The Overview of
Master Action Plan #5

Open your Heart Chakra Love Connection Receptor by
approaching the Source without a hidden or overt Self Interest Agenda.
Start generating The Love Connection Medium that is essential to your Sustainability.



The Overview Directory

Approach the Source without a Self Interest Agenda

Actions to Take



Approach the Source without a Self Interest Agenda


Too often beings come from a place of Self Interest when approaching the Source. This generates a Self Interest Medium around them that repels the Source rather than drawing the Source to them. When the Source leaves for the Source Level it will not be able to link back to a Suit that is generating a Self Interest Medium.  Only those who truly celebrate life as an opportunity to experience their Love Connection with the Source as they work with the Source to Build Heaven in the world will generate The Love Connection Medium to which the Source can link.


Flowery expressions of devotion that mask a Self Interest Agenda generate a Self Interest Medium. Most of the ritualized tactics of people engaged in propitiating their idea of the Creator yield nothing but a Self Interest Medium. They are a means to an end and the end is getting the Creator to deliver some form of help that they desire.


It takes allowing the True Self to take the helm of the Suit and represent the Soul, who has a genuine Love Connection with the Source, for the Love Connection Orientation to take in the Suit and start generating The Love Connection Medium that is essential to the survival of the Suit.


The True Self isn’t beset by a Self Interest Agenda.  It sees the immense difficulty that my Manifestation faces in dealing with a world in which the War against the Source has been engaged in by most of the Suits in the Original Creation. Even though the Source-Connected part of a Suit may have been genuinely trying to honor The Love Connection, the parts that were fragmented by the Negativity and programmed to war against the Source have been and still are in an attack mode.  This War against the Source has worked against my efforts to teach beings how to Steward Life and has torn down the Spiritual Structures that sustain life in the Creation, making my stop gap Stewarding Work far more difficult.


The True Self asks if it can help instead of asking to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source with the understanding that this is how it cooperates with the Heaven that the Source is creating for it.


In the Prototype Communities, The Love Connection was not developed because their Self Interest Mindset would not allow The Love Connection Receptor to open fully enough to bring through The Love Connection Mindset.  The only Mindset that I could bring through was The Source-Connected Life Mindset which stopped short of including The Love Connection focus within it.  It was not a Master Mindset and did not have Core Code so it did not replace their Self Interest Mindset.  They worked hard to repress the Self Interest Mindset so that they could work with the Source to achieve a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life.


Although they have developed a limited Love Connection with the Source, their primary focus has remained on the Heaven Way of Life that the Source sustains for them. They have been very willing to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source in sustaining this way of life but have not had the deeper vein of love for the Source that would have prompted them to step forward and ask to help the Source without any Self Interest Agenda in the background.


To bring the Love Connection of the Soul into focus in the Conscious Range of the Suit, it is important that the True Self become the recognized Identity in the Suit and its selfless love of the Source be expressed through the Suit. The practice of asking the Source what you can do to help opens up a very different relationship to my Manifestation – a caring relationship toward the Source. This occurs when you offer to do work to help the Source not because it will indirectly help you but because you genuinely wish to help the Source.


The True Self is appreciative of The Gift of Life and of the work of the Source to make it possible for the Soul to have a Suit and a Manifest World in which to experience Life as Heaven. It understands the dire condition in the Creation at present and the strenuous nature of The Work of the Source to give beings a last chance to survive and experience Life as Heaven.  It is willing to help the Source out of love for the Source and out of a sense of treasuring the last days in which it can be with the Source in The Manifest World before it departs for the Source Level. This orientation is what generates The Love Connection Medium that enables the Source to link back to the Suit after it departs.


Those who focus on asking to help the Source without a hidden Self Interest Agenda will be those who retain their Source Connection. Those who continue to dress up a Self Interest Agenda with a pretense of love for the Source will not retain their Source Connection.


Ultimately, it will not be based on social artifice. It will be based on whether the Suit is living in a medium of Self Interest or in a medium of The Love Connection.  It is another Spiritual Law of Physics with which the Suit must come to terms.



Actions to Take

 There are  a series of Actions that need to be taken to open
The Love Connection Receptor.


The Souls worked with the Source to open The Love Connection Receptor enough to get through The Love Connection Mindset that replaced The Self Interest Mindset. While this was a major step forward, the Suit has countered with its attachment to The Self Interest Agenda given to it by the Negativity. This has closed down The Love Connection Receptor to some extent and is resisting it opening to the 100% Mark.


