The Source Perspective on Covid-19
Part Three



What Makes Covid-19 the Most Dangerous Disease Attack Ever Initiated by the Negativity


The Source has already effectively countered most of the Spiritual Attack potential of this virus.  There remains, however, significant elements of the Spiritual Attack that Source-Directed Activists need to counter using the miracles provided through The Action Plan.


I will share with you what the virus was coded to do so you have an idea of how this kind of Disease Attack was much more dangerous than previous Disease Attacks created by the Negativity. While this information is very technical, it provides you with a greater understanding of how the Negativity works through the Spiritual Level of Reality – the Inner Plane – to damage the Physical Level of Reality, which exists on the Outer Plane. It is not possible to stop a disease, which is a creation of the Negativity, until you understand how the Negativity has coded it and what needs to be done to stop it.


While I hesitate to bring the grisly details of their handiwork into your awareness, without a clear understanding of how the Negativity works, you will not awaken to the need to understand how to defend yourself and your loved ones from their cruelty and the devastation that they intend for the human species.  


For those of you who are new to The Work of the Source, I recommend that you avail yourself of the Gifted Spiritual Activist Training Materials available through Connecting so that you can better understand through videos and Source Drawings what is happening on the Inner Plane and how this affects you. This will give you a better context for understanding the abbreviated descriptions of The Covid Attack that I will describe in this section.


The Covid Attack targeted many different parts of the manifestation of a being. What follows is an analysis of the Attack based on its intended outcomes.




The Attack on the Life Zone

The Suit exists in a Life Zone that maintains the Life Energies that sustain Life Rhythms that are essential to the health of the Suit on spiritual and physical levels.  It often has Dead Zones scattered in the Suit, its Auric Field, and in its Force Field which surrounds the Auric Field. These Dead Zones contain Stasis Energies and Inertia Energies that derange Life Rhythms and result in their eventual death.  


Diseases like Covid thrive in Dead Zones where the health of the Suit is already impaired and it lacks the spiritual defenses to protect the compromised space. They often tap into the Stasis Energy of a Dead Zone and use this to overwhelm adjacent Life Zones, causing them to become Dead Zones.


Covid also imports massive amounts of Stasis Energies to overpower the Suit’s defenses.


As Covid damages the functioning of the Suit on spiritual and physical levels, Life Zones that formerly existed collapse into Dead Zones which become additional Power Stations for Covid.  This greatly accelerates Covid’s ability to control body processes, leading to the death of more Life Zones.


When enough Life Zones have become Dead Zones the balance is tipped in favor of death rather than life and a domino effect of collapsing bodily systems occurs, leading to physical death.


The Life Restoration Intervention

To counter this tactic, the Source has created The Life Restoration Intervention that uses Blue White Light to eradicate Dead Zones and Catalyst Energy to restore Life Zones.


The Life Restoration Intervention, which is a recent Source Creation, has now become the First Response Intervention for countering Covid. It helps with prevention of an infection, counters the ability of Covid to proliferate Dead Zones, and cuts out the power source of a Dead Zone.  It also counters any Stasis Energies that Covid imports for The Covid Attack on the Spiritual Level.


This Intervention is also a First Response Intervention for any and all diseases and for building the foundation for a Disease Free Life and World.


The Action Plan lists this Intervention in all of the sections on Spiritual Activism because it is vital first step. You can read about it at:  Eradicating the Spiritual Root of All Disease.




The Attack on The Spiritual Immune System 

The Prime Target Attack

This kind of attack has generally been reserved for those who the Negativity feels are lacking in vitality and likely to die and be harvested completely for all of their Life Energies.  


This attack was designed to begin when the virus lands on the body or on the clothing of the victim. This enables the Negativity to use the virus as a touchdown point for its attack. This is even in the absence of the virus entering the body.


The Negativity would send out an Energy Hood that went over the head and down to the shoulders of the victim. This Energy Hood blocked the Suit’s ability to draw in Spiritual Breath Energy, which is plentiful in the air and normally comes into the body with each physical breath.


