelligence so it would work only with the correct puzzle pieces and put them together to form the correct Integrated Picture of Reality.


When the Consciousness is seated in the Brain and not in the heart chakra, it can become deluded when it tries to understand the nature of reality.  It can accept puzzle pieces/understandings that are not from the Source but from the Story Culture and piece these puzzle pieces together to form a Picture of Reality that is false and not of Life.  This is how the Fragmented Picture of Reality of the Story World was created. The mind can create a 2-Dimensional Reality where everyone is reduced to the roles they play in the Cultural Story rather than being known for the true spiritual intelligences that they really are.  


The mind can become content with assembling the pieces of the puzzle that are valued by the culture and create a false sense of an Integrated Reality. For instance, instead of a woman understanding herself as an eternal Spiritual Intelligence with a Mission to complete in this lifetime, she can define herself as someone’s wife and mother and spend her lifetime playing out the social roles that go with this Cultural Play. 

While being able to create the Picture of Reality that is endorsed by the culture can afford the Suit a sense of control, accomplishment, and fulfillment, the Suit gets so dumbed down by this 2-Dimensional Reality that it begins to disintegrate, Fragmenting into disease and death.  


The mind then creates a culturally acceptable story about the experience of being diseased. It is often only when death occurs that the person awakens from the Cultural Story and realizes that the Consciousness that is leaving at death is not the Story Character but who they really are as the Soul which was never acknowledged or supported in the lifetime.  This is a tragic realization that comes too late for any real experience of meaning and purpose to have been lived in the lifetime.


When a person works with The Integrated Way of Life Intervention, they not only enter into the River of Life that takes them back into what is naturally of Life and, therefore, Integrated, but they begin to relax their mental control over the Nintendo World of their Story Mind where they are featured as just another Nintendo Character, and they begin to allow their true Spiritual Intelligence to rise up in their heart chakra.  As they become receptive to the Integrated Picture of Reality that naturally arises from the heart chakra, their Consciousness which has been seated in the brain begins to seat itself in the heart chakra where it belongs.  


Once their Consciousness is thinking in the Integrated Way of the heart chakra that immediately sees the Integrated Picture of Reality without having to know it through analyzing the puzzle pieces and piecing them together to see the completed Picture of Reality, they have taken the first major step toward living an Integrated Way of Life.  


Correct Exchange

This is one of the Interventions gifted to you by the work of the Heaven Agent Network.  You can request this Intervention by filling at the form that you can access by clicking on the link below. An Outer Plane request grounds more power in the Intervention than simply asking for it on the Inner Plane which is also possible.




The Communion Intervention 

The key to Spiritual Integration is having enough Source Love in your Suit from both loving the Source and receiving the love of the Source to hold the Spiritual Particles of which you are made together.  Source Love provides the gravitational pull that enables your Spiritual Particles to stay together in a state of Spiritual Integration.  When you have enough Source Love, high vibrational energies are exhilarating instead of life threatening.  You seek them out and revel in them and they only enhance your Spiritual Intelligence which become ever more attuned to the subtleties of The Love Connection with the Source.


Communion is the highest expression of The Love Connection.  Very few beings in the Creation have ever achieved a State of Communion with the Source that has enabled them to rise to the Ultimate Heaven Experience which is the highest level of happiness that is possible for you.


The reason for this is their fixation on what they desire and what they fear.  This fixation rivets their attention span and limits the amount of their attention that can track the subtle interactions with the Source that structure an every deepening experience of Communion.


Since entering into an Eternal State of Communion is the central way in which beings will survive the Vibrational Shifts of the Source Perfected Universe, I have brought through the miracle of The Communion Intervention which lifts you into the Traceway of Communion, freeing your attention from its fixations and enabling it to be gently re-directed to the Heaven that is possible when you attune to the Source and begin to experience the richness and joy of Communion.  In the Traceway of Communion you are moved through all of the Developmental Sequences that build in you an aptitude for Communion with the Source.  This is built through removing obstacles to Communion and opening your Suit to the potential for Communion.  What the Suit lacks in terms of concentration and knowledge of how to advance in its ability to Commune is made available through the Adventure Process that unfolds as it moves along the Traceways of Communion.


Correct Exchange 

This is one of the Interventions gifted to you by the work of the Heaven Agent Network.  You can request this Intervention by filling at the form that you can access by clicking on the link below. An Outer Plane request grounds more power in the Intervention than simply asking for it on the Inner Plane which is also possible.




The Living the Love Intervention

At the heart of what it means to Live the Love that Makes Life Heaven is the art and science of Celebration.  When you really love someone you celebrate them – you cherish who they are and the miracle of their existence in your life. Nurturing and protecting them are natural extensions of the celebration of them in your life.


Beings were given a cache of Source Love in the beginning of the Creation which they were to use to set up The Correct Exchange System with the Source and to begin Celebrating their love for the Source and for all of Life.  This ongoing Celebration was intended to circulate the Source Love through their Suits, Energy Fields, and through the world creating the dynamic Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy into which the Miracle of Life as Heaven could manifest.


Celebrating a miracle that has arrived in the Manifest World is a key technical process that helps the manifestation to materialize completely.  The miracles that are Celebrated become Completed Manifestations. Those that are not may remain latent beneath surface. This is how you get Suits with only entity-like Story Character Personas on the stage of the life rather than the miracle of the Perfected Intelligence of the Soul on the stage.  


The Soul is a miracle that has to be Celebrated correctly if it is to manifest.  Without the proper level of Celebration, it remains in a latent form and all the life becomes is the robot Suit playing out the social roles that shape the Story Character Identity.


When beings chose to redirect the Source Love to greedily attach to the things and beings that they desired, they aborted the establishment of The Correct Exchange System and never instituted the Celebration Process that is essential to a Life that is Heaven.


The process of trying to get what they wanted at the expense of everyone else, led to tactics that promoted Stasis – the antithesis of the dynamic Dance of Life that is generated by Celebration.  They found that if they could encapsulate and slow down other beings, these beings would fall out of their alignment with the Source and lose the Source Protection that came from this alignment.  They were then easier prey.  


When encapsulated in a Static Energy Field, the Spiritual Particles of which they were made could be cut off from the gravitational pull of Source Love. Without the Integrating Force of Source Love, the Suit could be Fragmented and the Particles could be reconfigured into structures that allowed the Negativity to break into the Suit and harvest whatever Source Energies remained in the Suit.


