The Communion Intervention 

The key to Spiritual Integration is having enough Source Love in your Suit from both loving the Source and receiving the love of the Source to hold the Spiritual Particles of which you are made together.  Source Love provides the gravitational pull that enables your Spiritual Particles to stay together in a state of Spiritual Integration.  When you have enough Source Love, high vibrational energies are exhilarating instead of life threatening.  You seek them out and revel in them and they only enhance your Spiritual Intelligence which become ever more attuned to the subtleties of The Love Connection with the Source.


Communion is the highest expression of The Love Connection.  Very few beings in the Creation have ever achieved a State of Communion with the Source that has enabled them to rise to the Ultimate Heaven Experience which is the highest level of happiness that is possible for you.


The reason for this is their fixation on what they desire and what they fear.  This fixation rivets their attention span and limits the amount of their attention that can track the subtle interactions with the Source that structure an every deepening experience of Communion.


Since entering into an Eternal State of Communion is the central way in which beings will survive the Vibrational Shifts of the Source Perfected Universe, I have brought through the miracle of The Communion Intervention which lifts you into the Traceway of Communion, freeing your attention from its fixations and enabling it to be gently re-directed to the Heaven that is possible when you attune to the Source and begin to experience the richness and joy of Communion.  In the Traceway of Communion you are moved through all of the Developmental Sequences that build in you an aptitude for Communion with the Source.  This is built through removing obstacles to Communion and opening your Suit to the potential for Communion.  What the Suit lacks in terms of concentration and knowledge of how to advance in its ability to Commune is made available through the Adventure Process that unfolds as it moves along the Traceways of Communion.


Correct Exchange 

This is one of the Interventions gifted to you by the work of the Heaven Agent Network.  You can request this Intervention by filling at the form that you can access by clicking on the link below. An Outer Plane request grounds more power in the Intervention than simply asking for it on the Inner Plane which is also possible.



The Communion Intervention is part of The Love Connection Project and is a Love Connection Source Intervention. 

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