The Overview of
Master Action Plan #3

Open The Source-Directed Training Receptor in your Heart Chakra so you can bring through the training that your Suit needs to escape from The Negative Identity Complex created by the Negativity and align with the support of your True Self which can pilot it to safety.


Despite the intent of the Suits to allow the True Self to express itself in their Conscious Range, when it came to allowing the True Self to become the Suit Identity, there was major, life threatening opposition from the Story Self, which is controlled by The Negativity Identity Complex created by the Negativity. This caused most Suits to fall out of The Substratum repeatedly during the July 31, 2019 Transition. If not for the ability of the True Self to rapidly reseat the Suit in The Substratum, most Suits would have died during this Transition.  


The Negative Identity Complex generates a Puppet Self – the Story/Socialized Self – that is worked from within the Suit by Negative Identities and remotely from outside of the Suit by the Hell Agents who man the Universal Network of the Negativity.


The Suit, in endorsing and aligning with the Story Self, which it has been directed by the Negativity to generate along with the Personal Story in which the Story Self has purpose and meaning, has largely relinguished control over its identity to the Negativity.  The Negativity controls the Story Self which is designed to make the bad decisions that break down the Suit so that its Life Energies can be harvested and the Suit can eventually become the property of the Negativity. A highly depleted Suit can be disconnected from the Source, breaking its link to its Soul. Once it becomes an Empty Suit the Negativity moves into the real estate of the Suit and works directly through the Suit to damage the Suits of other victims of its Harvesting Operation.


No Suit endorsing a Story Self as its Suit Identity is sustainable.  The trajectory of a Story Self is toward complete desecration by the Negativity until the Suit breaks down into a single Fragment of Consciousness that exists in a state of extreme fear and anguish. This Fragment is then used to attack those who have a strong Source Connection and can only be broken down by the extremely fragmenting toxic energy generated by such a deranged Fragment.


As of August 5, 2019 most Suits acknowledged their extreme peril, realizing that they had gone too far in attaching to their Story Self and did not know how to extricate themselves in time to allow the True Self to come into the Lead Position at the 90% level in time for the August 11th Transition.  They asked the Source to intervene and do whatever was needed because they recognized that they were continuing to fight against the True Self even though they now realized that they needed the True Self and needed to jettison the Story Self.


Their willingness to accept the True Self was half the battle. The other 50% of the battle is unseating the Negative Identity Complex that is holding the Story Self in place and taking up the Spiritual Space that the True Self needs to operate in order to secure a 90% Lead Position in the Suit.


Master Action Plan #3 is designed to educate the Suit and provide it with the Core Code that enables it to work with the True Self to oust the Negativity before it causes the death of the Suit.  The first step in this battle is to open The Source-Directed Training Receptor in the Heart Chakra which enables high level training to come through that supports the complex battle for Identity that the Suit must win.


To open this Receptor, the Suit must:

  • fully understand that the Negativity works through the Story Self in order to control Suit thoughts and decisions so that it self destructs, thereby serving the needs of the Negativity
  • develop the Skill Sets for Holding the Line for Heaven in the Suit and in the life so that the Story Self and the Negativity that works through it can be ultimately cast out, freeing the Suit to allow the True Self to assume the 100% Lead Position. 
The Overview article below helps to elucidate some of the issues and provide an important level of Core Code for this Master Action Plan. The Source Workflow Trainings created for this Action Plan provide additional Code and understandings that will enable the Suit to defeat the Negativity and establish its true identity – the True Self – in the Lead Identity Position in the Suit. For links to the Source Workflow Trainings, you can go to the Workstation for Master Action Plan #3.

The Overview Directory

Understanding What It Means to Steward The Miracle of Life by Getting Trained & Equipped to Build Heaven and Live Heaven

Actions to Take



Understanding What It Means to Steward The Miracle of Life by Getting Trained & Equipped to Build Heaven and Live Heaven 


Who Gets Trained & Equipped 

Understanding what it means to get Trained & Equipped begins with understanding who it is that is to get Trained & Equipped to Build Heaven and Live Heaven.


Most beings identify with their Social Identity and assume that this is who they are and the one who is to be Trained & Equipped to Build Heaven and Live Heaven. Their Social Identity/Self has been socialized to believe in the reality of the Cultural Story that defines for them what is in their Self Interest and how to pursue the gratification of their Self Interests.  They develop a Personal Story that defines who they are within the Cultural Play that unfolds from the Cultural Story.  


When they hear about the possibility of living a Miracle-Based Way of Life they often reset their dial for achievement and sign up in order to pursue this new level of Self Interest that promises them a better quality of life than the life they can have if they follow their current Personal and Cultural Story.