Celebration, because it engenders dynamic Life activity that is not conducive to the Stasis that makes a Suit ripe for harvesting, became targeted for elimination by those who wanted to capture and harvest and destroy.  Because Suits instinctively know that celebrating is a key to life, the Negativity wasn’t able to entirely suppress the desire to celebrate.  Their tactic was to redirect the desire to celebrate into Pseudo Celebration that promoted Fragmentation such as the drunken Friday night party, sexuality turned into exploitation and abuse, and the celebration of culinary delights turned into addictions leading to impairments of the body such as obesity.

Many of the revered traditions of the Story Cultures created by the Negativity have at the heart of them Pseudo Celebrations that involve destructive practices that lead to illness and in some cases death.  For example, New Year celebrations result in increased drinking and highway fatalities. Fraternity Culture in the US has resulted in many cases of such extreme overuse of alcohol that death has occurred.  


Understanding the opposition of the Negativity to the Celebration of Life, I was careful when I started the Prototype Communities to enclose them in a protective Energy Dome before starting them on the Art and Science of Celebration.  This is because I knew that it was a very targeted activity.


Now we are at a point in our work of following in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities when we must initiate the Celebration Process. Without initiating Celebration at a very high level, it is not possible to achieve a high enough level of Spiritual Integration to meet the rising standards of the Source Perfected Universe.  Too much Stasis has set in and it is leading to life threatening levels of Fragmentation on individual and universal levels. 


We don’t have an Energy Dome that can protect our Global or Universal Community and there is such discord within the Community that a Dome would only lock in the discord and all the negativity that is behind it rather than protect the inhabitants of the Dome from the Negativity.


Understanding this situation, I asked my Source Function to design something that would work in our current circumstances. The Source Solution that it designed is The Living the Love Intervention.


This Intervention creates a protected Spiritual Space in which a being can Celebrate and what they Celebrate can be protected. 


I’ll describe below the various stages of this Source Intervention.


Stage One

The first stage is to install an Energy Reservoir of Celebration Energies in the heart chakra.  This should have been generated by the proper use of the Source Love Reserve in the beginning of the Creation, but since this was never done, it is easier to import the Celebration Energies to start the process.


Stage Two

The Celebration Energies are ignited in the heart chakra and begin The Dance of Life which enlivens the Spiritual Particles of which the manifestation is made so they begin to dance and move easily and naturally into the Configurations of Life that make Perfect Health possible.


Stage Three

As the Spiritual Particles move into place, the Consciousness of the being in the Extended Range, which is often outside of conscious awareness, begins to Celebrate Life – its own life, the Source who is Life, and the lives of all others in the Creation.


Stage Four

As the Extended Range Consciousness joins in The Dance of Life, the awareness of the activity of Celebration begins to reach the Conscious Range of the Suit.  It is then that the Suit awakens to the joy of Life as Heaven and begins to Celebrate at a conscious level.  This is when the Consciousness in the Conscious Range begins to clearly see the beauty of what has been Source-Created and see the difference between this and the Pseudo Creations of the Story World.  The Intervention then provides the Spiritual Structure of Celebration Traceways along which the conscious mind can travel to learn how to Celebrate only what is of Life and to stop engaging in the Pseudo Celebrations that engender death which is what results from a Fragmented Way of Life. 


Stage Five

As the continual movement of the Spiritual Particles in The Dance of Life continues on all levels, the Static Death Configurations of the Negativity that harbor the thought forms that promote the Fragmented Way of Life that engenders Death, get broken up by the high speed movement in the manifestation.  The Dance of Life becomes a more powerful force than The Dance of Death that had been prevailing in the Suit and shutting down the experience of the real joy of Life through Celebration.  Eventually The Dance of Life defeats The Dance of Death and Life prevails in the Suit and in the 6 concentric circles of the manifestation which includes the Suit and the auric field.  This is how Perfect Health is achieved on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.


If you look at the bodies of beings in the Prototype Communities, all of their Spiritual Particles are engaged in a joyous Celebration of Life.  Every encounter that they have with one another is a Celebration.  This is how their times together generate so much Celebration Energy that it is stored in a Reservoir and used to heal their bodies and prevent aging.  


To understand how Celebration Energies can be used to heal the body, you need to think of Celebration Energies as Reproductive Energies since they come from the heart chakra which is the center of The Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence System which is the highest level of Intelligence in the Suit. 

Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence is complex enough to know how to align with the Source to preserve the complex manifestation of Life in a form.  It knows what the Spiritual Brain has never been able to know – the essential elements that are needed to sustain Life.  


A good example of Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence is the quality of intelligence in the Biological DNA that forms the structure of organic life. The DNA is operating from straight Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence.  It is not pontificating in a Left Brain Way about theories about what it should do next.  It is The Dance of Life incarnate, celebrating the flow of Source Love that is the essential ingredient that makes Life happen.  While there are biological processes that drive The Dance of the DNA, these are held in alignment with Life by the Spiritual Reproductive Intelligence that maintains the quality controls for the biological processes.  While conditions of Fragmentation can throww off the DNA and cause genetic mutations, the majority of the time the DNA is able to produce organic forms that are in alignment with Life and which can becomes vehicles for Life.


While the Spiritual Brain is important in civilization builders such as humans, it should not override the more complex, Source-Given Intelligence of The Spiritual Reproductive System.  When it does so Pseudo Life is created that is very devoid of the energy of Life itself and is, therefore, like a cartoon world compared to the real world that is Source-Created. 


Story Culture is, essentially, like a cartoon world when compared to The Culture of Heaven that is Source-Created.  In the cartoon culture of the Story World bad things happen to people just as the cartoons children see on TV display many dysfunctional, unloving, and violent social scenarios. This is not the case in The Culture of Heaven as it is lived in the Prototype Communities.  In a Source-Created Culture, there is the security of a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own through a process of daily Celebration of who they are and the beauty of the Source Orchestrated Events of daily life that add up to the perfection of the ongoing Heaven Experiences that only become richer and more appreciated as a person progresses in their life.


When, in the Prototype Communities, people Celebrate and amass quantities of Celebration Energies, these energies have the vitality to jumpstart any part of the Suit that has declined into a more static pattern that makes it prone to disease – mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual.  When the Community spots trouble in any of the Suits of members of the Community, the Community directs the Celebration Energies to the person in need and breaks up the static energy.  When movement in the Spiritual Particles recurs, health is restored.


Because they have learned how to truly Celebrate one another, there is no hoarding of this life saving Celebration Energy.  There is only a joyous devotion to generating it and making sure that they always have enough to help every member of the Community.  This is their Community commitment to the Perfect Health that every member of the Community has enjoyed through the many thousands of years that these Communities have been in existence.