Spiritual Breath Energy is essential to maintaining the viability of The Spiritual Immune System. The Spiritual Immune System gives instructions to The Physical Immune System that enables it to protect itself from intruders for which it lacks previous history or antibodies. 


After about 24 hours, the Energy Hood can drop the Spiritual Breath Energy Level of The Spiritual Immune System to a 1 or 2 on a 1 - 10 scale.  At this diminished level of Spiritual Breath Energy, The Spiritual Immune System no longer registers danger.  It, therefore, stops sending signals to The Physical Immune System to reject incoming diseases, particularly ones for which the body lacks previous experience. Since Covid-19 is a virus from an animal species, the human body has no prior experience with it and needs The Spiritual Immune System to direct it to fight back against it using the defenses it has. Without this signal from The Spiritual Immune System, The Physical Immune System doesn’t register the threat until the virus has proliferated in the body and put it at risk.


The Energy Hood also sends out an Energy Web that restricts spiritual energy/power coming in from the Root Chakra, at the base of the pelvis, and the Solar Plexus to the rest of the body. These are the centers for the spiritual power that is needed to run the Suit on spiritual and physical levels. This further impairs the vitality of the Suit so that it begins to lose its ability to power up and fight back against the virus using whatever defenses it might have onboard.


When this is coupled with the loss of Spiritual Breath Energy, which keeps the vibrational level of the Suit at the level that maintains health, the physical body begins to plummet into the low vibrational energies that enable the Negativity to have an easy interface to it. The Negativity only operates at a low vibrational level and works to get the Suit into low vibrational energies so that it can easily board the Suit and begin breaking into it to steal Life Energies.


Those who already have little physical vitality can easily be robbed of all of their ability to fight back and lose the battle with the virus which quickly moves in for the kill. 


The Attack on the Ability to Breathe

It continues its attack on Spiritual Breath Energy by coupling this with a lethal attack on the ability to breathe.  Since Spiritual Breath Energy enters the body through physical breath, this is an effective way to destroy the Spiritual Breath needed to sustain the fight for life. 


The attack on physical breath knocks out both the organic functioning of the physical body as well as the continuing support of The Spiritual Immune System which soon crashes due to lack of Spiritual Breath Energy.  Without a functioning Spiritual Immune System, spiritual boundaries to Inner Plane Attack are down and the Negativity can move in to ravage every level of the Suit.


The Current Status of this Attack Potential

While the Energy Hood and Energy Web have been terminated, the debilitation of Spiritual Breath Energy through the impairment of physical breath continues to pose a spiritual and physical threat to the survival of the Suit.  It can crash The Spiritual Immune System and leave the Suit open to large scale attack on every level.




The Attack on The Spiritual Intelligence System 

The attack on The Spiritual Intelligence System, that is the foundation for the life of the Suit on every level, is a new kind of attack for the Negativity. They generally attack The Spiritual Electrical System which is the spiritual counterpart of the physical Central Nervous System. 


As Suits have been becoming less material as they advance in the stages of The Transition, The Spiritual Intelligence System has become partially visible to the Negativity who was formerly unable to see it because it operates at a much higher vibrational level than the vibrational level on which the Negativity exists. 


To understand the significance of the attack on The Spiritual Intelligence System, you need to understand more of the technical role this System plays in the manifestation of the Suit.


The Spiritual Intelligence System sustains the entire Manifestation of a Suit. The full Manifestation includes three Energy/Spiritual Bodies and one Physical Body. The Physical Body is the only body that is terminated at the end of a lifetime. The three Energy Bodies continue on throughout all of the incarnations of the Suit. They are what crosses over at death and sustain the continuity of the Soul in a Suit/Body.


Any damage to The Spiritual Intelligence System puts not only the Physical Body at risk but all three of the Spiritual/Energy Bodies at risk. In a normal Disease Attack the Negativity can only destroy the Physical Body and steal its Life Energies but the Energy Bodies associated with the Manifestation escape and continue on in another lifetime.