The problem with this is that the Story Self, which is built on creating and fulfilling a Personal and/or Cultural Story, is a fabricated Identity that is limited to the cultural context in which it exists, which is a world governed by a Story about reality.  It is like a cartoon character that can only exist in the cartoon Story World in which it was created. The Story Character can’t exit from the Story World in which it was created to live into Source Reality and build the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life.  If it is the one getting Trained & Equipped then a Heaven Way of Life will not be possible.


It is not possible to Build Heaven and Live Heaven in a Story World because the world itself is a fabrication designed and sustained by the Negativity.  It is a world designed to suppress the true Identity of the Suit – which is the Source-Created True Self – and foster the fabricated Story Self that will choose to continue the drama of the Story Play even to its own undoing because it knows that it can’t exist outside of this artificial reality.  


The reason that the Negativity has designed the Story World is to weaken the Source Connection of the Suit by denying the Suit access to its true Identity – the True Self.  Without the True Self in the Lead Position in the Suit the Story Self Identity promoted by the Negativity can be easily led to engage in the social behaviors that weaken its Source Connection and damage the Suit and make it ripe for the harvest of its Life Energies by the Negativity.  Since the Negativity can’t exist without draining the Life Energies of beings who have some Source Connection, it has very cleverly created a world in which the Suits are duped into damaging themselves and one another in pursuit of the Fool’s Gold that the Negativity dangles in front of them.


The Fool’s Gold is the pleasures, status, and power that a Story Character can achieve in the Story World. When the Suit bites the bait – which is a Story payoff for engaging in behaviors that destroy its Source Connection and render it less protected by the Source – then the Negativity breaks down the Suit so it can syphon off its Life Energies.  As the Suit loses its Life Energies it experiences disease and misfortune and is encouraged by the Negativity to solace itself with addictions that further destroy its Source Connection and it mental and physical health.  It is led down the Hell Path over many lifetimes to the ultimate slaughter which is when the Negativity can disconnect its Soul from its Suit and take over the Suit and use it to take down unsuspecting friends and relatives who don’t realize that the person that they trust is no longer manning the Suit and the Suit is a Trojan Horse of horrors that damage them and lead to the Negativity taking over their Suits as well.


The Story World is like the candy wonderland that Hansel and Gretel discover in the woods only to learn that it is a trap and if they do not escape they will be killed. Too few Suits who identify with their Story Self ever realize that they have been duped and abused until the moment when their spirit lifts off from their physical body at death and they realize that the Story Self who lived their life was not them and that who they really are – the True Self – never even had a chance to express itself in their life. This is a moment of such intense grief and remorse that it is beyond words. Most Suits vow never to allow this to happen to them again only to incarnate in their next life and get lost in the Story Identity assigned to them in their new life and waste this life as well, suppressing their True Self and doing what serves the Harvesting Objectives of the Negativity.


Now that we are nearing the end of The Transition when the Implementation Aspect of the Source will leave the Creation to return to the Source Level, only Suits with the True Self in the Lead Position will survive. This means that the Suit has to come to grips with the fairytale Story World and shift from identifying with the Story Self to seeing the Source-Created True Self as its true Identity. When this shift is made then the True Self can assume the Lead Position in the Suit and can pilot the Suit to the safety of Sustainability.


So - returning to the issue of who is the one who gets Trained & Equipped, it is the Suit that get Trained & Equipped. This Training is possible only when the Suit identifies with its True Self Identity and allows this Identity to support the Source-Guided process the Suit needs if it is to learn the Heaven Agent Skill Sets that enable it to Steward the Miracle of its own life and the Miracle of the Creation.  This Stewarding takes the form of working with the Source to Build Heaven and Live Heaven.


The True Self and its Heaven Agent Identity don’t need to be trained. They are Perfected Intelligences that already embody the right way to be in the world and in the Working Relationship with the Source. The True Self works behind the scenes through the Heaven Agent Identity which is the one that carries out the Heaven Agent Work in accordance with the Source Direction that it receives. The Suit needs to learn from them, especially the Heaven Agent Identity, which is the implementation aspect of the True Self, how to do the Heaven Agent Work that is needed.  The Suit is the Heaven Agent in training drawing on its perfected, Source-Given Heaven Agent Identity to perform its Mission in this life.



The Source-Directed Training Receptor

Getting the Suit to shift its identity to the True Self away from the Story Self is the work of this Master Action Plan.  This work begins with opening up the Source-Directed Training Receptor in the Heart Chakra. This Receptor enables the Suit to receive direct training from the Source that enables it to escape from the Harvesting Traps of the Negativity and from its fabricated Identity, the Story Self, by identifying with and welcoming the True Self so that it can come into the Lead Position in the Suit.