The Negativity developed the Self Interest Agenda because it pits one being against another in an endless competition to secure what a being defines as his Self Interest. The Negativity has encouraged beings to develop Self Interests that conflict with one another. This has given rise to competition which has led to war, crime, sexual and economic exploitation, and to the abuse of every life that is caught in this Every Man for Himself arena.


The Negativity benefits from the damage that warring Suits do to one another because the damaged Suits are easier for them to break into to syphon off their Life Energies. The Suits that are harvested in this manner become very disadvantaged in the war to secure Self Interest because they become plagued by diseases of the body, mind, and spirit that cause them to become more easily victimized by the Negativity.  In the end the ones most damaged lose their hold on their life, their Soul is jettisoned from the Suit by the Negativity, and the Negativity takes over the real estate of the Suit and uses the Suit to vandalize the Suits of others.  Suits that are controlled in this manner are used by the Negativity to deploy more cruel and damaging techniques.


Beings fail to see this Harvesting Operation for what it is and just look to see who is gaining the most of what they want and who is losing. They celebrate the winners and often deride and abuse the losers who get pushed down even further into the Harvesting Nets of the Negativity.


This whole interaction creates a context in which life becomes fraught with disease, misfortunes, and cruelty that touches every being.  Life becomes the Hell of suffering, scarcity, and struggle and not the Heaven of joyful living, Total Abundance, and an easy love-based process of working with the Source to maintain a Miracle-Based Way of Life that provides every member of the society with Total Abundance.


Until beings become educated about the goals and methods of the Negativity and how they manipulate their thoughts and desires and actions, they will be puppets that carry out their own destruction.


It is hard to know the Source, who is pure love, if a Suit has a Love Connection Receptor that is only partially opened.  Without the flow of Source Love into the Suit the Suit thinks that its superficial pleasures are the best that life has to offer and it doesn’t realize the Heaven that could be its reality.


Work to open The Love Connection Receptor will be the most hotly opposed work of a being since the Negativity knows that if The Love Connection Receptor is fully opened the Suit will realize that it has been tricked and abused by the Negativity and will work with the Source to eliminate this abuse for itself and all others.


Given this level of opposition, it is important that a being begin the work of opening The Love Connection Receptor by understanding that it will require that they spend time examining the thoughts and emotions and beliefs and methodologies of the Suit to ensure that nothing of the Self Interest Agenda is continuing to color the decisions that they make.


This is not a pursuit that happens in a day.  It requires a commitment to becoming discerning and weeding the garden of their mind on a daily basis so that the Negativity can’t sponsor a flash crop of aggressive thought weeds that annihilate the clarity that they might have achieved the day before.


This work requires using all of the training and equipment that your Suit has acquired in working with Master Action Plans #1 - 4.  Especially important is The Source Truth Intensive in helping the Suit to ferret out the Story Truths that are blocking the Source Truths that need to be guiding the evolution of the Suit.


There are certain practices that are particularly helpful in ingraining in your Suit Consciousness new Source-Directed ways of thinking and responding that help The Love Connection Receptor to open and stay open.  I describe some of these below.  Others are addressed in the Source Workflow Trainings for this Master Action Plan.



Understand and Affirm to Your Suit Why It Needs to Open Its Love Connection Receptor 


Experiencing Life as Heaven

The Love Connection Receptor allows in the Source Love that enables you to experience Life as Heaven.  Life as Heaven is about experiencing the love of the Source in everything that you see and do.  If this River of Source Love is not coming through your Love Connection Receptor then you are not able to Live Heaven and your Suit will want to go back to trying to wrest pleasure from its life experiences because without Source Love it doesn’t feel that there is anything else that makes the painful parts of life bearable.


Gaining Re-Entry into Your Heaven Habitat

The Love Connection Receptor also sends in The Love Connection Medium that is essential to your ability to gain re-entry into your Source Connection Field – your Heaven Habitat.  This is the Heaven space that you were born into in your first incarnation into The Manifest World.  When your Suit opted to follow the siren call of the Negativity to leave this Heaven Habitat to pursue the pleasures of the world, it collapsed in size down to 1% of its original size and lost all of the natural energies that sustained its health and intelligence.  In its contracted and demented state, the pleasures that the Negativity dangled before its eyes looked good to it and worth competing with other beings to get.  It willingly entered into the gladiator pit created by the Negativity and damaged itself and others to get the things that it desired. As the lifetimes progressed it became more controlled by the Negativity and less and less in control of its own destiny.  


Now that the Suit has only a few decades to make it back to its Heaven Habitat, it needs to work diligently to get The Love Connection Receptor open so it can start bringing in The Love Connection Medium that will enable it to re-enter its Heaven Habitat. Since only in this Heaven Habitat will it will be able to receive all of the Source Support that it will need to become sustainable, it is imperative that your Suit make opening The Love Connection Receptor its priority. 