In our current era, it is no longer safe to build a Community Reservoir for Celebration Energies.  What is needed is for each person to choose to “become what is needed to support the Work of the Source through my Manifestation” and then whatever Celebration Energies they generate can be directed as they are produced to do the most good.  


In this way, the static energy fields of the Negativity that harbor the diseases that afflict the body, mind, and spirit and the social relationships of all beings, can be broken up and disintegrated.  In this way, the Global and Universal Community can begin to clean house, clearing away the negativity that resides in individuals, in social institutions and traditions, and in the energies of the physical surroundings.  Those in need of a jumpstart of Celebration Energy to preserve their health can receive it if enough members of the Community are actively working to produce this Energy through their full participation in the Celebration Process in their Conscious Range.  


Fully living an Integrated Way of Life and Celebrating it is what it takes to build the kind of Celebration Energies that stop the Negativity in its tracks and eliminate suffering in the world on every level.


Correct Exchange

The Material Energy for this Source Intervention has been provided by advanced members of The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  It, therefore, does not require a Financial Exchange.


If you would like to request this Intervention, then click on the link below and fill out the form provided.





Other New Source Interventions to Help You Prepare

The Source Tracking Station Intervention 

Key to the ability to attune to the Source and stay in ever deepening levels of Connection and Communion, is your ability to track the communications and energies of the Source so you can stay aligned and in constant contact with the Source throughout your day and when you are asleep at night.  Because the Source is outside the range of your Six Senses, you were given a Seventh Sense that enables you to perceive the Source in all of its various manifestations.  This Seventh Sense manifests through the Source Tracking Station which is a piece of Spiritual Equipment that wraps around the back of the neck and over the top of the head.  From this Tracking Station signals are sent to the center of the heart chakra where you can pick up the Source Communication.


This Tracking Station has been a primary focus of attack for the Negativity.  The Suits that have lost their Tracking Stations or have Tracking Stations that have sustained significant damage, have lost their ability to pick up on the help that the Source is sending them and have become victims of the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.  


In The Source Tracking Station Intervention, this Tracking Station is replaced with an upgraded version that can withstand the attacks of the Negativity and provide an even higher level of connection to the Source than the former version of The Tracking Station.


Those Suits that can recognize the Source and commune with the Source are those who have a Source Tracking Station that is functioning to some degree. Very few beings have a Tracking Station that is functioning over the 20% mark.  These Suits are like TV sets that can only pick up moments of any TV Broadcast.  In those moments the Suits can pick up on Source Signals that help them to understand the Source and pick up on some of Its activities in their life and in the world before the signal goes dead and they enter a blackout where they know nothing of what is going on. 

In the blackouts the Suits have sought comfort and direction from other Manifest Beings and from the pleasures of the Material World.  When the connection to the Source comes back on again, they are often so fixated on the Social World that they ignore the signal or have lost the ability to understand how to work with the information from the Source that pours through in the few moments before the signal is lost again and they enter another blackout.


Your Seventh Sense is more basic to your survival than your other Six Senses.  While your Five Senses enable you to track what is happening on the Outer Plane and your Sixth Sense enables you to track what is happening on the Inner Plane, tracking the action in the Inner and Outer Plane doesn’t enable you to know how to respond to it in a way that preserves your well-being.  


Tracking the Source enables you to receive ongoing Source Communications that are critical to your survival and to your ability to experience Heaven in your life. The most critical aspect of any Suit’s survival is its ability to sustain the levels of Spiritual Integration that enable it to survive in the high vibrational energies of the Source Perfected Universe.  Without a Source Tracking Station, it is not possible to develop the kind of Love Connection with the Source that requires being able to perceive the Source in your life in as graphic and riveting a way as perceiving the presence of a loved one standing in the room with you.  If your ability to perceive the ultimate loved one, which is the Source, is like picking up intermittent signals that are dimly perceived, then walking and talking with the Source in your life becomes a technical impossibility. Your Consciousness will seek instead the more tangible and knowable connections with the people in your life who you can clearly see and hear.


Since it is the presence of Source Love in your Suit that enables your Spiritual Particles to stay together, the ability to perceive the Source and commune with the Source is how you build the levels of Source Love that enable you to become Spiritual Integrated and survive in the highly Integrated Field of Energy in the Source Perfected Universe.  Being unable to pick up on the Source because the Negativity has damaged your Seventh Sense, is the most serious handicap your Suit can have.  It is a technical equipment failure that needs to be a Red Alert to you, particularly as we near the time of the August 8th Vibrational Shift.

Correct Exchange

While it is now possible to replace The Tracking Station with an upgrade that can withstand the Negativity and help you to achieve the highest levels of Communion with the Source, it requires a substantial amount of Material Energy to replace this piece of Spiritual Equipment.


The Correct Exchange to replace your Source Tracking Station with a protected, upgraded version is $4600. Payment Plans and Heaven Economy Options are a possibility to help you to provide yourself with a new Tracking Station if you lack the financial means to exchange for one in a single payment.


If you would like to have a new Source Tracking Station and lack the financial means to do so at this time, you can email me with information about your current financial situation and I will respond with a Source Recommendation for how you can proceed.




Individualized Vibrational Adjustment Interventions 

While the Universal Vibrational Shifts provide you with a free ride to a higher level of vibration where it is easier to become the Heaven you were created to be, to Build Heaven, and to Live Heaven, these Vibrational Shifts only establish the baseline Vibrational Levels that are needed for the Creation as a whole.  They do not provide you with the fine tuning in your Vibrational Level that enable you to travel your Path to Perfection and achieve  Perfect Integration and the highest level of Communion. 


Through a series of Individualized Vibrational Adjustment Interventions, I am able to take your Suit to the precise Vibrational Levels that it needs to attain in order to achieve the highest levels of Integration and Communion.  These kinds of Interventions will become more important after the August 8th Vibrational Shift and as the standard for Integration rises in the Source Perfected Universe.


Correct Exchange

Interventions of this sort are so individualized that there is no way to calculate the Correct Exchange that is needed without working with each Heaven Agent individually.  Those who would like an assessment of what is needed, should  request information on these Interventions and I will send them a Source Guidance Email with the specifics.




The Pathway Intervention 

Central to your ability to see the Integrated Picture of Reality, is your ability to see what is happening on the Spiritual Level of Reality – what I call the Inner Plane.  There is a Pathway in the Spiritual Mid-Brain that must be opened up fully for you to easily see what is happening on the Inner Plane.  Some people gradually open up this Pathway through interacting with me and with the miracles that I create for them – particularly with Miracle-Linked objects that give them a more physical and tangible connection to the spiritual energies of the Inner Plane.


