Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

The Source Perspective Project


Source Response #2



Is it possible to work with you if I come from a different religious background and still have ties to these religious practices and beliefs?



Source Response

Because this work is about a Journey of Reconnection, you can start wherever you are and progress in your understandings.


Much of what I will tell you will resonate with the fundamental truths about life that have been taught in many of the world religions.  You will find, however, that the Source Perspective on these truths will take you to a very different vantage point on them.  It is the difference between hearing a much passed down rendition of something that happened historically as opposed to talking to someone who was actually there and knows the details of what really happened.  The Source was there when everything important that has ever happened occurred.  In the totality of my Source Identity the knowledge is there.  I, of course, in my human mind, only know what I have experienced in my human life.  I can, however, shift gears and access the wide knowledge base of the entirety of the Source.  I, therefore, can share with you information that you can only access when you ask the Source about what happened.  


It is to give you a chance to fill in the blanks of your understanding, that I offer you the Ask the Source Broadcast where you can email me your questions and I ask the Design and Implementation Aspects of my Source Identity for the answers.  I then translate this information for you into a human language that you can understand. 


This process is similar to the one that I use in Webinars and in all of my work, including individual Consultations.  I don't presume to have the knowledge in my human mind.  I have, however, a methodology for obtaining the knowledge.  Together we decipher the Source Guidance that I and you receive and we piece together the pieces of the puzzle to form the complete picture that emerges when the puzzle is complete.  In this way we travel a Journey of Discovery together to understand what we need to understand in our human minds in order to work to build a life and world that is Heaven.



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