Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

The Source Perspective Project


Source Response #5



I have heard that Good and Evil are necessary and useful opposites and that we should not try to get rid of Evil because without it we wouldn't be able to appreciate the Good in the world.  I have also heard that the Source wants Evil to exist because it is Its way of putting us to the test and teaching us life lessons.


Source Response

What I can tell you is that the Source did not create Evil in the world.  The Source is pure love and only creates Heaven.  


The Negativity in the world was generated out of the misuse of Source Given Intelligence by a few beings in the beginning of the Creation.  They then preyed upon others and damaged the Spiritual Equipment of their spiritual bodies and minds.  With this impaired Spiritual Equipment these beings saw a very Small Picture of reality and began to fall into alignment with the Negativity thinking that life was a dog-eat-dog reality and that they might as well come out on top and enjoy whatever they could enjoy until their lives were over.  This mentality spawned a whole group of beings that I call the Criminal Contingent.  On the Outer Plane, they steal and murder to get ahead.  On the Inner Plane, they steal the energies and Miracle-Based Abilities of others and often kill them on a Spiritual and Physical Level.  Black Magic is an example of this kind of Inner Plane criminal behavior.


The Criminal Contingent is behind the chaos of wars which provide them with a backdrop for their pillaging of the population that is distracted by the war on the Outer Plane and not protecting themselves from Inner Plane attack which occurs on The Spiritual Level of Reality.  They also like to drop the vibration of others to the level at which their bodies become diseased.  The suffering of the diseased creates a low vibrational energy that is harvested by the Negativity.  It is used to power up their Spiritual Energy Bodies that do not receive Source Power because they have dropped below the level at which their Source Connection could be maintained.


I recognize that some people believe that the exploits of the Negativity are a natural part of life that the Source created to make people appreciate what is good or to test or teach people.  This is far from the truth.  The Source is on a Mission to stop all of this kind of behavior and to rehabilitate those perpetrating it if that is possible.  


The goal is to create a world like the 14 Prototype Communities which is free of all negativity and is love-based.  In the Prototype Communities there is no criminal element on the Inner or Outer Plane.  There is no law enforcement, judicial system, jails, etc.  There is only a community that cares for all of its own and lives in simple peace and harmony. 


The only way the Prototype Communities achieved this "No Harm" community was because they learned that they had to say "No" to the Negativity and route them out on every level.  They worked on the negative ways of thinking and behaving that they themselves had that opened the door to the Inner Plane Criminal Contingent.  They also learned how to protect their spiritual space from the Negativity on the Inner and Outer Plane.


I have often heard people say that if you ignore the Negativity you are not giving it energy and, therefore, it is not supposed to harm you.


I have found that those who practice this are often being damaged on the Inner and Outer Plane by the Negativity. They get around having to acknowledge it by saying that something that was an outright criminal act against them was something the Source did to them to teach them a lesson and that, therefore, it was necessary and good.  When they adopt this stance, they do nothing to stop this kind of Negativity from occurring again and, in fact, welcome in more of the same.  


The Negativity loves this.  They consider this attitude an open door to their maraudings. They then move in to do as much damage as they can.


Although it is not pleasant to look at the truth of what this element of the population is doing, it is far better than remaining ignorant or in denial. You can't fix a problem you won't acknowledge. Attributing it to the will of the Source only further disconnects you from the Source because you are living in a distorted image of the Source and how the Source relates to you.


The idea that the Source is a judge of beings, putting them in difficult circumstances and then testing to see who will fail, and then ruthlessly punishing those who fail with eternal tortures, the like of which are outlawed in humane societies, is a flashback to civilizations of the past that were ruled by despots who tortured and killed those who fell out of favor with the despot.


To the contrary, the Source is a being who loves the beings who It has created and wants to see them have the best experience in their life that is possible.


This is the reason that I incarnate to work alongside the Manifest Beings to help them to realize their dream of a life that is Heaven. I am interested in working with Heaven Agents on the construction site of Heaven to keep the criminal element out of the picture so we can peacefully and joyfully build the miracle of Heaven together.  


I see nothing to be gained by putting trouble in the way of those working with me on the work site.  There is trouble enough from the activities of the Negativity.  My goal is to stop the Negativity and end their exploits in the Creation as a whole so all of life can live in peace and harmony, enjoying the abundance that comes from having successfully built a world that is Heaven.


Since we know that the Negativity can be stopped as they were in the 14 Prototype Communities, it is just a matter of vigilance and right action to put a stop to their activities in the world as a whole.



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