The Gathering of All of the Prototype Communities on
January 26, 2022



The Problem with Efforts to Advance
to Heaven Agent Work Levels 3 & 4 

I spoke to an Inner Plane gathering of all of the members of the Prototype Communities today. They unanimously agreed that without major Suit repairs and upgrades they felt that they were not capable of advancing to Heaven Agent Work at Levels 3 and 4. They said that they were able to handle Level 2 but felt that they lacked the range of intelligence to work at Levels 3 and 4.


They said that they knew that the few members of their communities who were able to go to The Source Perfected World had been willing to receive major Suit repairs and upgrades and they now felt that this is the path that they needed to follow.


I agreed with them. I explained that at Heaven Agent Work Level 2 they are working with the Source through carefully maintaining a bank of Thought Forms that reflect the teachings of the Source about how to live a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. To work with this bank of Thought Forms, they have to avoid giving energy to the Thought Forms for a Story Way of Life that they still carry from their lifetimes before their birth into a Prototype Community.


I explained that when beings Disconnected from the Source in the beginning of the Creation, they dropped below the level at which their True Intelligence could be accessed by the Suit.  Most only retained about 40% of their original True Intelligence. The rest of it disintegrated. 


Instead, Suits started generating Thought Forms in their Left Brains that were attempts at using the most rudimentary levels of intelligence available to the Suit when it was operating below the level of True Intelligence.  Thought Forms are like little stories that the Suit generates to try to grasp a concept or formulate a way to remember how to perform a task.  While Thought Forms can organize thoughts and trigger emotions, self-generated stories limit the ability of the Suit to hear the Source and to process complex spiritual understandings that require that the Suit transcend all self-created stories about life and learn from the Source directly at the True Intelligence Level through Streamed-in Source Guidance. 


With only 40% True Intelligence left, Suits that tried to return to the True Intelligence Level could not process information in this Streamed-In way and fell back on creating Left Brain Stories about reality.  Socialization became a process of passing on the Stories held in different Thought Forms to the next generation. In this way, one generation could build on the knowledge of another generation.


I explained to the members of the Prototype Communities that when I first began teaching them about a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life, I sent them Source-Created Thought Forms that enabled them to expand to higher levels of Spiritual Intelligence and learn a body of ideas that could guide them in making the transition from a Self-Directed Way of Life into a Source-Directed Way of Life.  While these Source-Created Thought Forms were what the Suits were capable of processing at the time, they limited what the Suits could understand and, therefore, accomplish as a Heaven Agent.  This is because they were designed to work with the level of Suit intelligence below the True Intelligence Level through the structure of stories that are by their very nature more static and limiting compared to the free flowing intelligence available at the True Intelligence Level.  Free flowing Intelligence that is Source-Directed is capable of grasping the complexity of the Heaven Agent Work at Levels 3 and 4. No Suit operating from even Source-Created Thought Forms at Levels 1 and 2 is capable of doing this higher level work.


At this point in The Transition, it has become necessary for all beings to shift out of the lower vibrational level of the Thought Forms into the higher vibrational level of True Intelligence. True Intelligence is a level of Spiritual Intelligence that is Perfected. Spiritual Intelligence has a lower range which many beings have used to manipulate the energies of The Spiritual Level of Reality to do harm to themselves and others. An example is the use of curses and Black Magic to manifest vicious intents launched through supercharged Thought Forms that behave like automated Entities, performing the mission they were created to perform.  These Entities operate off the power of Ill Intent and are programmed with the story of the Thought Form. If this story is to attack and injure others, then this is what this automated, Entity Thought Form is capable of doing.  Since injuries to the Energy Body of the Suit can manifest as injuries to the physical body of the Suit, these Thought Form Entities can be dangerous.


True Intelligence is not corruptible and can’t be used to promote Death and Destruction. This is one of the reasons why Suits abandoned it and opted to mutate Spiritual Intelligence to serve their desire to use spiritual power to attack and harvest other beings in order to survive in the dog eat dog world that was created when Suits abandoned their connection to the Source in the beginning of the Creation.


The decision to return to True Intelligence and work only at this level is a major decision because it means not working with the Thought Forms of the Story World and also working only for one Agenda, which is to support the Total Abundance that the Source is creating. The Thought Forms of the Story World have a Self Interest Agenda at their base which is antithetical to working with the Source for the Total Abundance of all beings.


I told them that the reason that most of the members of the Prototype Communities did not rise above using Thought Forms at the time that some of their members were making the decision to transcend Thought Forms is because they had become attached to them and were unwilling to leave them behind in order to achieve Streaming-In Source Guidance. Transcending the Thought Forms meant leaving the familiarity of their Thought Form based way of life.