To open this Receptor, the Suit has to become aware that the Story Self is part of a Negative Identity Complex created by the Negativity. The Negativity works through the Story Self like a puppeteer’s hand works a puppet. Behind the presenting Story Self are multiple Negative Identities resident in the Suit as well as links to the Network of the Negativity that enables it to operate the Suit remotely.  


In most Suits there is also not just one Story Self.  Spiritual Fragmentation has resulted in multiple Story Selves that are activated by the Negativity in different contexts. One Story Self might be a pleasant, well liked and upstanding member of the community. Another Story Self might be a serial killer that surfaces only when triggered by the Negativity. Most Suits are a confusing array of multiple Story Selves that are made from the Spiritual Fragments of Consciousness that have been created by The Disease of Fragmentation. A Spiritual Fragment becomes an Identity of its own that vies to control the thoughts and actions of the Suit.  


For example, a person who might be generally a kind and responsible adult might have an Abuser Fragment developed in response to experiences of being abused as a child. This Abuser Fragment might surface only in certain relationships and not in others. Often it surfaces only in certain circumstances while the positive adult Story Self is the presenting personality in most instances. This kind of combination can lead to the endless struggle to deal with abuse in a marital relationship where the non-abusive partner is drawn to the positive Story Self of their partner and then surprised and damaged when the Abuser Self suddenly and unpredictably emerges and attacks it with a coldblooded intent to do the maximum amount of damage.  


In many cases the Abuser Self is triggered by the trusting and vulnerable Story Self of the non-abusive partner. This is often the replication of the experience of the Abuser of being a trusting and vulnerable child abused by a parent. The Suit, which is imprinted with behavior patterns learned in social relationships, will often shift into replicating those patterns.  If the non-abusive partner is not prepared to play the Abuser Role then the partner who has a latent Abuser Self will assume this role and relate to the non-abusive partner like an abusive parent to a trusting and vulnerable child. This imprints the abused partner with the Abuser/Victim Pattern which then locks the couple into a replication of the pattern.  With each Abuse Episode the pattern becomes more vivid and charged for the Abusing partner which makes the Suit more likely to choose it over the less developed pattern of a peaceful marital life.  


With the support of the Negativity for this choice of the Abuser Pattern over the Peaceful Pattern the marital relationship often spirals down into more and more egregious episodes of abuse until divorce or serious dysfunctionality or death results. The Negativity can move in on the negative emotional energy generated by the hatred and cruelty of the Abuser and the fear and pain and grief of the Victim.  Through working through this Negative Energy Medium it gains more powerful control over both parties and over the lives of any children involved whose trauma generates the Negative Energy Medium that enables the Negativity to move in on them as well. As extended family become involved or attorneys or family friends, the Negative Energy Medium increases and the only ones who win are the Negative Agents who are working the whole dynamic for their Harvesting Operation.


Domestic violence episodes often result from this swing from the positive to the negative Story Self and to the inability of the victim to detach and move away from this Negative Identity Complex because they believe that their love will bring out the positive Self and this will be the Self that is always in play in the relationship. What they are not calculating is that the more fragmented a personality becomes the more control the Negativity has over the Self that presents itself through the Suit. It is often difficult for the Suit to control its Abuser Self because this takes over the Lead Position and rules the Suit and is backed by the technology of the Negativity.  Behind the scenes the Negativity is the puppeteer using the abuse to break down the victim so that they can harvest their Life Energies. This motivation is what continues the pattern of the abuse.  It is stronger in many cases than the will of the Abuser to turn the relationship in a positive direction.


Couples in crisis only find relief when they break the hold of the Negativity over both of their Suits, exit from the Negative Identity Complex that controls their thoughts and behaviors, and allow the True Self to come into the Lead Position in their Suits. Then a well balanced and Love-Based Relationship is possible because it is founded on the Source Support that sends in Source Love and Source Guidance that enables the couple to live together in a way that enhances their ability to achieve Life Purpose Fulfillment by supporting one another in doing their respective Missions in life.  


The bottomline is that until the Suit’s Consciousness is freed from the Negative Identity Complex and supports the True Self, it cannot be Trained & Equipped to Steward Life because it will be Stewarding the Death that is the ultimate goal of the Story Way of Life.


