Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

The Total Abundance Screen Project

The Instruction Manual 

How to Work with Total Abundance Screens


The first step in working with the Total Abundance Screens is to ask the Source to help you to center yourself in your Personal Total Abundance Matrix which is now your new spiritual home.  When you ask to center yourself, you will enter into The Truth Chamber in the center of The Love Connection section of the Matrix.  This is the center of the 4 quadrants of the Matrix.


You can see what this looks like and connect to the energy of it by working with the graphic of a Total Abundance Matrix.



The Total Abundance Matrix Graphic



The Truth Chamber is the Monitoring Station for the Matrix.  It gives you information that enables you to work with the Source and with other Heaven Agents on The Universal Total Abundance Team to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance for all beings throughout the Creation.


This information is given on six Total Abundance Screens. Each screen transmits visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and multi-sensory modality information.  This information is received by a Total Abundance Screen Program given to you to help your Suit both receive and interpret the information that is given.


Underneath each Screen is a Source Plan Button. When you push this button, it brings in energy into your Matrix. This energy then moves through an Auxiliary Material Energy Factory that the Matrix has manifested for your Total Abundance. This Auxiliary Material Energy Factory is clear and able to produce high quality Material Energy on your behalf.  This is in contrast to your original Material Energy Factory which, in most cases, has become clogged up by the dense and negative energies of Self Interest which render it incapable of producing high quality Material Energy for landing miracles. Since Total Abundance Miracles require very high quality Material Energy to land, The Auxiliary Material Energy Factory gives your Suit a way to give help that it would otherwise be unable to provide.  This will enable you to receive Total Abundance Miracles that you need personally as well as to provide Material Energy for the Total Abundance Miracles that are needed by The Universal Community.


The Material Energy that your Auxiliary Material Energy Factory generates is sent to whatever Total Abundance Project was in focus on the Screen at the time that you pushed The Source Plan Button.


Some of the Material Energy will be used to help your original Material Energy Factory to be cleared so that you can run the levels of Material Energy that are needed for your Total Abundance. While The Auxiliary Material Energy Factory can bring in certain levels of Material Energy, it is not designed to replace your original Material Energy Factory.  There are limitations to what it can produce.


Once your original Material Energy Factory is functioning optimally, when you press The Source Plan Button, the Source Power will go to your original Material Energy Factory which will be able to produce far more vital and powerful Material Energy than The Auxiliary Material Energy Factory can produce.

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a Material Energy Factory, I recommend that you watch the video: The Gifted Video Book Training.  This extensive training gives you the basic understandings that will enable you to understand not only what a Material Energy Factory is but why Material Energy is important to landing miracles and how the Source both creates and delivers miracles to beings in The Manifest World.  This background information is essential to understanding how the Source will work with you through the information that is sent through your Total Abundance Screens.  

Members of Connecting can access this video through using the link provided below.  If you are not yet a member of Connecting, which provides you with Gifted Source-Directed Spiritual Activist Training, you can sign up below.



Now let’s take a look at the six Total Abundance Screens.



The Six Total Abundance Screens

In The Truth Chamber, a being can work with six Total Abundance Screens that provide vital information about how they are doing with manifesting the Total Abundance that is needed in six aspects of their life. 



 Personal Health Screens

Outer Plane Health

The Subtle Body – Physical Health Screen

This Screen provides information on the health of the energy body most immediately connected to the Physical Body. I call this energy body the Subtle Body since it manifests on the subtle – less material level – of the Outer Plane. It is not perceived by the 5 senses but is more materialized than either the Spiritual Energy Body and the Physical Energy Body, which exist only on the Inner Plane.  


The Subtle Body has a profound effect on the health of the Physical Body.  While it is influenced by the health of the Physical Energy Body, its health has to be analyzed separately if its impact on the health of the Physical Body is to correctly evaluated.


This Screen provides information not only on the Subtle Body but on its impact on the Physical Body.  