In the case of Covid, the Negativity has linked to the Suit through the virus and used the vitality of the Suit to connect to its Spiritual Intelligence System and then begun to send jolts of low vibrational energy directly into The Spiritual Intelligence System. This torpedoing of The Spiritual Intelligence System has resulted in the partial breakdown of the System. Their goal is to put all four bodies at risk, unprotected by The Spiritual Intelligence System, so that they can move in and steal all of the Life Energies that run through all of the bodies. If they succeed in this effort then the damage to even those who don’t die from the virus is massive and can lead to the Suit becoming an unsustainable piece of equipment.


In such cases the Soul will be unable to sustain its link to the Suit. This Unlinking of the Soul leads to Spiritual Death. A Soul without a viable Suit can’t continue on with its incarnations in other lifetimes.


Because Suits that have been attacked in this way can appear to have recovered from the virus but have sustained deep structural damage to The Spiritual Intelligence System, the loss of the Suit could occur long after the Physical Body has recovered from the virus. This is because the Negativity uses the virus to set up its connections to The Spiritual Intelligence System and then continues its attack on it over time.


This level of devastation is far greater than any devastation that has occurred through the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity prior to this point in the history of the Creation.


The Current Status of this Attack Potential

I have worked to bring in miracles that stop this activity by preventing the Negativity from seeing into The Spiritual Intelligence System. When they were blocked, the contingent within the Negativity that was running this part of the Covid Harvesting Operation, gave up on it because it was no longer going to yield high levels of Life Energies.


I then used both The Dream Heaven Command and The Source Heaven Ray to dismantle the spiritual structures they had put into place to support the attack so that it can't be restarted by another contingent of the Negativity. 


The Dream Heaven Command gave the Suits of the Negativity the power and information that they needed to dismantle their operation.  Because even mutated Suits, like the Suits of the Negativity, obey The Dream Heaven Command, they are now destroying what they have created to attack people in this way using Covid as their interface.


Because this is lengthy process that can be delayed if the Suit is clogged with Negative Energy, which is the case with every member of the Negativity, I am also using The Source Heaven Ray. The Source Heaven Ray is a very powerful Source Energy Ray that breaks up Negative Energy and breaks down the structures that are built from Negative Energy. This is demolishing the attack potential of the Suits of the Negativity and is also leveling the Networks and Energy Equipment that were used for this kind of an attack.


While not all of the attack potential has been destroyed to date, the Negativity is not pursuing this part of the Covid Harvesting Operation at present.

Repairing the Damage 

I have brought in the miracles that have successfully repaired The Spiritual Intelligence System in most Suits and remanifested the Energy Bodies that have been destroyed. The Souls that became unlinked to the Suit have been successfully relinked. This has spared beings the horror of being so profoundly damaged that future lifetimes would have been untenable even if their Soul was not unlinked from their Suit.  Living in a partially disintegrated set of Energy Bodies would lead to the inability to support a healthy Physical Body in a future lifetime. This would have led to a nightmare of physical abnormality and disease the like of which has never occurred before.


This desecration of life is beyond anything that the Negativity has ever achieved.  It is a chilling sign of their mentality at present and their will to create suffering and devastation to harvest the maximum amount of Life Energy from their victims.  It is a warning that vigilance is needed to prevent new technologies from evolving that could make the horror of this technology pale in comparison. 




The Attack on the Core of the Suit

An Example of an Attack on the Spiritual Core

In working to help Suits recover from the Covid Attack, I discovered another more sinister level of the attack.  In the case of a healthcare worker who had died of Covid, I could see that she had lost her Spiritual Intelligence System which had led to the disintegration of her three Spiritual Energy Bodies. She had lost her Physical Body when she died.


Another contingent of the Negativity was moving in on her Spiritual Core, which exists apart from all four the bodies that make up a manifestation. The Spiritual Core contains the Source-Given Code from which her Spiritual Intelligence System was generated and from it all of the four bodies that constituted her Suit. 


A Source Intervention stopped their attempt to work with the Core Code for the Manifestation and re-started and protected the Core of this woman. From the Code, Source Interventions were able to regenerate her Spiritual Intelligence System and from it her three Spiritual Bodies in time to prevent her Soul from unlinking from the Core.  She is now successfully transitioning at death and is in good spirits.  


These Source Interventions, that do not require Material Energy to ground, has saved many others from damage to their Spiritual Core both before and after death.