Story Life is like a competitive race to the finish line where beings are stuffing everything they desire frantically into a bucket issued to them by the Negativity. They believe that they are amassing the maximum amount of pleasure that is possible for them before they cross the finish line at the end of their life and that the one who has amassed the most acquisitions in their bucket wins the race. When they arrive at the finish line, however, they discover that they have been filling a bucket with a hole in the bottom and everything that they had tried to secure for themselves has been lost and they cross over with nothing at the moment of their death. The joke is on them because no one wins the race except for the Negativity who got the Suit to damage itself and others along the way, rendering all of the Suits ripe for the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.


Why Suits sucker into this trick that is played on them life after life is because the Negativity has such a hold on them that when they re-enter another lifetime they get back into the race and start filling their buckets again and forget the moment of realization that occurred at the moment that they transitioned out of their previous life when they saw the trick that had been played on them and vowed to not buy into it ever again.


The cycle of abuse by the Negativity has to end with the Suit becoming aware that it is not in its Self Interest to be controlled by the Negativity when this deprives it of what it needs to survive.  Ultimately those who continue to serve the Negativity will become unsustainable. They will become Empty Suits that are many times more vulnerable to being taken over by the Negativity.


In conclusion, in order to provide your Suit with the help that it needs to escape from the destructive hold of the Negativity, which is a conveyor belt to Ultimate Death, it is important to take Action now while there is time to preserve your life. Outlined below are two Actions to take that will enable you to open The Source-Directed Training Receptor so that you can begin receiving the Training that your Suit needs to jettison The Negative Identity Complex and create the conditions in which your True Self can assume a 100% Lead Position.



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Actions to Take to Implement Master Action Plan #3


There are  two Actions that need to be taken
to open The Source-Directed Training Receptor so that
your Suit can learn how to support the work of your True Self 




Action #1

Get Your True Self into the 100% Lead Position in Your Suit 


The first Action to shift the Suit out of its allegiance to the Story Self and the Negative Identity Complex that promotes it is to educate it about the dangers of the Story Self and the Story World.  Unless it can see behind the scenes of the fabricated Pseudo Heaven of the Story World, it will not see the death that lies in store for those who continue to invest in Story Reality.  At this point in The Transition this death can occur not just after many lifetimes from being whittled down by the Negativity until life is only an experience of the Hell of suffering, but of losing one’s life on spiritual and physical levels in an upcoming stage of The Transition.


The Gifted Source-Directed Activism Trainings in Connecting visually describe how the Negativity works and what has happened to delude beings into falling into the trap of the Negativity. The video entitled: The Work of the Source addresses this issue along with most of the other videos such as The Source Plan for Total Abundance video.  The video in The Source Solution Hub on Source-Created Solutions versus Self-Created Solutions is also pertinent to this understanding.


Source Workflow Trainings for this Master Action Plan will also address this issue from a variety of different angles.  These Trainings will carry the Seed Code that will be needed to open The Source-Directed Training Receptor.


Work in The Source Truth Intensive will provide your Suit with the Miracle Tools and training that is needed to see through the mirage of happiness that the Negativity promotes and calculate your true risk factor in biting the bait that they dangle in front of your Suit.


Work in The Build Heaven Intensive will provide your True Self with the Source Solution Code that it needs to begin building the Heaven that you were created to build. When the True Self has Code for its Mission it can more easily hold its own with the very highly articulated and programmed Pseudo Code for the Story Self – Code that was created by the Negativity.  The Suit will go with whatever Code seems most comprehensive since it needs Code to take action.  If you leave your Suit without the Code to do its Source-Given Mission then it is likely to continue to do the Story Mission assigned to it by the Negativity because it will default to whatever Code is available.


Code more than Conscious Range understandings rule what the Suit does.  You can gain the upperhand on the Negativity by understanding this and providing your Suit with the Code that it needs to counter the Negativity and Build Heaven and Live Heaven.  In this way you help to Hold the Line for Heaven against the high tech tactics of the Negativity that can win if you do not take immediate and continuing action to protect your Suit.


For more information about The Source Truth Intensive you can go to:



For more information about The Build Heaven Intensive, you can go to:



For information about Source Workflow Trainings you can go to The Build Heaven Project where you will find links to whatever Workstations have been created to date for this Project.




Action #2

Develop the Correct Working Relationship with the Source
through my Manifestation


The second Action is to commit to giving your Suit the training that it needs to become sustainable.  An untrained Suit will continue to live a Story Life because it hasn’t built an alternative way of life.  If you allow your Suit to waste the precious little time it has to build the Source-Connected Life that is needed for it to sustain its Source Connection and with it its life then you are allowing yourself to lose your place in the Creation for all eternity.