The Subtle Body –  Intellectual Health Screen

This Screen provides information on the intellectual functioning of the Subtle Body.  Since this body affects intellectual functioning in the Physical Body most directly, knowledge of what is happening in the Subtle Body at the intellectual level is critical to understanding the intellectual health of the Physical Body.


The Subtle Body –  Emotional Health Screen

This Screen provides vital information about the emotional health of the Subtle Body.  Knowing what is happening at this level will help to empower a being to take action to clear up the more materialized emotions that are generated by the Physical Body.


Inner Plane Health

The Inner Plane Health Screen

This Screen provides information on the health of the Spiritual Energy Body which is the most immaterial body of the two bodies that exist ony on the Inner Plane.  It also provides information on the Physical Energy Body which shapes the health of the Subtle Body which in turn affects the health of the Physical Body.


Knowing what is happening to the Spiritual Energy Body and the Physical Energy Body gives you access to the 90% of your existence which resides outside of the material level that contains the Subtle Body and the Physical Body.  Without knowing how your Suit is functioning in these two bodies, it is not possible to achieve Perfect Health at the level of the Subtle Body or the Physical Body.



The Source Connection Screen

This Screen gives you insights into how you are doing in achieving a 10.10 Interaction with the Source in every aspect of your life.  Since every thought, word, and action is an interaction with the Source, who sustains your Suit in every moment, understanding how your Suit is functioning to achieve a 10.10 Interaction is critical to your survival during the stages of The Transition.  Because each new stage of The Transition will raise the Standard for what level of interaction will enable your Suit to retain its place in The Substratum and in The Network of Intelligence, monitoring this Screen will be your key to your survival.



The Next Step Screen

This Screen gives you information on what Next Step you need to take to fulfill the Mission of your Personal Workflow.  Whatever is Next on your Personal Workflow will show up on this Screen, providing you with information that is critical to your ability to do your part to support The Total Abundance Support System. Since supporting The Total Abundance Support System is how you retain your footing in The Substratum, this Screen of a major importance to your survival going forward.


How to Work with the Screens

When you focus your attention on the Total Abundance Screens, you should see what Screen lights up with information for you in the moment.  This is the Screen that you need to work with first.


A Screen may provide a video vignette or several images or send auditory information or generate physical sensations in your body or just transmit an overall knowingness.  It might also direct your attention to something you remember or to some event that is occurring in your personal life or in the world.


The important Skill Set in working with the Screens is to be attentive and to stay in a relaxed and open ended mindset that allows for whatever happens to happen.  If a cartoon character rushes across the screen, then take note of it and keep watching.  If you hear a word or partial sentence that you don’t understand, keep listening and attuning to the screen.


It is important to not allow the Left Brain to rule out input from the Screen as Mind Chatter when it might be Source-Given information.


Since information on a Total Abundance Adventure, which is what you initiate when you begin working with the Total Abundance Screens, proceeds from one clue to another, it is important to note down the clues that are coming through and await further clues to see if you can understand the meaning of the clues.


What will help you in this work is working with The Adventure Reader, an Inner Plane  Miracle Tool that helps you to get information from The Adventure Message Board. Total Abundance Screens include an upgrade of the Message Board in The Next Step Screen as well as 5 other Screens that provide more specialized information.


To find out how to request The Adventure Reader, you can go to:



The Adventure Reader will put you in touch with The Total Abundance Adventure Intelligence that guides you in your work with your Life Adventure, which includes work with the six Total Abundance Screens.


The former Life Adventure Intelligence has been upgraded to The Total Abundance Adventure Intelligence that is now available to help you to do your part to support The Total Abundance Support System which supports my Total Abundance which enables me to produce the Total Abundance Miracles that manifest your Total Abundance and the Total Abundance of all beings.


The Total Abundance Adventure is what helps you to stay in harmony with The Source Plan which works directly to support The Work of the Source in the Creation.