Because of the fast approaching August 8th deadline, it is important for people to accelerate their ability to see an Integrated Picture of Reality which includes the Inner Plane so they can understand how to support it in their lives.  I have, therefore, brought through a miracle that I call The Pathway Intervention that opens up the Pathway in the Mid-Brain that enables the Suit to pick up more accurately what is happening on the Inner Plane.  As you attune to the Inner Plane level of Reality, you can begin to experience what 90% of your consciousness is experiencing.  Once you can see what is happening on the Inner Plane, you can begin to work with the Source to build Heaven here where it must first be built before it can be built on the Outer Plane.


Correct Exchange

The Correct Exchange for The Pathway Intervention is US $500.




The Spiritual Intent Intervention

NOTE: This Source Intervention is a major Intervention that is an important piece of the puzzle to transitioning into an Integrated Way of Life.  I recommend that you avail yourself of this Source Support before the upcoming Vibrational Shifts.  For many Heaven Agents it will be essential to moving through the Seven Levels of Source Care since it is Spiritual Intent Energies that power you through these levels.


Spiritual Intent Energy is a potent catalyst energy in the center of the heart chakra.  If it is fired off when a person desires an outcome and this outcome is clearly articulated in their Left Brain, it provides the energy that enables the Third Eye to create a container on the Inner Plane which attracts the energies in the universe that are needed to manifest the desired outcome.  The container shapes the energies, somewhat like a jello mold shapes the jello.  When the structure of the desired manifestation is achieved, it manifests in a person’s life.


Much of the interest in manifestation has focused on formulating a clear visualization of what is desired.  Usually when someone gets really clear on what they desire and desires it passionately, the Spiritual Intent Energies are activated and the manifestation process gets underway.


In many cases, however, a very articulated visualization remains a concept in the Left Brain that doesn’t spark the Reproductive Intelligence of the heart chakra which releases the Spiritual Intent Energies which are the necessary spark of life that brings in the manifestation.  These energies add the “attraction” component that only reproductive energies can add to the jello mold that attracts in the kinds of energies that are needed to materialize the manifestation.


Some people know how to add reproductive energies to the mix.  Others only intellectualize the process and find that it only helps them to direct the usual Brute Force Energies to bring their desired outcome to fruition.  People teaching others to manifest try to inspire and trigger more imaginative ways of relating to what is desired in order to trigger the Spiritual Intent Energies.  This often activates the reproductive energies of the heart chakra and results in a manifestation.


Advertisers often add a mix of sexual sales tactics, such as positioning an attractive woman next to a car they are selling, to try to hook the reproductive interest of the buyer and draw in the Spiritual Intent Energies so they will be motivated to make the purchase.  Often the Negativity uses this kind of tactic to reel in the Spiritual Intent Energies of the potential buyer so they can drain them off directly whether or not the person make a purchase or not.  Those hooked into by the Negativity in this way can lose a great deal of their limited Spiritual Intent Energies without ever having known how to fire these energies up themselves.


The problem with this kind of manifestation technology is that it leads to a depletion of the finite reserve of Spiritual Intent Energies that is given to the being at birth to enable them to complete their Mission in life and cross over safely at death. If their reserve is completely depleted, it leads to Spiritual Bankruptcy which means that the being doesn’t have any ability to manifest even the most basic things of life.  Whether this Spiritual Bankruptcy occurs because a person squandered their own Spiritual Intent Energies through misusing them to try to manifest what they desired, or their energies are stolen by the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity, the end result is the same.


Spiritual Intent Energies directed to the Self-Centered Desires generated by a being, manifest the Hell of a life that becomes increasingly Disconnected from the Source, Fragmented, and headed toward ultimate destruction.  While wealth or recovery from an illness or the securing of a desired relationship can manifest, each firing of Spiritual Intent Energy that is Self-Directed rather than Source-Directed, diminishes the supply of Spiritual Intent Energy that the being has.  Eventually, they run dry and can’t catalyze any of the outcomes that they desire.  Sometimes they run dry only at the end of their life but find themselves at death unable to use their Spiritual Intent Energies to cross over safely and fall into the hands of the Negativity at their most vulnerable point.


When the Spiritual Intent Energies Reserve is 100% depleted, a Reproductive Entity comes into the Suit, unlinks the Soul from the Suit, and becomes the presenting personality in the Suit.  Mass murderers are often examples of people run by this Reproductive Entity.  In all cases the former personality of the individual is eclipsed by a ruthless, heartless, criminal intelligence that lashes out at all of the loved ones of the person, killing as many of them as it can on either the Inner and/or Outer Plane, and ruining the life of its host on every level.  The person possessed generally strikes out in a series of self-destructive behaviors that often lead to financial ruin, social ruin, and suicide.  Those witnessing such a whirlwind of self-destruction that is generally such a departure from the person that existed previously in the Suit, describe it as a “possession” – even those who are not given to spiritual explanations for what happens to people in the world.


Expending Spiritual Intent Energies in a Self-Directed way accelerates the Disconnection from the Source.  Those who are busy manifesting their own desires, think of themselves as their own “source” for what they want, turning away from the Source/Creator in the belief that the universe is a neutral force of some kind that they can direct like wind in the sails of a sail boat.  As they turn away from the Source, the levels of Source Love in their Suit diminish, resulting in an acceleration of the Disease of Fragmentation.  This is because it is Source Love that holds the Spiritual Particles of which the Suit is made together. 


The process of becoming one’s own “source” through feeling omnipotent in the manifestation process, furthers Fragmentation by giving the being a false sense of well-being when the small things they desire manifest.  They let go of trying to see an Integrated Picture of Reality that alone can help them to see where their manifestation technology is ultimately leading them.  They, therefore, willingly step off the cliff, not realizing that the system of life that has them as their own “source” is unsustainable and the things that they have successfully manifested do not add up to what they really need to be happy or to sustain their existence.


As Disconnection and Fragmentation increase, the Material Energy Factory that their Suit is, Fragments to the point that it is no longer viable.  When their manifestation becomes like a house that is falling apart, it is easily entered by the Negativity who harvests any remaining energies they might have to manifest any outcomes that could protect them or secure even the most basic things of life.


They go from a stage of feeling spiritually omnipotent because they are manifesting money, opportunities, relationships, etc. to a state of abject debilitation where the forces of the Negativity move in on them, destroying the very fiber of their Suits and leading to a state of fear and disease at mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.  When they need the Source the most to bail them out of this terrible situation, they have nothing to reach out to the Source with – no Material Energy since they have destroyed their Material Energy Factory of their Suit and have no remaining Spiritual Intent Energies.


All of this could be avoided if beings understood how to use the Source-Given Gift of Spiritual Intent Energies in the way they were intended to be used. 