Bringing in Source Light and Source Love

When this Receptor is fully opened then you will begin to channel in Source Light and Source Love into The Manifest World. Source Light and Source Love will help to lift the dark energies of Death that are now weighing many beings down. These Death Energies have accumulated from the many beings who have experienced Spiritual Death in former stages of The Transition and from those who are in Dying Mode, having also lost their connection to The System of Life that sustains their physical life.


Beings will need to pump in Source Light and Source Love in large quantities to create the Miracle-Friendly Field that is necessary for others to begin to heal and travel their Path to Sustainability.  If action is not taken to help others then their deaths will increase the Death Energy Medium in which the living are now struggling. This becomes a danger to even those who are most Source-Connected. Turning a deaf ear to the struggle for survival of your fellow Manifest Beings will result in the loss of your own life as well as the loss of the Life of the Creation.


Bringing in Source Light and Source Love is also important to creating the Miracle-Friendly Field for the new Substratum that will be needed when the current Substratum leaves with me when I return to the Source Level. Those who have only a partially opened Love Connection Receptor will be unable to provide for themselves and others the vast quantities of Source Light and Source Love that must come through their Love Connection Receptor at the time of the final stage of The Transition.  Without a Substratum no form of life will survive at the end of The Transition. The Substratum is a necessary Spiritual Structure that must be carefully Stewarded by Manifest Beings when I have left for the Source Level and this Stewarding Work is their responsibility.



Ask to Approach the Source
without any Self Interest Agenda

This practice helps your Suit to get off of The Self Interest Agenda track before you begin any Heaven Agent Work in Miracle Watch or any request for Source Guidance or any work in a Source Reality Station or in responding to any event in your life.  If you don’t consciously get off of the track of The Self Interest Agenda your Suit will start the work from this track and The Self Interest Agenda will be working in the background against any work that can be accomplished.  


I have found over the years that when a Heaven Agent doesn’t explicitly set the Standard for no Self Interest Agenda before beginning Heaven Agent Work that they often get into the Fantasy Center in their Left Brain.  There they conjure up dramatic pseudo Heaven Agent Work that only serves the Negativity. The Negativity uses the energy they direct toward this pseudo Heaven Agent Work to launch more Negative Programming and to reinforce controls over the Suit and over the Suits of others connected to the Suit.  The end result is Hell Agent Work being done instead of Heaven Agent Work being done. This is disastrous for the Heaven Agent as well as for any family or friends who are damaged by the Hell Agent Work that the Negativity is able to get done through tapping into their spiritual energies.

I emphasize the importance of setting a Standard because it forms an Inner Plane Structure out of Spiritual Intent that guides spiritual work into the care of the Source rather than allowing it to be controlled by the Suit as a part of a Self-Directed Heaven Agent virtuoso drama that the Suit might be using at some level of its consciousness to build a sense of pride, accomplishment, and importance.

Heaven Agents need to be very attentive to whether The Self Interest Agenda is creeping in even if they ask prior to the work to do the work without any Self Interest Agenda.  Too easily the words become rote ritualized sayings that don't build a clear structure of Spiritual Intent.  Without this Structure of Spiritual Intent the Suit can easily be led by the covert Self Interest Agenda into the traps of the Negativity.

Clear moment-to-moment discernment and an absolute commitment to Right Action as defined by the Source are essential to defeat The Self Interest Agenda at every level of Suit Consciousness.



Work with The Source Truth Process

There are three stages in The Source Truth Process. 

Stage One

In Stage One you work with Source Truth Glasses to spot any Self Interest Agenda elements that might be coloring your work. This is important because you may not be able to see them without the help of The Source Truth Glasses.

Stage Two 

In Stage Two you get Source Guidance about how to counter the Self Interest Agenda elements. You then check with The Source Truth Pulse Tracker to make sure that what you are hearing is Source Guidance and not a Self Interest Agenda thought masquerading as Source Truth. The Tracker activates the Pulse of Source Truth in your Heart Chakra so that when you touch your Heart Chakra you can feel this pulse resonating if you are hearing Source Guidance.  If you are not hearing Source Guidance you will not feel the pulse and will be tipped off that the Negativity is afoot and trying to lead you in a wrong direction.


Stage Three 

In Stage Three you expand your understanding of the situation by working with The Source Truth Exploration Device that enables you to pick up on information about the situation that helps you to avoid getting caught in a Self Interest Agenda Box and only considering options within that Box. Without being able to get out of the thought traps of the Negativity you can spin your wheels trying to understand a Source Communication when you are in the wrong paradigm to fathom what it means.