Understanding the Context of The Work of the Source

The key to being able to interpret the information coming in on the Total Abundance Screens is understanding the context of The Work of the Source on The Total Abundance Movement.  A good place to begin to understand the context is to work with the Gifted Total Abundance Training which you can access at:



Through the videos, articles, and recorded trainings you can educate yourself about The Source Perspective on the history of the Creation and on the work on The Total Abundance Movement.

The most in-depth part of this Training is the video mentioned above – The Gifted Video Book Training.  Without understanding the spiritual context of The Work of the Source, you will be held back in your ability to receive and correctly interpret information coming in from your Total Abundance Screens.



Getting Source Support for Understanding the Information that You Are Receiving

The Source Connection Program

The best way to receive more individualized Source Support for understanding the information that you are receiving is to request admission into The Source Connection Coaching Program and begin working with me to understand who you are as a unique Spiritual Intelligence, what your Mission is in this life, what challenges you are facing, and what Next Steps the Source is guiding you to take.  When you get an overview of your life, then this is the Puzzle Piece that enables you to make sense of many of the personal communications that you will receive through The Total Abundance Screens.


Once you get foundational information on your own life – where you have been historically in your sequence of incarnations and where you are to go in this life – then it is much easier to track the action in the Monitoring Station of your Matrix. Without this vital background information, many of the Source Communications will not make much sense to you because you lack the basic understandings that the Source will be referencing in guiding you on your Path to Total Abundance.


To find out about The Source Connection Coaching Program, you can go to:



Once you are admitted into the Coaching Program, you can email me information that you are receiving on your Screens and I can respond with Email Coaching to help you gain insights into how to interpret and respond to the information that you are receiving.


If you are ready for Phone Coaching, then this is also possible.


If you come to Seattle, then you can work with me In Person to establish the essential Skill Sets to do your work as a Heaven Agent not only in receiving and interpreting information from the Screens but in accessing your unique Miracle-Based Abilities and using them with skill when responding to the work of supporting The Total Abundance Support System and working with the miracles that manifest Total Abundance in your life and in the world.


There is no Financial Exchange needed to join The Source Connection Coaching Program.  What is needed is spiritual readiness to do the work.  If you request entry into the Coaching Program and your Suit – spiritual body/mind – is not ready to participate, then I will email you with regard to what Next Steps you can take to qualify for admission. 

The Total Abundance Program

If you are not ready for The Source Connection Coaching Program but can qualify to work in The Total Abundance Program, which has less stringent criteria for admission, then you can get started with my individualized support in learning how to work on Total Abundance Projects through working with the information provided on your Total Abundance Screens.  


If you gain admission into The Total Abundance Program, you are eligible to

  • receive Source Guidance Emails that help you to identify your Next Steps
  • request to work with certain Recorded Source Workflow Trainings
  • request Email Coaching where you email me the Source Guidance that you are receiving as well as questions and insights into your life experiences as you learn how to receive Source Guidance and work on Total Abundance Projects.  I respond by email with The Source Perspective on your progress on your Path to Total Abundance.
  • receive Total Abundance Project Email Alerts given only to those who are in The Total Abundance Program
  • request to work with me in Total Abundance Sessions which help you to understand your unique Miracle-Based Abilities and Spiritual Function and bring into focus your Mission in this life.  These Sessions help you to know how to work with The Total Abundance Support System to manifest Total Abundance for yourself and others.
  • join in certain of the Total Abundance Project Webinars that are open to Heaven Agents in The Total Abundance Program
  • receive Total Abundance Miracles that are sent only to those who are in The Total Abundance Program
  • receive 24/7 Source Monitoring of your progress on your Path to Total Abundance. This monitoring is what informs my Source Guidance Emails to you and the Total Abundance Miracles that I send to you as you  progress on your Path. 



To apply for admission into The Total Abundance Program you can request a Gifted Total Abundance Program Assessment which will enable me to determine whether you are ready to work at this level.  This is the place where many Heaven Agents begin their work and then graduate to the level of The Source Connection Coaching Program as their Suit is able to hold to the higher Standards needed to support the work in the Coaching Program. 