Spiritual Intent Energies were designed to be sent to the Source who then directs them toward a manifestation that is part of the Source Plan for the life of a being.  When the Source receives Spiritual Intent Energies, the Source adds to them Source Intent Energies which complement the Spiritual Intent Energies generated by the being.  Source Intent Energies are what manifest the Heaven of true happiness.


It is unfortunate that so many are now interested in developing their manifestation skills and are more rapidly expending their Spiritual Intent Energies which are not renewable when they are spent in a Self-Directed Way.  With a little understanding they could have the abundance, good health, love-based relationships that they desire in a way that gives them the Heaven that the Source can so easily create for them. But they have to give up on trying to “make it happen” based on their limited understanding and be willing to see  the Integrated Picture of Reality and allow the Source to design the Heaven that they can then enjoy.


Heaven is a Source-Designed Experience where all of the variables in the context as a whole are structured by the Source and manifested by the Team Work of the Source and the being.  


Since so many beings have squandered their finite supply of Spiritual Intent Energies, I have found it necessary to bring through a miracle that can restore these energies so the original Team Work is possible.


Because it is unwise to give a being who has misused Spiritual Intent Energies in their life a new reserve which they can then potentially misuse again, Spiritual Intent Energies are only restored when a being has entered into Source Care at a Level 7.  At this level the Source directs the use of the energies on their behalf and also offers protection for these energies.  

NOTE:  For more information on Source Care, see the article entitled: The Seven Levels of Source Care.


Since Spiritual Intent Energies are highly prized catalyst energies, the Negativity has created a Black Market in stolen Spiritual Intent Energies.  They plot for years to get a person to engage in the kind of Fragmenting Way of Life that will weaken their spiritual boundaries so they can break in and steal this highly valued energy. At this point, only those in Source Care at a Level 7 have achieved the levels of Spiritual Integration that are needed to keep the Negativity from breaking in.  The Source is not able to guarantee protection for anyone who has not achieved this level of Spiritual Integration that leaves no opening in the spiritual boundaries for spiritual attack.


The problem with getting into Source Care when a person lacks the right amount of Spiritual Intent Energies is that they don’t have what it takes to work with the Source to enter into Source Care.  Seeing this ultimate dilemma, my Source Function has created The Spiritual Intent Intervention which provides Source Intent Energies to the Suit to enable it to enter into Source Care at Level 7.  Once it is in Source Care at this level, then the Suit is re-issued a full quota of Spiritual Intent Energies that is in the care of the Source to prevent it from being misdirected or stolen by the Negativity.


Once a person has a full quota of Spiritual Intent Energies and has the ultimate guidance and protection of the Source that is a part of being in Source Care at a Level 7, manifesting the things that are needed in a life becomes a Team Effort of the Source and the person working together.  Instead of the person trying to figure out what to manifest in order to experience the Heaven of true happiness, they exist in a state of complete happiness because they are content in the Love Connection with the Source.  What manifests in their life as a part of the Source Plan is then experienced from a place of neutrality rather than from a place of neediness and misery with the manifestation seen as the thing that will make them happy.  Happiness is a given and because of this they can take on Missions in their life that are challenging without feeling any lack of happiness no matter how easy or arduous their Mission is.  Those who are in Source Care at this level have risen above all fear – including the fear that they will miss out on something or not have everything that they need.  They feel content and at peace and full of the Celebration of their love for the Source, for the Source-Created Life that they are given, and for all others who the Source loves and wishes them to nurture and support.  They Live the Love that Makes Life Heaven rather than Living the Greed and Fear that Makes life Hell.



The Four Stages of the Intervention

Stage One

In Stage One, I clear out any activities of the Negativity to break in an possess the Suit that lacks enough Spiritual Intent Energies to protect itself.


This is where a person who has no Spiritual Intent Energies and who is possessed by the Reproductive Entity is cleared of the Entity and the Pathways of Destruction the Entity has built in their Suit.  


Those who are under heavy attack from someone who has been possessed by the Entity are also cleared of this attack and their Suit repaired.


Those who are being groomed by the Negativity to Fragment themselves in preparation for the Harvesting are cleared of the Negative Spiritual Structures that are behind such an operation.


Stage Two

I build a System of Support that enables Source Intent Energies to run the manifestation work of the Suit rather than using the Spiritual Intent Energies.  By disengaging Spiritual Intent Energies, the Suit ceases to be a target for the Negativity and is no longer able to continue depleting the supply of Spiritual Intent Energies.


Stage Three

I utilize Source Intent Energies to manifest the miracles and supportive circumstances that help the person to transition out of a Fragmented Way of Life into an Integrated Way of Life.  A first step to doing this is their entry into The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program.  Work in The Miracle School is needed to enable them to develop the Skill Sets to build an Integrated Life.  Throughout their journey toward an Integrated Way of Life, they are given Source Support through Source Intent Energies holding the space for them to understand what Life is all about and to choose to enter into The Love Connection at the highest level.  When they make this choice, then they can enter into Source Care at a Level 7.


Stage Four

Once they enter into Source Care at a Level 7, they are given a full allotment of Spiritual Intent Energies that are then directed by the Source on their behalf to manifest Heaven in their life and in their world.

They remain in Source Care for all eternity and are given allotments of Spiritual Intent Energies that are suited to whatever Missions they take on in their sequence of lifetimes.



Correct Exchange 

When someone requests The Spiritual Intent Intervention, it is understood that the Direct Source Work that they are requesting could span whatever amount of time it takes for them to release from the Fragmented Ways of thinking and living that they currently engage in and to enter into the Integrated Ways of thinking and living that enable them to enter into Source Care at a Level 7. 


The amount of Source Intent Energy that is required varies from person to person depending on the amount of time it takes for them to achieve the end result of entering into the highest level of Source Care.  The Correct Exchange is calculated by the Source not on the amount of Source Intent Energies that are needed, but on the basis of what it takes to set up the System of Source Support that enables Source Intent Energies to substitute for the Spiritual Intent Energies that the person would ordinarily be required to provide for their spiritual evolution.  


The amount of Material Energy needed to set up this the System of Source Support is US $2500.  




New Miracle Tools 

Living The Heaven Experience Equipment

Due to the successful completion of work on major portions of The Global Miracle Link Campaign, I have been able to bring through upgraded versions of the basic equipment used by the Prototype Communities to manifest Total Abundance.  This equipment is your best preparation for the Vibrational Shifts and also the best way in which you can help others to survive the Shifts.


