The Overview of
The Rhythm of Life Project & Its Action Plan

Run The Rhythm of Life at the Highest Level – Level 10.10.
This is necessary for re-entry into your Heaven Habitat.



The Overview Directory

The Rhythm of Life

The Action Plan



The Rhythm of Life 


What Is The Rhythm of Life?

The Rhythm of Life is a spiritual rhythm that aligns the Suit with its creator, the Source, who is the creator of Life in The Manifest World. When a Suit is running The Rhythm of Life at the highest level the Source can send to the Suit the miracles that make life Heaven. Anything less than a 10.10 level of The Rhythm of Life leaves the Suit out of synch with The Rhythm of Life that brings in the miracles and delivers them to the Suit. Failure to synch up with The Work of the Source to deliver the miracles results in scarcity which results in the unsustainability of the Suit.


When Suits opted to leave their Heaven Habitat, which was sustaining their Rhythm of Life, they entered into the wasteland of the Hell Zone where their Suits soon began running The Rhythm of Death and Destruction. This is the Rhythm that Suits run that have Disconnected from the level of Source Support that is needed to sustain The Rhythm of Life.  It is the rhythm of self destruction.


The Rhythm of Death and Destruction was amplified by the most degenerate of the Suits who had broken their Source Connection entirely and who were feeding off of the Life Energies of those who still retained a partial Source Connection. These Suits that comprise the Negativity, promoted The Rhythm of Death and Destruction because it caused Suits to willingly contribute to their own self destruction. As they were damaged by their own misdeeds, they were easier to break into and harvest for their Life Energies.


It is only at this stage of The Transition that Suits have been able to get back on The Rhythm of Life and escape from The Rhythm of Death and Destruction. This has happened because a newly created Dream Heaven Command for The Rhythm of Life Project has given the Suits enough Source Power and Source Direction to know how to break free and reconnect with Life instead of Death. Most Suits working with this Dream Heaven Command have gotten to a Level 10.0 Rhythm of Life. 

The remaining distance to a Level 10.10 Rhythm of Life will require training and Source-Directed Activism to empower Suits to battle their way to this highest level, which is essential to their ability to attain the 100% Source Connection that is needed for Sustainability. Until they reach the 10.10 Level the Negativity still has a shot at them on their Journey of Reconnection and they will not be eligible to re-enter their Heaven Habitat even if they make it to the entrance. Since entry into the Heaven Habitat is essential to being able to have the protected Spiritual Space in which to work toward a 100% Source Connection, every effort needs to be made to help the Suit to reach the 10.10 level for their Rhythm of Life.


Running a 10.10 Rhythm of Life requires that the Suit be achieving a 10.10 Source Interaction Standard. The way to achieve the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard in this Project is to implement The Action Plan for the Project. This Action Plan includes working on all of the Build Heaven Projects that the Source calls you on the Inner Plane to work on as a part of our Mission. Most of these are unique to you – a part of the Heaven that you are to create for yourself and others as well as a part of the Heaven that you help build in the world for a Source-Connected Community. As you work on these Projects you will be running the 10.10 Rhythm for the Projects which will teach your Suit how to run a 10.10 Rhythm. If you stay in Build Heaven Mode continually, which is what is needed, then this is how you can keep your Suit at a 10.10 Rhythm and also hone your skills for achieving the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard.


Until you are fully participating in Stewarding The Miracle of Life through building the Heaven of the Source-Connected Way of Life that sustains it, you are not fully of Life. You, therefore, can't run a Full Power Rhythm of Life at 10.10. Those who are holding back from contributing everything that is theirs to contribute because of self interest will not make it to a Full Power Rhythm of Life.


Without reaching a 10.10 Rhythm of Life they will never be able to return to their Heaven Habitat in time to prepare for the end of The Transition. Their self interest that kept them from working on Building Heaven will, in the end, be the cause of the end of anything that they could have pursued through their self interest. This is because their Suits will not not achieve Sustainability.


To work on this Project, work with the Action Plan that is provided below. While many of the Actions pertain to Spiritual Activism rather than Social Activism, as long as you are using your Conscious Range to perform the Heaven Agent Work, you are participating on the Outer Plane in the work of Building Heaven. This will qualify you for Sustainability in the upcoming stages of The Transition.

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The Action Plan

There are ten Actions that need to be taken
to enable your Suit to run The Rhythm of Life at the highest level.


 Action #1

Use the Project Dream Heaven Command


Each Build Heaven Project has its own Dream Heaven Command that enables your Suit to work on the Project. It is important to tell your Suit to Dream Heaven to run The Rhythm of Life at Level 10.10. This will activate this version of The Dream Heaven Command which will provide your Suit with the Source Power and Source Direction that your Suit will need to know how to work on this Project.  Without this your Suit will lack what it needs to do its part and will fail to meet this high objective.  