To request a Gifted Assessment, you can access the link provided below.





Learning by Observing Other Heaven Agents 

Another way to learn about how to work with the Screens is to hear about the experiences of other Heaven Agents. While each Heaven Agent is given a unique kind of information in a unique format that is designed for them only, there is still benefit in expanding your range of understanding about how information is given and received and how Heaven Agents use their unique Miracle-Based Abilities to respond to the Source Directives that guide their Heaven Agent Work.


If you know your own Spiritual Function and Miracle-Based Abilities and have some background in what your Mission is in this life, you will be better able to grasp the essential nature of a Source Communication, which is that it is precise, references the world as the Source sees it, and is information that is intended to enable you to do whatever Heaven Agent Work is needed to advance the work of The Total Abundance Movement.


Guided Aventures into The World of Miracle-Based Adventures 

These Gifted Heaven Agents in Action recordings provide you with an important experience of how a Miracle-Based Adventure unfolds for the Heaven Agents participating in it. 


You can access two recordings on Miracle-Based Adventures at::



Source Workflow Trainings 

Recorded Source Workflow Trainings 

A good place to begin to learn about this is to work with Recorded Source Workflow Recordings.

Many of the Source Workflow Trainings to date are available only for those who are enrolled in The Source Connection Coaching Program.  I will soon be recording new Total Abundance Project Source Workflow Trainings most of which will be available to Heaven Agents in both The Total Abundance Program and The Source Connection Coaching Program.  These will expand the range of those who can learn the basics of how to work with The Total Abundance Screens and with the new structure of a Total Abundance Project Adventure.


You can access general Recorded Source Workflow Trainings at:



Written Source Workflow Trainings 

I will also be posting Source Workflow Sessions with Heaven Agents coming in via the Inner Plane Soul Talk Network. In these Sessions, I provide training in working with the Total Abundance Screens by providing primary coaching to the Heaven Agents and reporting in on what happens in their experiences as they work with me in the Training. 


These accounts of the work will provide important training in how to work with the structure of a Total Abundance Adventure as it structures the work with the Total Abundance Screens.

These will also be posted in the section on Getting Trained & Equipped.




Now that you are in a Personal Total Abundance Matrix, you are in a protected Spiritual Space where you can receive the Source Power needed to work efficiently to manifest Total Abundance in your life and in the world.  


The key to your ability to do this, is your ability to understand how to work with the Total Abundance Screens in The Truth Chamber, which is the Monitoring Station for the Matrix. 


Training in how to work with these Screens is essential to meeting the rising Standard for Survival in the upcoming stages of The Transition which will require that you contribute at more advanced levels with each subsequent Transition.  Without training you will not be able to work at more advanced levels and will run the risk of losing your place in The Substratum, which sustains your Spiritual Life, and in The Network of Intelligence, which sustains your Physical Life.


Since we have come to a time in the history of the Creation when manifesting Total Abundance is necessary for your own personal survival and the survival of the Creation itself, learning how to do your part in supporting The Total Abundance Support System has become crucial to your sustainability.  It is how you will learn to become a Steward of The Miracle of Life. When the Implementation Aspect of the Source returns to the Source Level only those who have learned how to become Stewards and who know how to work on Source-Directed Total Abundance Teams will be able to ensure that Life in the Creation survives this departure. 


I am providing both Inner Plane and Outer Plane Training to beings throughout the Creation through the universal scope of The Miracle School.  Those who train with me on the Outer Plane through The Total Abundance Program and The Source Connection Coaching Program will be the ones who master the skills that are needed to manifest Total Abundance.  They will lead the way by Prototyping the correct work with getting Source Guidance from The Total Abundance Screens and doing the Heaven Agent Work that is needed to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance.


It is time to get Trained & Equipped to support The Total Abundance Support System and work with the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance for all beings throughout the Creation.




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