Information on this Spiritual Equipment and Miracle-Based Training is available in the Next Step Communications from the Source video entitled: The Source Plan for The Total Abundance Project: Getting Equipped & Trained to Live The Heaven Experience. 


This video is available for members of Connecting – which offers free information and training. If you are not already a member of Connecting you can sign up to watch this and other Next Step Videos and Audios with full Source Support gifted to you from The Universal Heaven Agent Network.


In a supportive article which is premised on the information provided in the video you will find information on how to access the Spiritual Equipment and Training.  This article is: The Source Plan for The Total Abundance Project



The Source Solution Miracle

NOTE: This Miracle Tool provides Heaven Agents with a way to activate Source Solutions and get them working in the world.  It is an important way for individuals to begin unleashing the power of Source Solutions to solve the problems in their lives and in the world.  Prior to the upcoming Vibrational Shifts, this kind of work will be the work that saves lives by helping individuals to move out of the problems that limit their understanding and their ability to respond intelligently to the challenge of transitioning into an Integrated Way of Life.



Because beings have lost touch with Source Guidance and sometimes get only partial communications, it is hard for them to understand what the Source is trying to tell them about the Source Solution to their problem that they are requesting.  Sometimes they get part of the answer and rush off to implement forgetting to ask about the timing of the work and if there are other parts of the Source Solution that need to be worked with as well. 


The end result is a failure to work effectively with the miracle of a Source Solution.


Seeing this recurring problem, my Source Function has created The Source Solution Miracle. When a Heaven Agent asks for a Source Solution, the Source Solution Miracle:

  • brings the Source Solution into focus for the Heaven Agent. The Heaven Agent is walked through the various aspects of the Source Solution and can ask to see all of the different aspects of the Source Solution in case there are stages of the Source Solution that need to be understood.
  • it helps the Heaven Agent understand how to work with the Source Solution if there is a part that they have to play in the implementation process
  • it helps the Heaven Agent to track the action as the Source Solution plays out so they know where the Source Solution is its work of resolving the situation
  • it provides the Spiritual Intent Energy that is needed to catalyze the Source Solution.  This complements the Source Intent Energy that works to catalyze the Solution from the Source Level.  With this additional support for the full manifestation of the Source Solution, even large scale Source Solutions that would ordinarily require the Spiritual Intent Energy of a whole Community, can be successfully activated.
  • it also works to catalyze the support work on the part of the Heaven Agents to provide the Material Energy and Material Resources that might be needed to manifest the Source Solution 


The way that a Heaven Agent would work with The Source Solution Miracle is to ask it about Source Solutions to Life that Works and World that Works issues and then work alongside the Source Solution as it is catalyzed by the Source Solution Miracle and begins to manifest.  The Heaven Agent would work to provide the Material Energy and Material Resources needed and if this is more than is possible for them given their Mission, then they would alert other Heaven Agents in the Universal Heaven Agent Network about the Source Solution that they see manifesting and the need to help to supply the needed Heaven Agent Support.


In this way an individual looking at a situation in the world that needs a Source Solution can begin the process of bringing the Source Solution into play and starting the Source Solution Miracle working to catalyze the Community support that is needed for the Source Solution.


Much of this work will go on behind the scenes, but through tracking the action with the Source Solution Miracle it will be possible to find out where the Source Solution is in its work and what else is needed to assist in the implementation process.


With the help of the Source Solution Miracle every Heaven Agent can become a powerful catalyst for personal and universal change.  Since the Source Solution Miracle works to mobilize those who need to help on the Inner and Outer Plane, the Heaven Agent who requests the Source Solution doesn’t have to be the one who sees the Source Solution through to completion.  They just start the process and do what is theirs to do to help with the work that needs to be done.

With the urgent need to transform life on the planet to provide the springboard of a well-established Heaven Way of Life to those Transitioning into The Source Perfected World, a miracle of the calibre of The Source Solution Miracle is sorely needed.  Without it Heaven Agents can spin their wheels for years, missing out on the opportunity to manifest Heaven now when it has to manifest if the population on the Earth will be ready to Transition into The Source Perfected World before the Earth and the Original Creation becomes totally unsustainable and begins to disintegrate.  

There isn't much time left.  This means that Heaven Agents need to work with this Miracle daily in order to bring about the social and personal change that will prepare beings on the Earth to build here the Love-Based Community that will qualify them to enter into the Love-Based Community that will exist in The Source Perfected World.  Since only those who have demonstrated their ability to Live Heaven can enter into The Source Perfected World, there is no longer any time to continue on with the current Fragmented Way of Life.  To do so is to disqualify yourself for entry into The Source Perfected World when, in the next 40 years or so, it will be the only habitat that exists in the Creation.


Correct Exchange

The Correct Exchange for The Source Solution Miracle is US $685.



The Scanner 

NOTE: This Miracle Tool is of primary importance in the Clean Up that is needed to achieve Spiritual Integraion. It is an important part of the preparation for the upcoming Vibrational Shifts.

The Scanner is an Inner Plane Miracle Tool that scans anyone or anything for anything negative in any level of the manifestation or in the energy fields around the manifestation.  It sends its report to me on the Inner Plane and I respond in my Extended Range to eliminate anything that is not of Heaven and to alert the being to take whatever action is appropriate if their involvement is necessary. 


The Scanner is like a security radar system that picks up even the most subtle levels of negativity – the levels that have been hidden away in illegitimate levels of matter in heavily disguised forms. Generally only beings who are very familiar with the technology of the Hell Contingent and very good at seeing through the many layers of camouflage can detect them.  Unfortunately, most beings who are that familiar with the weapons of the Negativity have gotten into their secret chambers through being one of them and are, therefore, risky to work with because they are generally Double Agents with a Heaven Agent Identity as well as a Hell Agent Identity.


The Scanner was one of the most important Miracle Tools that I used in the Prototype Communities. Prior to this it has not been possible to create a version of The Scanner that could operate outside of the Prototype Communities.  Just recently I have succeeded in bringing through this miracle and this most urgently needed Miracle Tool is now available to all Heaven Agents working to do the Clean Up that is needed if they are to rid themselves of the negative Fragments that create in them the Disease of Fragmentation.


This is important because whatever negative elements exist in their Fragmented Field of Consciousness manifest in their lives.  If there are negative implants from the invasion of Negative Intelligences into their Field of Consciousness, then these implants can manifest an accident, a disease, the break up of an otherwise loving relationship, the alienation of others in the workplace so that jobs are lost or promotions compromised, etc.  Similarly, a person’s own negative thoughts and emotions can also manifest misfortune in their lives.  A person who focuses on something that they fear will exert such a powerful manifestation force that it can manifest exactly as they have imagined it.