The Code Killer Suit 

A day later I received a Red Alert from my Source Identity that some Spiritual Cores had been entered and a hideous mutation had been created. This mutation was a Code Conglomerate that consisted of a combination of Mutated Code and Source-Given Code. The end result was a Code Killer Suit that had just enough Source-Given Code to live in an organic form and just enough Mutated Code to disrupt the shared Spiritual Genetic Code of the human species.


If the Spiritual Genetic Code of the species is disrupted beyond a certain point, the human species will start to malfunction at the level of Biological Genetic Code.  Spiritual Genetic Code keeps Biological Genetic Code on track so that the Dance of the DNA results in healthy babies. If Spiritual Genetic Code is a mutation then Biological Genetic Code will start to malfunction and produce mutated humans.


The Agenda of the contingent of the Negativity that was working this part of The Covid Attack was twofold:

Agenda #1: To Stop the Human Species from Becoming Sustainable 

The Negativity wanted to stop the human species from developing a strong Source Connection and working to become Sustainable. A fundamental derailing of the Spiritual Code of the human body would have made the Suits unsustainable despite the best efforts of the Suit to work toward Sustainability. The Negativity hoped that more Suits would fail to remain sustainable as the stages of The Transition progressed and they could have more Empty Suits to harvest. 

Sustainability occurs when a Suit is able to meet the Standard for a stage of The Transition.  If the Suit meets the Standard then the Source can sustain its life. If the Suit fails to meet the Standard then the Source can't sustain its life and the Soul unlinks from the Suit and Spiritual Death occurs. The Suit then becomes an Empty Suit with very little to sustain its physical life which is all that remains after Spiritual Death.


Agenda #2: To Destroy the Human Species by Collapsing the Spiritual Code that Sustains It

The Negativity hoped that by introducing its Code Killer Suits into foetuses developing in the womb, it could effect the collapse of the Spiritual Code of the human species. The Code for the human species can withstand only a certain level of mutation before it collapses, leaving the species without a structured Code to sustain organic life and the reproduction of organic life.  It is like a domino effect that reaches a point of critical mass when enough mutations are created. If enough human Suits were damaged in this way, massive death of the species would occur, leading to a greater Harvesting Opportunity for the Negativity.


Massive death is a desirable outcome to the Negativity because they can move in to steal more Life Energy to make up for the loss of Life Energy from beings strengthening their Source Connection. Despite the strengthening of the Source Connection, the human body is still subject to disease and still operates within a narrow range of Code that if fundamentally altered can lead to the death of the organic body.


The Code Killer Suit Mutations were ready to be inserted into babies developing in the womb, causing the first wave of lethal Spiritual Genetic Code mutation.


The Current Status of this Attack Potential

Source Interventions have been able to stop The Code Killer Suits from being linked to babies in the womb and eliminate the ability of the contingent of the Negativity that was working this part of The Covid Attack to stage such an attack. The Mutated Suits were eliminated and the Source-Given Code in the Spiritual Core was used to regenerate The Spiritual Intelligence System for these beings and their three Energy Bodies. The Spiritual Core was then sealed off from invasion and the damage cleared from it.


Not more than 5 of these cases reached the point at which a Mutated Suit was ready to be linked to a foetus developing in the womb.  There were 5 more that were in the final stages of being formed into Mutated Suits.


All of the Suits targeted to become carriers of this Killer Suit Mutation have been rehabilitated and no more of these kinds of mutations can now occur from this kind of attack.


This part of the attack is an example of the ruthless tactics of the Negativity at this point in The Transition.  They are going for broke on this planet and wanting to create massive death in whatever way they can.


While Source Interventions have successfully stopped these attempts, I don't think that we have seen the last of this kind of effort.  Covid is a part of a larger, ongoing strategy to decimate The Global Community.  I describe this larger attempt in an upcoming section.




The Attack on The Central Nervous System 

Working alongside the attacks described above has been another kind of attack that is aimed at getting the Suit into a Disconnect Rhythm that throws it off of The Rhythm of Life that it needs to remain Source-Connected at this point in The Transition. This attack has also been stopped by Source Interventions.


