Special Request Adventures


The Directory of Guided Adventures gives you examples of the types of Integrated Comfort Adventures that are possible.  I can create a wide range of Adventures and am open to suggestions if there is an Adventure that you would like to have which is not one of the Adventures described below. 


Special Request Adventures can be for yourself or for someone you know.  They can also be for the Community. Community Adventures can be gifted to an individual who is need in the Community even if you don't know who is most in need. The Source knows each being and will send the Adventure to the right person.  They can also be for a group of people in the Community such as victims of war, crime, racial discrimination, economic oppression, domestic violence, child abuse, etc.  They can also be Adventures for children or adults or the elderly.


The first step is to describe to me the outcome that you would like to create and then I will respond by email with an Assessment of what kind of Miracle-Based Adventure is possible and the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground the Code and the Adventures that are needed to achieve this outcome.  If this is more than you can provide individually, as might be the case for a Community Adventure, I can list the Adventure as a newly created Guided Adventure and others in the Global Community can step forward to help fund it.


To request a Special Request Integrated Comfort Adventure you can fill out the form that can be accessed through the link provided below.  Include as much detail as is needed regarding the outcome you are intending as well as information on the recipient – whether it is yourself or is to be gifted to a particular person, to anyone in need, or to a specific group of people.  




A Special Request Miracle-Based Adventure is part of The Total Abundance Project and is a Total Abundance Source Intervention.


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