The members who were able to enter into The Source Perfected World were willing to work with me to achieve a Big Picture understanding of what was happening in the Creation.  As a result of their willingness to think outside of the box of the Heaven Reality of their life in a Prototype Community, I was able to explain to them that even the Prototype Communities would not survive The Transition if members did not regain the full range of their True Intelligence and transcend their attachment to their Thought Form based Heaven Way of Life, which had become a kind of comfort zone for them.  


I explained that when this small group of Heaven Agents saw the handwriting on the wall, they understood that although transcending above the range of a Prototype Community would be challenging, they were investing in securing their Source Connection and with it their ongoing place in the Creation. They understood that when the Implementation Aspect leaves for the Source Level, the support for a Prototype Community will come to an end.  Unless members of the Prototype Community are prepared to leave for The Source Perfected World, they will be without the protection of a Prototype Community and without the preparation needed to qualify for entry into The Source Perfected World. 


I explained to the Prototype Communities in the gathering that their sense that they were unable to advance without a greater level of Intelligence was because of their Disconnection from the Source prior to their birth into a Prototype Community.  I told them that the 40% of their True Intelligence that had been lost would have to be replaced or they couldn't return to the True Intelligence Level and receive Streamed-In Source Guidance. I explained that they need to work with me to regain the True Intelligence that they have lost.


They agreed to receive the Source Support that I offered them to recover their True Intelligence even if it meant that they had to transcend the Thought Form level. They understood that however helpful the Source-Created Thought Forms had been in enabling them to build their Heaven Way of Life, it was time to graduate from the Thought Form Level to the True Intelligence Level. 



The True Intelligence Download

I was able to Download their missing True Intelligence in two stages. In Stage One I was able to give them 40% of what they were missing. The Download process then ran into interference and could not proceed. Their Suits were creating a kind of current turbulence that was blocking the remaining 60% that they needed. They said that it was coming from their negative emotions that they used to have prior to becoming members of a Prototype Community. Although these negative emotions were not being given energy by them, the negative programming for these emotions was generating a subtle level of current that was disturbing the energies of their Suits so that the True Intelligence couldn’t land.


They agreed to release these negative emotions.  I was then able to land the remaining 60% of their True Intelligence.


Without these negative emotions the Thought Forms in the Thought Form Level dissolved and these Heaven Agents shifted into processing Streaming-In Source Guidance through their True Intelligence.  



The Additional Support that Is Needed

I then explained to them that although their Miracle Self had helped them to become the miracles that they were created to be, they needed to provide additional support to their Suits to achieve Ultimate Sustainability.  Part of this additional support had been given to them through the gift of a Total Abundance Identity. This Identity can override malfunctioning in the Suit that causes it to continue old patterns instead of learning new ways of functioning that are needed for the Suit to achieve Sustainability.  


They had already agreed to this Total Abundance Identity when it came through last week and said that it helped them to realize that they needed to request to follow in the footsteps of the members of their Prototype Communities who had made it into The Source Perfected World. Without it they said that they might still be focused on enjoying their way of life and not realizing that they were in ultimate jeopardy if they didn’t make changes.


The Total Abundance Identities in their Suits also added that they had helped the Suits to get rid of two Self-Created Thought Forms that had led to the Suits developing an attachment to the Source-Created Thought Forms. This attachment to the Source-Created Thought Forms and the Heaven Way of Life that had come from it had to end with their release of two Thought Forms. When these Thought Forms were willingly destroyed by them they became fully ready to make the change and willing to let go of anything that the Source felt was putting them at risk.


I then introduced them to two new kinds of Source Support that the Source has just brought through. One is a Linking Intelligence in the Heart Chakra of the Suit and the other is a Linking Intelligence in the Auric Field of the Suit. I explained that these Linking Intelligences know what endangers their Source Link, which is their Source Connection, and will alert the Suit to changes that need to be made to protect the Source Connection.


They gladly received these Linking Intelligences and are now working at Level 3 and some of them are accelerating to Level 4. Their work will help Heaven Agents working outside of a Prototype Community to learn from their experiences and to follow in their footsteps.



Similar Source Support Needs to Be Requested by
Heaven Agents Outside of the Prototype Communities  

Although the Prototype Communities are the most advanced Heaven Agents in The Original Creation, they too were held back by Suit problems that needed to be fixed. The same kind of Interventions are needed by other Manifest Beings working in The Original Creation.


The Total Abundance Identity, The True Intelligence Download, and the two Linking Intelligences do not require Material Energy to ground. They are delivered by Source Will Interventions that operate beyond the range of miracles.  Only miracles require Material Energy to ground.


Those who want to follow in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities need to ask the Source, in their own inner mind, for the gift of these forms of Source Support.  Only then will they have the ability to retain their Sustainability during the upcoming stages of The Transition which will require that Suits make it to Level 4 and work from this level to Build Heaven in their lives and world.