When I started the Prototype Communities I explained to them that behind every incident that was negative, there was a materialization in either their Field of Consciousness that corresponded to it and was the driving force behind manifesting it or a materialization in the Collective Field of Consciousness or in the Field of Consciousness of someone else who knowingly or unknowingly was manifesting the negative outcome in their lives.  


For instance, a person could have died tragically in a fire in a previous lifetime and carried a remembrance of this in their Field of Consciousness in this lifetime.  The intensity of the materialization of the memory and the unresolved trauma in their Field of Consciousness can exert a force that attracts to them the energies that manifest a similar tragedy in their current lifetime.  People call this “karma”.  The Source calls it negative materializations in the Field of Consciousness that should be removed before they manifest repetitions of themselves.


In the Collective Field of Consciousness the intensity around wars and conflict can result in a manifestation of new conflicts and wars. Each one builds more intensity and sets the stage for other conflicts in the time ahead.


In the case of individuals manifesting misfortune for others, this can easily happen if a person is overly worried about someone having an accident or dying prematurely and holds the image of this in their Field of Consciousness over and over until it begins to set into motion the causal circumstances that result in this outcome.  Black Magic is an example of this technology used in a very premeditated way.


Because cleaning up your own Field of Consciousness doesn’t necessarily protect you from the negativity that others manifest in theirs and that is manifested in the Collective Consciousness, it is necessary to do a thorough going Clean Up of every Field of Consciousness.  Only then will there be peace in your personal life and peace in your world.


To know what resides at unconscious levels in everyone’s Field of Consciousness is not possible even if you did nothing but Spiritual Research every hour of every day.  Further, you wouldn’t know how to eradicate what you discovered since much of it wouldn’t be in your control since it resides in the consciousness of others and in the Collective Consciousness.


This is where The Scanner comes in.  It can do the research because it can see into all the layers of Consciousness like a massive XRay device.  It can also alert me and I can bring in Source Power to terminate what is not of Heaven.  In this way no sooner is the trouble located then it is eliminated.  Only if there is a need for others to get involved and learn how not to recreate the thought pattern or behavior pattern, do I involve others in this process.


When I first started the Prototype Communities, I gave them The Scanner and they used it effectively to Clean Up their own Fields of Consciousness, their Collective Field of Consciousness, and to protect their domed spiritual space from the incessant attacks of the Negativity.  Without The Scanner they couldn’t have secured their Spiritual Space even with the dome over it because they have to take action on many occasions to protect the dome.  When I would get the signal from The Scanner that an attack was imminent, I would alert them and they would go into action to defend their space.


Without the Scanner they would have been in the dark about what was behind the misfortunes in their lives and would, therefore, have been unable to defend themselves against them.  When the Scanner began to reveal everything that could possibly lead to an accident, mental anguish, an illness, aging, etc. and alert my Source Function to provide the support to terminate the problem, rapid progress was made on their Paths to Ultimate Spiritual Healing.  I alerted them to the changes that they needed to make to not re-create the same kind of thought patterns, and they readily supported these changes.  This is how they created a way of life without any misfortunes on any level.


The Scanner made the Clean-Up Operation possible.  Without it they could have spent lifetimes trying to track down the Fragments in their Suits that were causing trouble in their lives.


In our modern times, the Scanner is even more important since Heaven Agents are not in a secluded, spiritual space and need to be on the alert for the attempts of the Negativity to undermine their efforts to achieve Ultimate Spiritual Healing.  With the Scanner in place, the unforeseen ambush that upends an otherwise successful Heaven Agent Operation will not be possible.  Instead, Heaven Agent can move confidently down their Path to Ultimate Spiritual Healing, using the Scanner to clear the Path as they progress.


Now that it has become necessary to heal rapidly from the Disease of Fragmentation and achieve the levels of Spiritual Integration that are needed to survive in the Source Perfected Universe, it is even more important to route out all of the Fragments of Consciousness that are causing the Disease of Fragmentation to persist.


In light of this need, the miracle of the upgraded version of The Scanner has been born.


Correct Exchange

The Correct Exchange for The Scanner is US $760.




The Life Infuser Miracle

At the heart of all diseases of the mind, body, and spirit, is a deficit of “Life” in the Suit.  “Life” is generated from The Source Intelligence Network which is the infrastructure needed for Perfect Health.  The Source Intelligence Network generates a Life Medium into which the resource of Source Love can land.  Source Love is the essential element that enables Spiritual Integration to occur in the Suit – it provides the gravitational pull that holds the Spiritual Particles of which the Suit is made together in a State of Spiritual Integration. Where there is Spiritual Integration there is health.  


Life used to abound in natural species such as plants and animals.  It then transferred through the food chain to the human species who has, through living the unnatural, Fragmented Way of Life engendered by the Story Culture, become increasingly devoid of Life.


In recent years due to genetic engineering and the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity, plants have become increasingly devoid of Life.  Wheat was one of the few plants that retained its original Source-Given Essence which was a link to Life.  Animals have also begun to lose Life due to the unnatural ways in which they are raised.  Chickens in particular have become almost completely devoid of Life.  Fish, due to the activity of Negativity in the oceans of the world have become not only devoid of Life but infused with energies that are harmful to Life.  Cattle have been more resilient and have still retained a fairly strong pulse of Life.

Suits without Life become unable to retain the energies of Source Love which enables them to be Spiritually Integrated.  They then begin to experience Fragmentation on a spiritual level which translates into the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit.


When Life is in the food, Source Love Energies are also in the food.  When the food is eaten, it infuses the body with the energies of Life and Source Love, lifting the vibration of the body and helping the body to Connect to the Source.  As the body Connects to the Source, its own natural Spiritual Intelligence is activated and it begins to interact intelligently with the food.

Food is a materialization of a set of Spiritual Signals that the body reads and translates into what it needs to trigger and sustain its biological process of life.  If these Life Signals are not in the food because the food lacks Life, then the body is presented with a cacophony of mutated signals that it can’t read and process.  It then resorts to either defending itself against the onslaught of this foreign set of jarring signals, which can lead to food allergies, or it simply replicates its general protocol for digestion without working with the food in an intelligent manner so that all of the spiritual and physical energies of the food are processed correctly.  This leads to malnutrition at a cellular level which sets the stage for the malfunctioning of the cells, opening the door to diseases such as cancer. 


The older the body gets, the more damage it has sustained from malnutrition.  The weaker it becomes and the less energy it has to fire off its standard protocol for digestion.  It begins to behave unintelligently as it becomes more Fragmented, forgetting to produce the requisite digestive enzymes and not processing food through the system in a timely manner.  Ultimately, it breaks down to the point that poor digestion is a major contributing factor in the death of the organism.