The virus was given Spiritual Code to enter the Physical Body and build an extensive Energy Network to support its activities in the body. This Network was made from the energy of Ill Will, one of the most toxic and low vibrational energies in the Creation. This Network dropped the Suit to the lower vibrational levels at which the Negativity could board it and do their worst.


Once the Network was built, the virus then attached through this Energy Network to a Negative Suit Implant that was created by the Negativity to come in-between the Subtle Body and the Physical Body. The Subtle Body is the Energy Body closest to the Physical Body. It was designed to be the model for how the Physical Body is to function optimally. It was to send suggestions and prompts about how to function through an Energy Interface created by the Source to the Physical Body. The Physical Body was hardwired to accept whatever came through this Energy Interface.


The Negative Suit Implant was composed of parasitic Mutated Code that enabled it to live off of the Life Energies in the Source-Created Energy Interface. Once it was implanted in the Energy Interface, it began sending signals to the Physical Body. Since the Physical Body was designed to accept suggestions and prompts from the Subtle Body coming through the Energy Interface, it became confused when the Negative Suit Implant began sending signals to it through the Energy Interface. It then began to accept whatever came from the Energy Interface. This was the perfect in for the Negativity since the Physical Body began following the lead of the Negative Suit Implant.


The way that the Suit Implant works for the Negativity to derange Suit functioning is through mimicing dysfunctional Suit functioning with the intent of influencing the Physical Body to function in a like manner.  It does this primarily through running the Rhythm of the kind of mutated Suit functioning that it wants the Physical Body to replicate on the organic level. 


The Negativity sends instructions to the Suit Implant which then works to influence the Physical Body to develop diseases, mental and emotional disorders, and to take actions that are self destructive and destroy the lives of other Suits. It couples this with suggestive images to the Suit itself which, if the Suit buys into them, accelerate the process.


In this part of The Covid Attack, the look alike Central Nervous System of the Suit Implant was sent irregular electrical signals that disrupted the Spiritual Rhythm of The Central Nervous System of the Physical Body. When the Rhythm of the Physical Body was totally disrupted, then a Disconnect Rhythm was introduced to the Suit Implant and then to the Physical Body. This Disconnect Rhythm disconnected the Physical Body from The Rhythm of Life that is needed to maintain the Source Connection. 


Once Source Support was cut off, the Negativity moved in to swap out the energy of The Central Nervous System of the Physical Body for the energy of a Central Nervous System Implant that could not connect to the Spiritual Intelligence System of the Suit. They then connected up The Central Nervous System Implant to a Mutated Spiritual Intelligence System, disconnecting the Suit in its entirety from its Source-Created Spiritual Intelligence System.


This effectively disengaged the Physical Body from the Source-Created Spiritual Intelligence System. In most cases the Source-Created Intelligence System fired back on the Mutated Spiritual Intelligence System but the Negativity used the virus to connect up to the Source-Created Intelligence System and torpedo it, shattering its ability to defend the Suit.


The Mutated Spiritual Intelligence System then took over running the Suit. It systematically broke down Suit defenses to allow for the harvesting of all of the Life Energies of the Suit in the Physical Body and in the three Spiritual Bodies.


The harvesting objectives for this attack also included using the Suits running the Disconnect Rhythm to throw off other Suits running a Source-Given Rhythm of Life. This enabled the Negativity to move in and attack The Central Nervous System of the Suits that were disrupted in this way even if they are not affected by the virus.


Only Suits that were running The Rhythm of Life at a 10.6 out of a possible 10.10 have been able to deflect this kind of attack and prevent the loss of the energy of their Source-Given Central Nervous System. Those running this high of a Rhythm of Life had also begun to dissolve the Suit Implant which could not maintain its functionality in the higher vibrational level to which Suits running a higher level of The Rhythm of Life were achieving.


The damage to those who have lost their Rhythm of Life and who have been implanted with a Mutated Central Nervous System and run by a Mutated Spiritual Intelligence System is extensive. 