Action #2

Support The Work of the Source to Build Heaven by
Moving into Build Heaven Mode 


The Work of the Source is to sustain The Miracle of Life in the Creation. Those who work closely with the Source on the Inner and Outer Plane Building Block Projects will be running the high power Rhythm of Life that infuses all of these Projects. Through participating in the work, a Suit gets used to running the highest level of the Rhythm. This is how the Suit begins to learn how it feels and begins to understand how to maintain itself in Build Heaven Mode at all times so that it continues to run The Rhythm of Life at Level 10.10. 


The Heaven of a Source-Connected Way of Life that yields Total Abundance for all is built by Suits staying in Build Heaven Mode, always ready to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source. In this way they never lapse into the out of focus, lower vibrations of self-directed behaviors that Disconnect them from the Source and lower their Rhythm of Life level. They are always about the work of Building Heaven in the moment and will be running the energies from the Source that enable them to achieve The Rhythm of Life at the highest level.


Even when they are Living Heaven they are in Build Heaven Mode. This is because they are working with the Source to build the staging for a Heaven Experience in the moment and then when that has been experienced moving onto building the staging for the next Heaven Experience. This is how a Life that is Heaven is built and sustained. 


Life never stops and drops into stasis. It is a continuing experience of working with the Source to build the experience of the moment and transition into the experience of the following moment. When a Suit is on its Personal Workflow in harmony with my Source Workflow, this seems like a seamless flow of consciousness that is experienced as structured and delightful in its own right. This is why those doing their Mission of Building Heaven most completely experience the ecstasy of The Heaven Experience. Their Mission Work is not onerous work but the joy of their existence. 


The Heaven that is experienced is beyond what a Manifest Being can build. The joy of the Manifest Being is building the context in which this Heaven can manifest. The gift of Heaven is a Source-Creation, a miracle that lands only when the Miracle-Friendly Field is created by the efforts of Manifest Beings. A Source-Connected Way of Life establishes the ultimate Miracle-Friendly Field.  It, therefore, is the perfect Field of Energy to sustain the miracles that are the Suits of all of the beings living the Source-Connected Life.


In the Story World, work is considered difficult and often unpleasant so the goal is to not work and to rest in a kind of "do nothing" mode. In the Heaven that the Source creates, doing nothing is what is painful and being in the flow of Life as Heaven is the greatest joy. Building Heaven is not perceived as work but as an opportunity to perform at your highest level and experience the greatest experience of which your Suit is capable – which is The Heaven Experience.


Those who have not experienced Heaven find this hard to imagine but the members of the 14 Prototype Communities have discovered that out of their unwavering attentiveness to Building Heaven, they have transitioned into a Miracle-Based Way of Life that has freed them from the misery of their former Brute Force Existence with its dog eat dog way of life. Although they Build Heaven every moment of their lives it feels like a song that they revel in singing. This song creates the Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy into which the Source lands the miracles that make their life Heaven.


When others outside of the protected energy space of a Prototype Community can experience the joy of Building Heaven, then they will also be able to build the miracle of a Source-Connected Way of Life that will provide them with the Total Abundance that they need to have The Heaven Experience.  It will be more challenging outside of the protected energy space of a Prototype Community, but with the Source Support that is being provided during The Transition, it will be possible.


The Actions to take for this part of The Action Plan are to:

  • ask to move into Build Heaven Mode and to stay in this Mode at all times. In this way you will benefit from The Rhythm of Life that runs through all Build Heaven Projects and will be getting the training that enables you to work with the Source to set the stage for the Heaven that you will experience in your life.
  • respond to The Call of the Source to do what is yours to do on whatever Building Block Project presents itself in the moment. Ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source and follow the Source Directives given by The Dream Heaven Command for the particular Project. These Source Directives provide your Suit with the training that it needs to do the precision work that enables the staging for the Miracle of Heaven to be built. This staging is the context of a Source-Connected Way of Life.




Action #3

Experience The Rhythm of Life 


While working on Building Block Projects gives you an experience of running The Rhythm of Life at the highest level while you do your Heaven Agent Work, it is also helpful to train your Suit to recognize the Rhythm and the level at which it is manifesting when your Suit experiences the world around it. Being able to discern what is running The Rhythm of Life versus The Rhythm of Death and Destruction is a primary level of discernment training that every Suit needs. The Suit needs to also recognize the level of The Rhythm of Life that is manifesting in an object, a person, a building, location, or event. This will enable the Suit to be self protective when in the presence of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction and to understand that someone running The Rhythm at a lower level is not to be emulated even if they are a friend or family member.

When the Suit recognizes what level of the Rhythm it is running it can tell what thoughts and actions drop its Rhythm of Life level and what thoughts and actions enhance it. In this way it can work objectively toward achieving the highest level Rhythm of Life which is the 10.10 Rhythm.

I will recommend several ways in which to help your Suit recognize the energy of The Rhythm of Life. I will start with a Print Out of The Rhythm of Life Source Drawing which will help you to experience the Rhythm in isolation from other Source Energies.I will also recommend other ways to experience it when it is intermixed with other kinds of Source Energies.