When you use this Source Truth Process you are cautious and don’t proceed without examining your motives and becoming discerning about whether your Suit is pushing for a particular outcome that fits with its Personal Story. This enables you to prevent your Suit from successfully disguising a Self Interest Agenda and getting you to give energy to it.



Affirm and Enforce Your Commitment
to Right Action

Affirming that you wish to be true to your True Self and allow your Suit to become the Miracle and to do your Source-Given Mission at the 100% Mark and to develop a Love Connection with the Source all give energy to these outcomes. When Suit energy is directed to achieving outcomes that support your work to transition into a Source-Directed Way of Life then you are better able to spot and circumvent and dismantle whatever remains of the Self Interest Agenda. This is because you have clearly articulated to your Suit what your objectives are and are being vigilant to ensure that your Suit is complying with them.  If your Suit is not complying then you seek Source Guidance to correct its course.  In this way you maintain control over the evolution of your Suit and do not allow it to continue on with a Self Interest Agenda that will cause it to lose its Source Connection, terminating your ability to have a Suit in The Manifest World for all eternity.


You have to bring it into focus that your Suit has the ability to self direct if you do not take charge.  Only you can hold your Suit on The Path to Sustainability.  If you do not work with the Source Support given to you by the Miracle, your True Self, your Heaven Agent Identity and the Miracle Intelligence that governs your manifestation, then you will be allowing the Suit to be the tail that wags the dog. Since Suits have self destructed throughout the billions of lifetimes that most of them have been in existence, it is not wise to assume that your Suit will do otherwise unless stringently reigned in by your vigilance and your deep commitment to determining your own destiny and not allowing your Suit to determine it. 

The Suit is like a vehicle for you, the Soul.  If you do not take the wheel and ensure that your vehicle drives in the right direction, the Negativity will get it to drive off a cliff and destroy itself and your ability to remain in The System of Life at any level.


The stakes are high and there are only a few decades left to correct course and regain control over the Suit.  With the Miracle working to come into Stage Two when it can keep your Suit functioning optimally you have the kind of Source Support that is needed. But to get to Stage Two you have to educate your Suit about the danger of following its Self Interest Agenda and help it to transition into living a Source-Directed Way of Life.  This takes doing what Jeremy did in The Reality-Based Training of Master Action Plan #4.  He was vigilant about his thoughts and behaviors and observed when his Socialized Self was crowding out his True Self.  Such discernment enabled him to Connect to the Source and build a life that was Source-Directed.



Focus on Whether Your Love Connection Receptor Is Opening to the 100% Mark

Because of the intense opposition to the opening of The Love Connection Receptor, you will need to track your progress very carefully.  You can ask for Source Guidance about how open your Love Connection Receptor is at any given point in time. If it is open to the 80% Mark then you need to ask what is keeping it from reaching the 100% Mark.  If it opens and closes then you need to find out what is closing it down and what is opening it up.  In this way you will begin to understand the physics of how it works.


Since The Love Connection Receptor is critical to your survival, this work to monitor its functioning is going to be critical to assisting yourself on your Path to Sustainability.



Work with the Source Workflow Trainings for this Master Action Plan

There are many issues that arise when a Suit finally closes the door on the Story Way of Life that is founded on Self Interest. I address some of the key issues in the Source Workflow Trainings for this Master Action Plan.  You can access links to these Gifted Trainings in the Workstation for this Master Action Plan.  

When you go to the Trainings you can access links to the Seed Code which provides your Suit with the Core Code that it needs to fully work with the Training. Without the Seed Code your Suit will fall short of being able to understand the individualized steps that it needs to take to implement the essential understandings and actions in a Training.  

Although a Training may not relate directly to a life circumstance of a particular Heaven Agent, it contains Code for Building Heaven and Living Heaven that is very complex and is essential to the Suit's evolution. All of this Code is individualized when a Heaven Agent requests the Seed Code from the Training.  In this way I am able to provide the Suit with the maximum level of Source Support that it needs to implement this Action Plan.

For a more detailed understanding of Seed Code, you can reference the section on Seed Code in a Source Workflow Training.





Opening The Love Connection Receptor is key to survival in The Transition.  It is one of the most hotly opposed Receptors in the Heart Chakra because it brings in the Source Love and Source Light that awakens the innate Intelligence in the Suit and empowers it to work against the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.  


The work to open The Love Connection Receptor will not be easy work but it is necessary if a Suit is to become sustainable.


Careful work with the practices recommended above, especially with the Source Workflow Trainings for this Master Action Plan, will be needed to ensure that this Receptor is opened fully and remains open.



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