The Current Status of this Attack Potential 

Source Interventions are now successfully countering this kind of attack and helping to rebuild the Suit with The Rhythm of Life and a Source-Created Central Nervous System and Spiritual Intelligence System.  The Implanted Suit has been destroyed and those damaged by being in proximity to the Disconnect Rhythm are also receiving Source Interventions to repair the damage.


The contingent of the Negativity behind this attack is still at large but is blocked from perpetrating this kind of attack on human Suits.




The Attack on the Spiritual Frequencies
of the Physical Body 

A Suit is a manifestation composed of different Spiritual Frequencies. The Source initially gave the Suit a Frequency Complex that constituted its Signature Frequency that defined it as the Source Creation that it was created to be. This Signature Frequency contained everything that defined its nature and purpose and the Miracle-Based Abilities the Suit was given by the Source to do its Mission.


Most Suits have lost their Signature Frequency many lifetimes ago due to taking on Negative Spiritual Frequencies arising from their Source-Disconnected Life. They also lost many of the Spiritual Frequencies given by the Source to sustain Perfect Health. In their place, they retained some Source-Created Frequencies and relied on many Negative Frequencies to try to sustain their health. The end result has been the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit and the social diseases that came from being off course with their true identity and purpose.


Negative Frequencies provide the Negativity with an Energy Interface to the Suit. They are like the drawbridge crossing the moat to an opening in the castle.  However fortified the Suit/castle might be, if it offers innumerable drawbridges over the moat, it is fundamentally compromising it safety.


The Covid Attack, unlike most Disease Attacks, is designed by the Negativity to not only cross the drawbridge into the castle/Suit but to destroy the Frequencies in the Suit that sustain life, substituting its Killer Frequencies in their place.  Because the health of any being is already precarious, given the loss of The Signature Frequency and most of the Perfect Health Frequencies, an attack on the remaining Frequencies that support health can easily tip the scale and transition the Suit into running The Covid Frequency. When the Suit is running The Covid Frequency, it loses its Logic of Life and begins to malfunction in massive ways that can lead to death.


One example of this malfunctioning is the derangement of The Physical Immune System which can go on overdrive and begin causing fatal levels of inflammation that lead to the failure of body organs and subsequently to death.  


The Spiritual Vitality of the Suit is founded in its ability to live off of a stable Spiritual Frequency Complex even if this Frequency Complex is not ideal. When The Covid Frequency Complex gets introduced and begins to become the Frequency Complex of the Suit, such profound derailment occurs that the Suit loses its ability to know how to fight back effectively.


Those who survive a partial take over of their Frequency Complex and finally purge Covid from their bodies do not return to their former Frequency Complex which was partially destroyed.  They remain impaired and are more likely to suffer a relapse or develop other medical problems in the future.


The Current Status of this Attack Potential

The Source Solution to this attack was to create The Frequency Disc that can be linked to the Suit. This Frequency Disc has The Signature Frequency and The Perfect Health Frequency Complex that is now needed to recover from the mutations that have impaired the Suit.


The Frequency Disc offers the Suit these Frequencies. When the Suit accepts The Frequency Disc and these Frequencies, the Frequencies build a Frequency Structure in the Suit to sustain an ongoing timed sequence of events that restore the Suit as a Source Creation. The Signature Frequency restores the Identity and Life Purpose understandings and Miracle-Based Abilities of the Suit. The Perfect Health Frequency Complex restores the Suit’s ability to prevent disease and recover from existing diseases and restore a state of Perfect Health on mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social levels.


The Frequencies activate in a timed developmental sequence. When a Frequency is fully manifested, what it manifests is a Suit correctly doing its part to restore its health and well being on every level. 


If the Suit is presented with a Frequency Complex for performing a task, the Frequency Complex will enable the Suit to perform the task correctly in the right time frame. All things that exist in a manifest form are Spiritual Frequency Complexes made manifest. This includes physical objects, thoughts, events, emotions, actions, etc. 


In the Source-Created Materialization Economy, the Source brings in Frequency Complexes and delivers them to The Frequency Disc that then delivers them to the Suit so that the Suit can do its part in participating in The Materialization Economy. The Frequency Disc doesn’t bring through the Frequencies for all of the resources needed for Perfect Health but brings through the Frequencies that enable the Suit to do its part to manifest Perfect Health. Since Perfect Health depends on having Total Abundance, The Perfect Health Frequency Complex prompts the Suit to work toward establishing a Total Abundance Way of Life for itself and for its community.