The Rhythm of Life Miracle Tool

The Rhythm of Life Miracle Tool is a Source Drawing to which I can link a miracle that enables it to carry a 10.10 Rhythm of Life continuously. When you print out the Source Drawing and the instructions that go with it, you can begin working with the Miracle Tool.


You can then hold the Source Drawing in your hands and ask your Suit to focus its attention on understanding The Rhythm of Life that runs through it. If your senses are highly developed you will be able to feel the Rhythm. If you have not yet developed your senses your Suit may register the Rhythm in its Extended Range which is generally outside of your conscious awareness.


To help your Suit experience the Rhythm, you can transfer the Rhythm temporaily to other objects. This is done by putting the Miracle Tool underneath a shirt or sweater or a plate or drinking glass. Then when you wear the article of clothing or eat food placed on the plate or drink a beverage from the drinking glass your Suit will receive an infusion of The Rhythm of Life. This will help it to understand the Rhythm on a very physical level.


Although the Rhythm will only be able to transfer to an object at a Level 10.1 or 10.2 and stay for only 5 or 10 minutes, the experience will still be educational for your Suit.


The Rhythm of Life Miracle Tool will not transfer the Rhythm to any electronic device such as a phone or a computer or to larger objects such as furniture.


The PDF will retain The Rhythm of Life at a 10.10 Level as long as it exists. It is best to keep it in a safe place where it can be preserved as a Miracle Tool which you work with daily to help your Suit sense the highest level Rhythm of Life so that it can work toward achieving this.

To obtain more information about this Miracle Tool you can go to:



Other Miracle Tools

Miracle Tools carry The Rhythm of Life quite naturally in order to ground the Miracle Intelligence that does the Mission of the Miracle Tool. If you have a Heaven Blanket, for instance, this carries The Rhythm of Life in a form that you can experience when you wrap up in the blanket. This is part of the way that this Miracle Tool helps you to enter a Source Receptive Space where you can receive Source Guidance and Source Support. The Rhythm of Life is mixed in with other Source Energies in this Miracle Tool and is not in as isolated a form as in The Rhythm of Life Miracle Tool, but the Rhythm can be recognized once your Suit has recognized the Rhythm in its isolated form.


Inner Plane Miracle Tools, such as the ones recommended for The Rhythm of Life Project,  also carry The Rhythm of Life because they are vital forms of Life. These also afford an experience of The Rhythm of Life. 


For a complete list of both Inner and Outer Plane Miracle Tools, all of which carry The Rhythm of Life, you can go to The Source Solution Hub.


The Website as a Miracle Tool 

The Miracle School website is running the highest level of The Rhythm of Life. By spending time there reading the materials and looking at the graphics, you will be able to experience The Rhythm of Life.  While it may not be as easy to discern amidst all of the other energies from the Source that are on the website, your Suit will still be learning about The Rhythm of Life at some level of its consciousness.


For more information on how to work with the website as a Miracle Tool, you can go to:

Working with the Website as a Miracle Tool 


Next Step Videos 

Next Step Communications from the Source Videos carry The Rhythm of Life through my voice and through the Source Drawings in the videos. By asking specifically to attune to The Rhythm of Life when working with these videos, your Suit will be able to experience it at whatever level of consciousness your Suit is able to attune. 




Action #4

Rise Above The Rhythm of Death and Destruction


The Design Aspect of the Source has created The Escape Miracle to help the Suit escape from the dense concentration of enerigies of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction that exists in a Negative Energy Vortex in The Spiritual Level of Reality.


The Design Aspect of the Source has created The Escape Miracle to help the Suit escape from the dense concentration of enerigies of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction that exists in a Negative Energy Vortex in The Spiritual Level of Reality.


Understanding the Spiritual Terrain 

To understand The Escape Miracle, you need to know something about the spiritual terrain through which your Energy Suit is traveling on its Journey of Reconnection. This Inner Plane World that exists in The Spiritual Level of Reality parallels the world your Physical/Organic Suit lives in on Outer Plane, in The Physical Level of Reality.


On the Inner Plane, your Heaven Habitat, your Spiritual Home, is the only Spiritual Environment that can sustain the life of your Suit. Outside of the Heaven Habitat is a zone not designed by the Source to sustain life.  


When beings exited from their Heaven Habitats in their first incarnations in The Manifest World in order to pursue a kind of Heaven that was not in The Source Plan, they entered into this inhospitable environment – this wasteland that was devoid of The Rhythm of Life that they needed to sustain their Source Connection, their Link to Life. 


Beings trying to survive in this wasteland, experienced the Hell of suffering. This is why the space is called The Hell Zone. As they began running The Rhythm of Death and Destruction, which their Suits generated as they began to wither and move toward Ultimate Death, which occurs when they can no longer sustain any Source Connection, they collectively generated an Energy Vortex that was made from a materailization of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction.