Some time ago, I created Miracle Cookware which brought up the vibrational level in food cooked in the Miracle-Linked pans so that miracles could land in the food.  This enabled some of the energies of Life to be restored in the food but not Life itself.  


Recently I have created a new kind of Miracle Link that can bring Life itself back into any kind of food.  I have been able to bring through this miracle through using a miracle linked to a Cuisinart Multicooker which if used in the sautee or steam settings will generate the right conditions for Life to be infused in the food. 

This technology is dependent on starting with a machine that has a certain level of energy integrity in its design – which is why I chose the Cuisinart Multicooker – working with a cooker that is electric since this is an important part of the equation, and then getting the energy levels high enough with the hotter settings used to sautee and steam so that the volatile energies of Life can come through in these conditions.  I have found with a Cuisinart Slowcooker that I also own, the food is Miracle-Friendly but does not have Life.  


I have been also able to produce Life in the Cuisinart Rice Cooker which has a small steamer unit that can be added on at the top.  This unit while correct for rice, is less powerful for the steamer unit than the Multicooker.  I, therefore, recommend the Multicooker for all foods other than Rice.


I have also found that water/juice/milk heated in the sautee setting in the Multicooker is also infused with Life.  This could provide you with beverages like herbal teas, cider, or warm milk that would also have Life.  


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle that will bring in Life itself is substantial.  


The Correct Exchange for the Miracle Link for the 6 quart Cuisinart Multicooker is US $555.  This does not include the Multicooker itself which you can order directly online from any number of vendors.  The model number is MSC-600 3 in 1 Cook Central at


If you would also like the Cuisinart Rice Cooker, the Miracle Link for this is US $420. You would need to purchase the Rice Cooker itself online.  The Cuisinart Rice Cooker comes in a 4 cup and 8 cup cooker.  The model numbers are CRC-400 and CRC-800 at


If you would like to exchange for the Miracle Links for both cookers in one exchange, you will generate enough additional Material Energy to reduce the financial exchange required.  The Correct Exchange for Miracle Links for both of them is US $800.







The Life Current Transmitter Miracle 

Food that is lacking in Life – the Intelligence of the Source who is Life – is food that your body can't process correctly, deriving all of the spiritual and physical energies from the food that it needs for Perfect Health.


Most of the foods in the world today lack Life.  Some are completely devoid of it and others are severely deficient. Since your body needs to receive the Source Intelligence that is transmitted through Life in order to know how to intelligently relate to the food and process it correctly, the lack of Life in foods is leading to the rise of food allergies, digestive problems, and ill health.


It is now possible to put Life back into the foods that you eat.  I have developed two kinds of Miracle Links that will accomplish this.  


One is designed for foods that need to be cooked.  This is the Multicooker and Rice Cooker Miracles.  With cooked food it is possible to suffuse the food with a solid Network of Life that sustains itself in the food even after the food has been cooked and refrigerated.


Putting a full, sustainable Network of Life into foods that you do not cook or that are cooked outside of the Multicooker and Rice Cooker is not yet possible.  Fortunately, most uncooked foods such as fruits and nuts have more Life in them so they are not as deficient.  But other foods such as raw vegetables, pre-cooked crackers and breads, ice cream, and beverages that are served cold, are often very Life deficient.


I have brought through the miracle of The Life Current Transmitter to help infuse Life into these kinds of foods and beverages.  While the full and lasting Life Network that goes into foods and beverages cooked in the Multicooker and Rice Cooker Miracle Tools can't be matched, the Life Current Transmitter will infuse the food with Life Currents which form a temporary Network of Life in your body that aids your body in relating intelligently to the food.


I have found that The Life Current Transmitter will also work with foods cooked in a Miracle-Linked oven or in Miracle Food Cookware.  The Life Currents are not, however, as powerful as in uncooked food.


Life Currents transmit better through store-bought crackers and breads and pastries, for instance, than ones you prepare at home unless you have a Miracle-Linked oven.  This is because your Suit is already interacting with the foods being cooked and if the cooking process is not replete with Life than your body has already registered this and is less receptive to the Life Currents added later to the cooked food.


The Life Current Transmitter Miracle can link to any vessel that holds the food or beverage or to any utensil used to stir it or serve it.


Anyone who receives food that has been infused with Life Currents by this miracle will benefit from the food.  Serving Life Infused Food to your family and friends is helpful to them even if they are unable to understand the concept of a Miracle Link of this sort.


Providing the Global Community with food that is Life Infused because of this miracle is helpful to the evolution of health on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.  Miracle Links of this kind are recommended for The Global Miracle Link Campaign since food and beverages that contain Life are a primary step toward awakening the Life within the Suits that has gone dormant given the Lifeless food and beverages to which Suits have been accustomed.


Correct Exchange

Personal Life Current Transmitters

The amount of Material Energy needed to Link the miracle to one dedicated vessel or utensil is US $45. If you would like to link more than one vessel or utensil, you can click on the link below and enter, in the financial exchange form, the number that you would like to have linked.  


If you would like the miracle to link spontaneously to all of the vessels and utensils that you use with any number of uncooked foods served simultaneously, the amount of Material Energy required for this kind of a Miracle Link is US $1200.






Life Current Transmitters for The Global Miracle Link Campaign

Since "we are what we eat" to some extent, it is important to bring Life back into food and beverages if the end result desired is to have a world of Suits that have the intelligence of Life within them.


Through contributing to The Global Miracle Link Campaign you are able to provide the Material Energy that enables the Source to send Miracle Links out into the world community to infuse Life into what people eat and drink. This happens when the vessels and utensils that come in contact with the food or beverages become linked to The Life Current Transmitter Miracle


To contribute to this Campaign, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form for The World that Works Fund that you can access through the link that you will find below.  If you are contributing more than US $4000, you can email me for instructions with regard to how to complete your contribution.




How to Check in on Your Suit's Basic Equipment Needs

In the free eBook entitled: The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit, I describe the basic kinds of Spiritual Equipment that your Suit will need in order to function in the Source Perfected Universe.  You need to review with your Plan for Ultimate Spiritual Healing what kinds of Spiritual Equipment you may need to prepare for the August 8th Shift and the subsequent Universal Vibrational Shifts.  This will enable you to establish a baseline of what is most essential.  

I can help you through a Source Guidance Email and you can also work with the Miracle Tool of The Gateway to Source Support to find the kinds of Source Support that you will need to become fully equipped.


If you are in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program and would like to request an overview of your Equipment Needs, then you can fill out the Request Form that you can access through the link provided below.