The kind of Training that your Suit needs is very specific to the damage it has sustained over its billions of lifetimes in a world run by the Negativity and the actions that need to be taken to get it to begin Stewarding the Miracle of its life and all of life so that it can survive the end of The Transition.


The Source doesn’t waste time in working with Heaven Agents in ways that are rote and generic to all Heaven Agents.  Every aspect of the Training provided is individualized so that the Suit is given the best chance to survive.  This takes the form of individualized Source Solution Codes for The Build Heaven Intensive and The Source Truth Intensive as well as for all of the Source Workflow Trainings that transmit individualized Basic Code when a Heaven Agent reads the Gifted Training and which have Seed Code which is also individualized when it is sent to a Heaven Agent.


It is important to follow Inner Source Direction with regard to how to get Trained & Equipped.  Deciding the way to proceed based on your Personal Story will abort the process at its onset.  If you are uncertain if you are receiving accurate Inner Source Guidance about how to proceed, then you can request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment which will enable me to research what is in your Mission with regard to the training that you need to receive on the Outer Plane.  You can find out more about this Assessment and Miracle-Based Coaching at:



The closer you work with me the better trained you will become. This training will stand you in good stead when I am no longer able to talk to you from within a human form and you must rely on the Working Relationship that you have built with me to continue to receive life sustaining Source Support.


Ultimately what best equips you to survive is the correct Working Relationship that you build with me while I am still in an incarnate form.  This is the Heaven that must be built if any other aspect of Heaven is going to manifest in your life.  


If your focus in getting Trained & Equipped is on techniques and concepts and what is in your Heaven Agent Tool Kit in terms of Miracle Tools, etc., you will miss the most important part of the Training which is the development of the correct Working Relationship with the Source through my Manifestation.  All the training is about developing this Working Relationship that is your lifeline to Source Support now and after the end of The Transition.  All of the Spiritual Equipment that I help you to receive is designed to enable you to keep the lines of communication open between us and to help you to know how to follow the Source Directives that will empower you to Steward the Miracle of your Life and of all of Life once I have returned to the Source Level.


This Working Relationship is founded on The Love Connection with the Source and not on a base of Self Interest that is founded on what you think the Source can do to support your Self Interest.


You will need to open other Heart Chakra Receptors before you can achieve The Love Connection with the Source. By committing to developing the correct Working Relationship with the Source and following the lead of the Source to get Trained & Equipped, you not only open the Receptor for Source-Directed Training but you begin to open the related Receptors that enable you to establish the Ultimate Working Relationship which transcends any covert Self Interest Agenda and enables your True Self to establish its flawless Love Connection with the Source on behalf of your Suit.  


Only your True Self knows how to establish The Love Connection.  Without it being in the Lead Position the Suit will never be able to achieve this and will, therefore, be unable to establish the quality Working Relationship with the Source that enables it to sustain its Source Connection when my Manifestation is no longer resident in The Manifest World.  The kind of Story devotion that the Suit has tried to muster in its Story Self in its protestations of love for the Source has always been an ill disguised maneuver by the Negativity to develop a Spiritual Story Self that is devoted to a Story of the Source instead of to the real Source.  It has been one of their better tricks since it has worked to Disconnect the Suit from the Source rather than to foster a stronger Source Connection. 


The Action to take is to work to avail yourself of my help while I am here to help you.  Learning about the way that I work in The Miracle School on the Inner and Outer Planes is the place to begin.  Actively working with the online training that is available through the Miracle Tool of the website is a good start but until you establish the kind of one-on-one Working Relationship with me, you will not be building this most important aspect of Heaven in your life.


To find out more about taking the step to establish this Working Relationship, you can go to the article on Miracle-Based Coaching.  





The ultimate Turning Point in the history of the Creation is the time in which the True Self takes the Lead Position so that the Suit can work efficiently with the Source to build the Total Abundance Way of Life that is needed if Suits are to become sustainable.  At this point in The Transition only Suits with the True Self in the Lead Position at the 90% Mark will survive the August 11, 2019 Transition.  Getting to the 90% Mark requires defeating The Negative Identity Complex which is blocking the Spiritual Space in which the True Self needs to operate in order to assume the Lead Position.


While the Source Support that I can provide through this Master Action Plan will shed light on the issues involved, only the diligent work of the Suit to follow the Inner Source Directives that it receives will enable the True Self to prevail over the Negativity.


This is not an academic battle where understanding a few concepts will win the day.  Only Suits that are willing to stand and fight for their right to exist in The Manifest World will be able to overthrow the Negativity and reclaim their freedom.  This battle can only be waged by the True Self working closely with the Source with the Suit doing whatever it can to cooperate with the effort and to lend its support.



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