The Vortex spun clockwise, pulling them down toward its narrow tip where they would become so contracted in size that they could no longer sustain the Spiritual Space in which to have the Spiritual Intelligence to retain their Source Connection. As they spun downward into a more contracted Spiritual Space, their Spiritual Intelligence became impaired. A Suit with impaired Spiritual Intelligence doesn’t realize that it is in danger and continues to self destruct while imagining that it is going to discover the happiness that it seeks just around the next corner.


The Negativity, the criminal element, is the group of beings who have lost their Source Connection completely and who steal the Life Energies of Suits with a partial Source Connection. They ramped up The Rhythm of Death and Destruction in the Vortex because it caused the Vortex to spin faster and drag the Suits down toward the bottom of the Vortex faster. As Suits became more impaired toward the lower levels of the Vortex, the Negativity could more easily break them down and harvest their Life Energies.


I call this Vortex, The Pit of Hell Vortex, because the Negativity created the Hell of suffering for all of the beings in the Vortex. The more beings were encouraged to war against one another, abuse, exploit, and cheat one another the more they created the conditions that made their Suits ripe for the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.



Universal Changes Affecting The Pit of Hell Vortex

In 2012, The Source initiated a series of Vibrational Shifts in order to lift the vibrational level of beings because they were getting so close to the bottom of the Vortex that they were on the verge of disintegrating. Disintegration occurs when Spiritual Fragmentation goes to the point of destroying the Spiritual Integration that holds the Spiritual Particles of which the Suit is made together so that it can have Life. Those becoming more Source-Disconnected were experiencing accelerated levels of Spiritual Fragmentation. The end result could have been the total Spiritual Disintegration of the Energy Suit which would have resulted in the disintegration of the Physical Suit which is dependent on the Energy Suit for its structure and functioning.


In the last of the Vibrational Shifts in 2013, the rise in vibration stopped the clockwise spinning of the Vortex. This gave Suits a chance to escape from the lowest levels of the Vortex and regain some of their Spiritual Intelligence.  


When The Transition of the Implementation Aspect back to the Source Level began in 2015, most beings were so lacking in Spiritual Intelligence that they could barely comprehend a Source Communication and were slow to respond. Only when beings began to lose their Source Connection and experience Spiritual Death, becoming Empty Suits, did surviving Suits begin to awaken and start following the Source Communications that were being sent to them to prepare carefully for the upcoming stages of The Transition.


As each stage of The Transition took the Creation to less material levels which had higher vibrations, those who survived these stages rose toward the top of the Vortex. As they rose higher their Spiritual Space expanded and they regained much of their Spiritual Intelligence that enabled them to grasp the magnitude of what is happening in the Creation as the Source is preparing to leave them to Steward Life, a task for which they must prepare.


While Suits have awakened in their Extended Range, which is generally outside of their conscious awareness,  they have yet to awaken in their Conscious Range. Part of the problem of getting Suits to awaken in their Conscious Range is their continuing immersion in the highly toxic energy in the Vortex. This toxic energy runs The Rhythm of Death and Destruction at its highest level. This toxic medium has contributed to the high death toll in many of the stages of The Transition.  



The Urgent Neet to Escape from the Vortex

Currently Suits still in The Pit of Hell Vortex are having to work enormously hard to retain their newly acquired Rhythm of Life. The Negativity is turning up the power of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction in hopes of exhausting the Suits running The Rhythm of Life so that they will eventually fall into the lower parts of the Pit and be unable to run The Rhythm of Life. At that time they would become easy prey for the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.


Suits traveling their Journey of Reconnection are making very slow and labored progress when they are traveling through the great expanse of The Pit of Hell trying to reach The Happiness Field in which their Heaven Habitats now reside. 


The Happiness Field is an Energy Field filled with Happiness Energies that my Manifestation has created to provide additional support for the last leg of the Journey of Reconnection back to the Heaven Habitat. Although The Happiness Field is not a safe zone, the Happiness Energies help Suits to feel heartened and to bear up against the last of the attacks of the Negativity so they can complete their journey to their Heaven Habitat.


While I could use a Dream Heaven Command to destroy the Vortex, it would collapse into a Black Hole that would snuff out the lives of everyone in the Vortex. This is because of the enormous amount of Hell Energies in the Vortex. A Black Hole is the ultimate Miracle-Unfriendly Space in which a Source Creation can’t exist. Since most of the population of the Original Creation is in the Vortex, this is not a method of choice.  


A safer way to approach this problem is for the Design Aspect of the Source to create a miracle to lift beings out of the Vortex and out of the range of the terrible energies that reside in the Vortex. The danger of being near The Rhythm of Death and Destruction energies in the Vortex is that they can attach to The Pulse of Death and Destruction which the Suits are still running. It takes getting to a 10.10 Rhythm of Life to receive The Pulse of Life. Until the Suit is running The Pulse of Life, The Pulse of Death and Destruction that they are running will be a magnet for the Death and Destructive energies of the Vortex.