Once a Suit accepts The Frequency Disc and The Signature Frequency and The Perfect Health Frequency Complex, it can begin to counter The Covid Frequency Attack. Since The Perfect Health Frequency Complex also destroys other Negative Frequencies in the Suit since it occupies all of the space in the Suit aside from the space of The Signature Frequency, not only is The Covid Frequency eliminated but the other Negative Frequencies that are interfaces to the Negativity are also eliminated. In addition the Suit is given the perfect structure for Sustainability.  A Suit with its Signature Frequency and a Perfect Health Frequency Complex is on the Path to Sustainability in a major way.


Because it takes several years for The Perfect Health Frequency Complex to completely displace The Covid Frequency and all other Negative Frequencies, it is an ultimate solution to creating a Disease Free Life and World but not an immediate solution to The Covid Attack.


What is needed to eradicate the immediate threat of The Covid Attack replacing the Frequency Complex of the Suit is a Blue White Light Intervention.  A Blue White Light Protection Field and a Perfect Health Frequency Generator also play a part in the immediate defense of the Suit from the Covid Frequency Attack.  I discuss these more immediate methods of defending against the Frequency Attack in The Action Plan below.


Countering the Covid Frequency Attack is an important part of the work that Source-Directed Activists need to do to protect themselves and others. 




The Ongoing Attack on The Global Community

The reason that the Negativity has been so keen on getting the most mileage it can from this virus is because it is also causing economic hardships. Emotional stress and rage over losing a way of life to social distancing and loss of job opportunities generates Negative Energy which is the Energy Medium into which the Negativity can land to sow the seeds that encourage other Suit damaging activities such as addictions, domestic violence, child abuse, political violence, and the like. Since damage to the Suits furthers the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity, these secondary opportunities to damage the Suits are a very profitable side show from the virus.   


The Pandemic is a part of a larger plot by the Negativity to pull the strings of Suits worldwide to stage global war which they are hoping will erupt as people become stressed out over economic, health, and environmental issues and become willing to attack one another instead of dealing cooperatively to solve the problems. Since humans have responded with violence to stressful situations in the past, the Negativity is working all of the angles to promote this again but on a more massive scale.  


They don’t mind if nuclear war decimates everyone on the planet because the Negativity lives in Energy Suits that can survive in conditions in which Organic Suits would die. Negative Agents can prosper from massive death and relish this outcome even though it destroys their longterm Harvesting prospects. They are also capable of moving beyond the Earth Plane to harvest other forms of life throughout the Creation.


It is clear that the Negativity is using the social and economic disruption to sow the seeds of political discord that can lead to hatred between groups of people and nations. The attack on people of Chinese descent in the United States and the attack on China where the disease first surfaced are examples. Such lack of good will and a desire to work together to solve a Global Community problem instead of using the event to trigger more social discord, is a prime example of how the Negativity is laying the foundation for Global War. Global War is a primary objective on its agenda and humans must awaken to the way that they are being manipulated to carry out this agenda to their own detriment and the detriment of all life forms on the Earth.


The Current Status of this Attack Potential 

The Source Solution for this more comprehensive Harvesting Operation is to develop more extensive forms of Source Interventions and Miracle Tools which can be used by Source-Directed Activists to counter this multi-level attack on The Global Community.


The Build Heaven Project organizes the efforts of Source-Directed Activists to build Life as Heaven in order to provide an alternative to those caught in The Hell Way of Lfie that has been designed by the Negativity to promote its Harvesting Operation.


The transition out of The Brute Force Hell Economy created by the Negativity into The Materialization Heaven Economy is the next major step that needs to be taken to escape from the Frequency Range of the Hell Economy which breeds diseases such as Covid into the Frequency Range of The Materialization Economy that support Perfect Health and makes it much harder for Covid to decimate the Suit.


In The Action Plan, I provide instructions for making this transition which will not only help fight Covid but will help to defeat the Global Attack Plan of the Negativity.




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