Integrated Comfort Adventures in Learning


Other possibilities are Adventures in Learning where Integrated Comfort is introduced into the learning process.  As the Suit relaxes into a feeling of Integrated Comfort, the doors to higher intelligence open, enabling learning to occur at a much higher level of efficiency.  


It is well known that young children who are in nurturing environments learn at a much faster rate than adults.  This is due, in part, to the fact that they are not beset by as many distressing life circumstances as adults and are, therefore, better able to be present and open to the full range of their intelligence. 


Children coming from abusive homes, war zones, and the like have much more difficulty learning because their high levels of distress work against their ability to relax and expand their range of intelligence.  


Those who have already experienced stressful learning in schools, where the fear of the punishment of poor grades is the motivating force behind trying to learn the lesson of the day, often have to return to a basic level of Integrated Comfort in order to re-open their attention span and re-expand their range of intelligence. Miracle-Based Adventures in learning are an important way in which this can occur in the course of the very natural flow of the Adventure.


It is possible to request an Adventure in Learning on behalf of someone other than yourself or for a group of people such as abused children or children of a minority group that is known to have trouble with stressful life situations that impact their ability to learn in school.  As long as the Soul of the person is willing to receive the Source Support that is offered, the Suit will embark on the Adventure and benefit from the experience of Integrated Comfort that results from the Adventure.


Gifting Miracle-Based Adventures in Learning to groups of children and adults who are in need is one way in which you can help to bring about the Love-Based Global Community that nurtures all of its own.  Until those in oppressed sectors of the society are given the help to recover from this oppression and regain their natural intelligence so they can progress in the economic system and secure more material comforts in their lives, a very basic level of physical comfort will be lacking in them.  The Distress Energies that they produce as they struggle to survive and fail to feed their children or be able to take the rest that they need, will wash up on the shores of all who have the material means to live less materially stressed lives.  The Collective Distress Energies will continue to create the conditions in which experiencing true Integrated Comfort on the material level will be difficult for everyone. The lack of the experience of Integrated Comfort will continue the spiral of rage, abuse, oppression, and distress which then takes all of life down in the endless spiral of conflict between the Haves and the Have Nots.


It takes a certain level of comfort for those beleaguered by war – suffering overwhelming levels of distress from the loss of loved ones, from personal injuries, from disrupted lives, from living in constant fear – to be able to learn what they need to learn to find solutions to the conflict and rebuild a peaceful way of life.  The work that is done to help those in war-torn parts of the world to find this level of Integrated Comfort is work that is directly related to building a foundation for World Peace.


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy needed to infuse Integrated Comfort Energies into the learning process varies according to the severity of the situation and whether the Adventures are being gifted to an individual – yourself or someone else – or to a group of people such as victims of war, crime, domestic violence, etc.


Integrated Comfort Adventures in Learning for Individuals

If the child or adult has severe blockages to learning due to life traumas and has a history of not being able to learn or being fearful to try to learn, then more Comfort Energies will be needed to relax the Suit so it can begin experiencing Integrated Comfort in the learning process.  US $800 would be needed for most cases in this category to sustain the Integrated Comfort Adventure in Learning until the Suit responds to learning with the understanding that Integrated Comfort can be a part of the process.


For those who are not having difficulty in learning but realize that they are not learning at their potential, an Adventure in Learning of US $600 will usually do what is needed.


There are also gradations in-between for those experiencing varying degrees of stress in the learning process.


It is possible to seek Inner Source Guidance with regard to an Adventure in Learning and enter the amount that you feel guided to enter into The Life that Works Form.  You can also request an Assessment if you are uncertain and would like a Source Recommendation with regard to the level of power needed for an Adventure of this sort.


To enter an amount in The Life that Works Form, you can complete the form below and mention in the Comments Box the details of the situation. If the amount that you have provided is not adequate to achieve the desired result, then I will not process your request and will email you with information on what is needed.



Contribute to Your Life that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to my Ultimate Spiritual Healing Fund for a Life that Works.




How to Request an Assessment

To request an Assessment, you can fill out an Assessment Form which can be accessed through the link provided below.  In the form you can describe the details of your situation.  I will respond by email with information on the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground the Code for this Adventure.



Integrated Comfort Adventures in Learning for the Community

If you would like to gift Adventures in Learning to a group of people in need such as abused children, minorities, victims of war and natural disasters, etc., you can enter the amount that you wish to contribute in The World that Works Fund form that you will find below.


You can provide any specific information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.  Or you can leave it open for the Source to select those who are most in need of this kind of support.


Note:  If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.



Contribute to The World that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Fund for a World that Works.





An Integrated Comfort Adventure for Learning is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a Perfect Health Source Intervention.


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