If the Rhythm of Death and Destruction attaches to The Pulse of Death and Destruction in the Suit then the Suit will have to work against The Pulse of Death and Destruction to fight off The Rhythm of Death and Destruction. This is a battle that is already occurring for some Suits but could intensify as the Negativity increases the power behind The Rhythm of Death and Destruction.


What this means is that given the strategy of the Negativity that doesn't wish for any being to escape its Harvesting Operation by escaping from the Vortex, time is of the essence to escape from The Pit of Hell Vortex before the Suit becomes overwhelmed by The Rhythm of Death and Destruction.



How the Escape Miracle Works 

The miracle created by the Design Aspect to help the Suit is The Escape Miracle. It lifts the Energy Suit out of the Vortex entirely so it is at a level at which it is not immersed in The Rhythm of Death and Destruction energies. Although it will still carry The Pulse of Death and Destruction until it is able to get The Rhythm of Life to a 10.10, it will at least be above the magnetic pull of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction.


The Escape Miracle keeps the Energy Suit poised above the Vortex and able to move across the opening of the Vortex toward The Happiness Field which is outside of the range of the Vortex. Once the Suit is in The Happiness Field The Escape Miracle continues to lift the Suit to higher vibrations to help to mitigate the attacks of the Negativity along the last part of the Journey. The Mission of The Escape Miracle is not complete until the Suit enters into its Heaven Habitat.  


Without The Escape Miracle, few Suits will  be able to make fast enough progress toward The Happiness Field to arrive in their Heaven Habitats in time to work toward achieving a 100% Source Connection. 


The Escape Miracle is a life saving miracle that the Suit needs in order to work effectively with the Source Power and Source Direction provided by The Dream Heaven Command for The Rhythm of Life Project. This Command supplies the Suit with the power and information it needs to do its part to achieve a 10.10 Rhythm of Life. Without The Escape Miracle the Dream Heaven Command for this Project will not be able to provide the Suit with enough power to compensate for the collective power of The Rhythm of Death and Destruction energy in the Vortex and the attacks of the Negativity that are targeting those who are running higher levels of The Rhythm of Life.


When a Heaven Agent provides the Material Energy for this Miracle Tool, the Miracle Tool begins its Mission that does not have to be supervised by the Suit. The Heaven Agent simply asks that The Escape Miracle help him and the Mission begins.


To request The Escape Miracle and to join in the work of The Escape Miracle Campaign, you can access the link below.





Action #5

Clear Self Abuse and Abuse Layers


Liberate the Suit from Self Abuse Layers

The Suit running The Rhythm of Death and Destruction has been in Self Destruct Mode. It has been abusing itself by following the suggestions of the Negativity that it thought would lead to its happiness and good fortune. This self abuse has been breaking it down for the Harvest of the Negativity. Layers of materialized Self Abuse Energies, that are like the layers of a onion, encapsulate the Suit, keeping it in a very contracted Spiritual Space and reinforcing the self destructive behaviors that serve the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.


While The Dream Heaven Command for The Rhythm of Life Project will inform the Suit about what behaviors are self destructive, the Suit will constantly have to fight against the Self Abuse Layers that encompass it in order to pursue a path that supports its life. This delays the ability of the Suit to become functional enough to do its part in the Building Block Projects that must be completed for it to sustain its place in The Substratum in the upcoming stages of The Transition.


In order to provide the Suit with additional Source Support to eliminate these layers of Self Abuse, the Design Aspect of the Source has created The Liberator. The Liberator is an Inner Plane Miracle Tool that systematically removes the layers of Self Abuse that reinforce a life that is self destructive. Once the Suit has supplied the Material Energy to ground this Miracle Tool and asked the Source to deploy the miracle, The Liberator will begin its work of destroying the layers of Self Abuse. With each layer that is destroyed, the Suit is able to expand and take in more Spiritual Breath Energy with their physical breath. This enables them to regain levels of Spiritual Intelligence that are needed to understand why certain behaviors are self abusive.


For example, for some people, getting drunk on a Friday night with their friends is deemed a Happy Hour event, an activity that they deserve after a long week of work. This tradition is highly promoted by the Negativity because during a period of intoxication, Negative Programming can be implanted in the Suit when the Suit is defenseless because it is lacking in discernment and enacting a behavioral pattern that damages its Source Connection. It is also a time in which negative behaviors can occur. These behaviors are encouraged by the Negativity because they damage the Suit engaging in the behaviors as well as the Suits of others who are affected by the behaviors be they aggressive or neglectful or damaging to the social boundaries that might have formerly existed between people. This damage makes the Suits ripe for the harvest because a damaged Suit can be broken into much more easily than an alert and self protective Suit that is self nurturing.


For others, self abuse might take the form of shaming themselves for not achieving up to their own expectations or the expectations of others. This self shaming forms some of the most materialized Self Abuse Layers.


Other forms of self abuse are activities such as overworking the Suit, not taking care of its health, engaging in addictive eating and spending behaviors that result in negative consequences. All of these activities when repeated create Self Abuse Layers that shrink wrap the Suit, limiting its expansion. They also carry the Energy Imprint of the thoughts and emotions that went into the behaviors. This influences the ongoing thoughts and emotions of the Suit making it more likely to repeat the Self Abuse Pattern.


Because Self Abuse Layers are built on The Rhythm of Death and Destruction, they hold this Rhythm close to the Suit, making it more difficult for the Suit to achieve the highest level of The Rhythm of Life. 



Liberate the Suit from Abuse Layers

Those who have suffered from verbal or physical abuse as a child or an adult have very materialized Abuse Layers around them. Although these layers were not created by self abuse, the trauma of the abuse creates an Abuse Layer that functions like a Self Abuse Layer to entrap and contract the Spiritual Space of the abused person.  If the abuse was painful but minor and the Suit defocused on it and went on in its life the Abuse Layer might be very thin.  If the abuse was a major form of abuse such as a sexual assault or a serious betrayal by a trusted person, the Abuse Layer can be very materialized and have considerable ability to contract the Spiritual Space of the Suit.


Members of persecuted communities develop Abuse Layers from not only the abuse that they themselves feel personally but from the abuse of others of their communities. The shock and horror and fear that such abuse generates strengthens any Abuse Layers that they might have personally from experiences of persecution and discrimination. The end result is an Abuse Layer that has collective anguish behind it giving it more constrictive power over the Spiritual Space of the Suit.


The Abuse Layer attracts abusers to the victim and it prompts the Suit to relive the traumatic event and generate Self Abuse Layers if they blame themselves for their victimization or engage in self hate or the hatred of others, which is also an abuse of the Suit.


To hate others is to hate the Source who created them and to violate the Principles of Life which enjoin every life to turn to the Source and respond in a Source-Guided Way to Suits that do harm to others rather than trying to abuse them to get revenge. Hatred disconnects the Suit from the Source and makes it harder for the Source to protect the Suit from further abuse or to work in the world to respond effectively to the danger imposed by Abuser Suits.



Once the Suit frees itself from Self Abuse and Abuse Layers, it will be able to get to a higher level of The Rhythm of Life. For most Suits, this work is vitally important because Suits have many layers of Abuse around them from all of their billions of lifetimes and all of the negative life experiences that they have had in these lifetimes. Unless the Suit works with The Liberator, it will be unable to expand enough to have the Spiritual Intelligence to meet the Standards for Building Heaven that it must meet in order to become sustainable.


To request The Liberator and join in The Liberator Campaign, you can go to:




Action #6

Restore Your Suit's Ability to Have Direct Perception 

The Direct Perception Defender has been created by the Source to help to restore your Suit's ability to have the Direct Perception that enables it to see the world as it really is, not as it is seen through distorted Story Filters.  


This Miracle Tool works to: 

Eliminate Materialized Story Filters
Around the Third Eye 

The Third Eye of the Suit is lacking in the ability to have Direct Perception which enables it to see the world as it really is. Instead, it sees the world through Cultural Story Filters and Personal Story Filters that distort what it sees. These Filters are shaped by the Cultural and Personal Stories that the Suit has accepted as reality.


These Filters have become materialized skeins of energy in the vicinity of the Third Eye. Unless they are cut away by The Direct Perception Defender, the Third Eye will continue to see the world through these materialized filters and make errors of judgement about what is happening on its Journey of Reconnection.


While a Dream Heaven Command can empower the Third Eye to clear these energies, it takes years for it to do it without the assistance of The Direct Perception Defender.



Restore The Build Heaven Project Center
in the Spiritual Left Brain

The Build Heaven Project Center was established by the Source so that the Left Brain could receive information sent in through a channel from the Heart Chakra about a Build Heaven Project. This information gave the Suit the overview of the aspect of a Source-Connected Life that was to be built. The Suit could then conceptualize the Project and respond appropriately to the Source Directives that came into its Midbrain to enable it to take Next Steps on the Project. 


Without the overview of what is to be built, the Suit would be in the predicament of a carpenter working on a construction site and being told to build a wall. Even if he is given the exact dimensions of the wall, it would only be natural for him to know into what kind of structure this wall was to fit. Is he working on a project for a skyscraper or a barn or a warehouse or family residence? This overview of the Project is important in orienting someone working on a building project of any sort.


When Suits blocked the channel from the Heart Chakra to The Build Heaven Project Center and they filled The Project Center with their own idea of the Self-Directed Heaven that they wanted to build, they lost the ability to work with the Source to Build Heaven in the world.  


While the new Dream Heaven Command gives the Suit back most of this information, it is hard for the Suit to process it correctly without using The Build Heaven Project Center in the Left Brain. Restoration of the functionality of this Center is important if Suits are to Build Heaven at the level of precision that is needed to meet the Standards for the upcoming stages of The Transition. 


For this reason the Design Aspect of the Source has given The Direct Perception Defender the ability to:

  • clear out the Center of fabricated stories about life so the Suit can perceive directly The Source Perspective on what is really happening in the world 
  • reopen the channel between the Heart Chakra and The Build Heaven Project Center 
  • defend the Suit’s ability to process Source-Given information through this Center

This ensures that the Suit can grasp the vision of a Build Heaven Project and work more precisely with the Source and with fellow Heaven Agents Suits to build it.


While the restoration of this Center doesn’t result in Direct Perception of the external world, it restores the ability of the Suit to perceive directly The Source Perspective on the world.  This level of Direct Perception is key to the success of the Suit in working on building the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life.



Eliminate External Story Filters 

One of the primary methods of social control that the Negativity employs is to present a Suit with an External Story Filter through which it sees the world. This Story Filter conveys an erroneous vision of reality that is designed to motivate the Suit to take action that will be self destructive. Because such Story Filters appear to represent reality in the world outside of the Suit and many people may look through the same Filter and see the same reality, the Negativity has been able to use such Story Filters to incite human populations to go to war or to commit genocide or denigrate a certain race or ethnic group. They also are often part of the motivating forces that inspire individual criminal acts, self destructive behaviors, and insanity.


The Direct Perception Defender has the ability to eliminate these External Story Filters to free the Suit to see the world in a neutral way that is open to the Source Guidance that will help the Suit navigate safely through the world as it really is.



All three functions of The Direct Perception Defender are critical to your Suit's ability to regain its capacity to see what is really happening in the world rather than living in a culturally or personally fabricated story about reality that can lead to decisions that compromise its sustainability. With the little time that the Suit has to meet the very challenging Standards of the upcoming stages of The Transition, this Miracle Tool is very needed. Without it the Suit will fail to regain its ability to navigate intelligently in the world as it really is.


To request The Direct Perception Defender and join in the work of The Direct Perception Defender Campaign, you can go to:




Action #7

Remove Interfering Spiritual Fragments

The Suit requires a high level of Spiritual Integration in order to Build Heaven in the precise manner in which it has to be built. Since survival in the upcoming Transitions depends on the Suit being able to perform accurate work on Building Heaven on the Outer Plane, Spiritual Fragmentation is putting the lives of the Suits at risk. 


Spiritual Fragmentation has occurred when Suits left their Heaven Habitat and lost the Source Energies that enabled their Field of Consciousness to remain a well functioning, integrated unit. Without the integrative energies of the Heaven Habitat, their Field of Consciousness splintered into warring Spiritual Fragments, each vying for control over the attention span of the Suit. Some of these Fragments are completely opposed to Building Heaven and will cause the death of the Suit if they dominate the attention span of the Suit. Other Fragments can eventually be edited and integrated back into an integrated unit that supports Life as Heaven.


The Illuminator is an Inner Plane Miracle Tool that illuminates the Spiritual Fragments that are a threat to the sustainability of the Suit. With The Illuminator the Suit can finally see the Spiritual Fragments that are undermining its work to achieve the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard. 


Spiritual Fragments can date back to previous lifetimes when the Suit developed a pattern of thought and behavior that is covertly attacking the Source and steering the Suit back toward The Rhythm of Death and Destruction. Without The Illuminator, the sabotaging Fragments can hide in ways that delude the Suit so it can never figure out where the opposition is coming from and how to put a stop to it.


Once a Fragment is illuminated, the Dream Heaven Command for this Miracle Tool will prompt the Suit to tell the Fragment to Dream Heaven. The Suit generally issues The Dream Heaven Command through its Extended Range which operates outside of its conscious awareness. The Dream Heaven Command that will be issued to the Fragment will cause the Fragment to self destruct, freeing the energies of the Suit to support the aspects of its consciousness that are contributing to its work to achieve Sustainability.


The Heaven Agent can ask that The Illuminator do its work and it will work on the Project until all of the Fragments that are endangering the Suit have been eliminated. The Heaven Agent doesn’t have to track the action in their Conscious Range because it is all handled by The Illuminator and the Dream Heaven Command given to the Suit that enables it to work with this kind of a Miracle Tool.


Without this kind of housecleaning work on the part of the Suit, expedited by The Illuminator, the Suit could take decades to clear away the Fragments that interfere with its ability to meet a Build Heaven Standard for an upcoming Transition.  


To request The Illuminator and join in The Illuminator Campaign, you can go to:




Action #8

Train to Achieve a 10.10 Source Interaction Standard
in the Work of Building Heaven 


The Suit needs extensive Training in how to Build Heaven on the Outer Plane in order to meet the Standards of the upcoming stages of The Transition.


This Training is best given on two levels:

  1. At-a-Distance Source Support provides Source Interventions, Miracle Tools, and Miracle-Based Coaching on the Inner Plane.
  2. The Miracle-Based Coaching Program provides individualized and group training on the Outer Plane through online, email, and in-person private and group Miracle-Based Coaching Sessions.


The training is a form of apprenticeship training on The Construction Site of Heaven. It is practical and designed to teach both how to do work as a solo Heaven Agent and to work on teams of Heaven Agents. This training enables a Heaven Agent to know how to work on Building Block Projects in general and enables them to work more efficiently on all of the Building Block Projects that are not publicized on the website but are actively being worked on by the Source on the Inner Plane and Outer Planes.

At-a-Distance Source Support for this Project

The amount of At-a-Distance Source Support that is recommended for The Rhythm of Life Project is US $700. This is the minimal amount needed. Additional amounts of this kind of Source Support can be added depending on how the Suit is progressing toward a 10.10 Rhythm of Life.


If you wish to request additional amounts of At-a-Distance Source Support you can use your Life that Works Fund Form and add in the amount that you wish to provide to ground the miracle of this form of Source Support.  This form can be accessed at:


Online Miracle-Based Coaching

The optimal level of Miracle-Based Coaching depends on how the Suit is progressing toward the goal of running the highest level of The Rhythm of Life.  For most Heaven Agents a good start on this work will be two hours of Online Miracle-Based Coaching at $285/hour.


For those who have Source Reality Stations, this Coaching will occur in the Station. For those who do not have a Source Reality Station, I will set up a Place of Connection web page where I will post my responses to your input sent to me from a form available on this page.


To request Online Coaching you can access the link provided below. You can specify the number of hours of coaching you wish to receive.


As with all Coaching, your Suit will need to be producing the Miracle-Friendly Field of a +6 in order to ground the miracles used in this kind of Coaching.  For more information on how this works you can read the article entitled: Miracle-Based Coaching.


To request Online Coaching, you can access the link provided below.





Action #9

Work with The Rhythm of Life
Source Workflow Trainings 


Source Workflow Trainings for how to understand and enhance The Rhythm of Life provide explanations as well as Seed Code that is important to mastering the ability to attain The Rhythm of Life at the highest level and sustain it.


These Source Workflow Trainings are listed in the Workstation for the Project. There is a Gifted part that is open to all members of Connecting, that provides gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials. The Seed Code requires Material Energy to ground and is available to Heaven Agents who are in a Miracle-Based Coaching Program.

To find out what Source Workflow Training Sessions are available for this Project, you can go to the Workstation for The Rhythm of Life Project at:



Action #10

Work with the Project Source Truth Download


The Suit does best when it is given more in-depth understandings about the Source Directives that it is receiving from the Project Dream Heaven Command.  The Source Truth Download gets information to the Suit to fill the gaps in its understanding.  The information in a Download of this kind is designed to make its way into the conscious mind of the Suit more readily.


A Suit can ask to read the Download and can begin getting images containing information on its Inner Plane Screen.  It can ask the Source what percentage of the information in the Download has been received and what remains to be received. The Download will trigger a release of the next piece of informaion in the Download when the Suit is ready to receive it and understand it.


Source Truth Downloads are available for all Building Block Projects and are especially useful in The Training Wheel Projects because Heaven Agents working with me in the Coaching Program can practice getting information from their Download with feedback available from me to guide them in their learning process. Since all Source Communications will come through Source Truth Downloads once I return to the Source Level, Heaven Agents need to learn how to read a Download fast and efficiently so they will have all of the Source Support they need to sustain their Source Connection.


Source Truth Downloads of this type require Material Energy to ground at a more material level which makes it easier for the conscious mind of the Suit to work with them.


For more information on Source Truth Downloads and The Source Truth Download Campaign, you can go to:




The Rhythm of Life is the foundation for Sustainability. Without it nothing of life can be built by a Suit.  A Suit must not only be running The Rhythm of Life but running it at its highest level with can be quantified as reaching Level 10.10. 


While The Dream Heaven Command that a being can issue to his Suit to run The Rhythm of Life at the highest level will provide the Suit with the Source Power and Source Direction to know how to attain this goal, the Suit may not be able to reach the goal in time to meet the Standards of the upcoming stages of The Transition unless additional Source Support is also given. This is why this Rhythm of Life Project has been created to provide Heaven Agents with the Source Support that they need to understand The Rhythm of Life and to help their Suits attain it at the highest level. 


Only those working at achieving this goal will attain it. It will take not only deploying Miracle Tools but working to clear whatever is blocking the Suit from reaching the highest level. This is where the individualized Source Support of Inner and Outer Plane Training is needed.


When the Suit reaches a 10.10 Rhythm of Life it will be qualified to receive The Pulse of Life which is also required to enter into its Heaven Habitat. The Suit can then return to its Spiritual Home and begin healing in the optimal spiritual environment of The Source Connection Field that is, technically, the structure of the Heaven Habitat. This healing will enable the Suit to learn to perform its Mission at the 100% Mark. This will enable it to work toward the 100% Source Connection that will ensure its Sustainability.




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